Planning Matters 22nd May 2019
The following planning applications and delegated decision have just been received. Representations, if any, should be received by CDC by the 12th June 2019.
BI/19/01219/FUL - Case Officer: James Gellini - Mr D Finnamore Broomer Farm Lock Lane Birdham PO20 7AX
Erection of 1 no. barn for storage and garaging.
BI/19/01311/TPA - Case Officer: Henry Whitby - Mr M Oliver Moorings Westlands Estate Birdham Chichester
Crown thin by 10% on 3 no. Pine trees within Group, G1 subject to BI/14/00188/TPO.
BI/19/01319/ELD - Case Officer: James Gellini - Mr & Mrs Kings Plovers Cottage Batchmere Road Birdham PO20 7LJ
Use of building for B1(c) purposes, namely as a willow workshop.
BI/19/01147/TPA Mr Richard Stibbs - Former Rowan Nursery Bell Lane Birdham Chichester West Sussex PO20 7HY
Removal of 1 no. branch at 1.5m (above ground level) extending southwards on 1 no. Monterey Pine tree (quoted as no. 14) within Group, G1 subject to BI/83/00023/TPO. WITHDRAWN