Planning Matters June 2008

Planning Matters June 2008

Planning matters for the meeting of 16th June 2008Plans to be considered:

BI/08/02108/DOM - Locks End House, Lock Lane, PO20 7BB - garage

BI/08/02179/FUL - Widdicombe, Main Road, PO20 7BY - replace with new two-storey dwelling

Decisions made since the last meeting to be ratified:
BI/08/02109/DOM - Cornerways House, 15, Greenacres, Birdham PO20 7HL - Two storey side extension - The Council has NO OBJECTION to this revised application.

Premier Business Park, Birdham Road, Birdham

(Note that the address was given as Appledram on the copy we had. That is wrong)

This is an amended application for a change of use from office space to car sales showroom. The unit forms part of Premier Business Park, involves no change to the exterior appearance of the building, and the Council has NO OBJECTION to the application. We would draw the attention of the Planning Officer to the fact that some of the car parking shown had already been part of a previous application on this site and there may be double-counting here. There is abuse of the conditions on parking on this site. We have pointed out previously that, contrary to conditions, the adjacent motorhomes business displays vehicles for sale in what was allocated as car parking and the boat business (which belongs to the applicant) is now parking boats on the car parking at the side of one of the units. We also hope that the conditions will include an environmental plan and limitations on advertising, which have also been the source of local irritation on this site.
CDC Decisions:

BI/08/01165/DOM - 16, Walwyn Close, PO 20 7SR - Rear extension with rooms in roof above - PERMIT

BI/08/00583/DOM - Coombers Barn Farm, Birdham Road, PO20 7BX - erection of steel and glass balustrade over sun room - PERMIT

BI/08/01560/DOM - Moorings, Cherry Lane, PO20 7AR - single storey extension, internal alterations and "conservatory styled" addition - PERMIT

BI/08/01776/DOM - Rose Petal House, Crooked Lane, PO20 7HB - single storey flank and rear extension - PERMIT