Planning Matters 22nd May 2019

Planning Matters 22nd May 2019

The following planning applications and delegated decision have just been received. Representations, if any, should be received by CDC by the 12th June 2019.


BI/19/01219/FUL - Case Officer: James Gellini - Mr D Finnamore Broomer Farm  Lock Lane Birdham PO20 7AX

Erection of 1 no. barn for storage and garaging.

BI/19/01311/TPA - Case Officer: Henry Whitby - Mr M Oliver Moorings Westlands Estate Birdham Chichester

Crown thin by 10% on 3 no. Pine trees within Group, G1 subject to BI/14/00188/TPO.

BI/19/01319/ELD - Case Officer: James Gellini - Mr & Mrs Kings Plovers Cottage  Batchmere Road Birdham PO20 7LJ

Use of building for B1(c) purposes, namely as a willow workshop.


BI/19/01147/TPA Mr Richard Stibbs - Former Rowan Nursery Bell Lane Birdham Chichester West Sussex PO20 7HY

Removal of 1 no. branch at 1.5m (above ground level) extending southwards on 1 no. Monterey Pine tree (quoted as no. 14) within Group, G1 subject to BI/83/00023/TPO. WITHDRAWN