Minutes Jan 2004

Minutes Jan 2004

Minutes of the Meeting held on 19th January 2004 at 7pm in Birdham Village Hall

Present: Cllr Tilbury; Cllr Mrs Parks; Cllr Mrs Baillieu; Cllr Ms Huskisson; Cllr Drew; Cllr Churchill; Cllr Mrs Rees

In attendance: The Clerk and a member of the press.

93-03cl. Apologies for absence were received from: Cllr Kyte (working away) and Cllr Meynell (returning from holiday).

94-03cl. Approve and sign the Minutes of the Meeting held on 15th December 2003 It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Parks and seconded by Cllr Drew RESOLVED that the Minutes be approved and signed by the Chairman.

95-03cl. Matters arising from the Minutes dated 15th December 2003

i) Min 84-03cl iii) Trees overhanging Footpath 37 – the Clerk reported that she had written to Herongate and was awaiting a reply.

ii) Min 85-03cl iii) Speed Indicator Devices - the Clerk has contacted the Sussex Safety Camera Partnership about the SIDs and has been told that there is at present a waiting list, but more SIDs are being purchased. An operator will visit Birdham in due course. If the Council wishes to buy a SID it will cost around £3000. This was noted.

iii) Min 85-03cl Footpath 56 modification – the signs have been on the notice boards since 18th December and the Clerk has not received any comments on this. Cllr Mrs Rees reported that there is no need to comment on this, but there is a question whether it is in Birdham anyway.

iv) Min 85-03cl c ii) Safer, Quieter Rural Roads Conference on 28th February – to confirm those attending. The Clerk has sent off the form to say that two representatives would attend from the Council and she will confirm names later this month. It was agreed that Cllr Drew and Cllr Churchill will attend.

96-03cl. Clerk’s Report including:

a) WSCC reports, highways and correspondence

i) The Council has been informed about a cash-back incentive scheme for Real Nappies. The leaflet has been placed in the Correspondence file for councillors to read. The Clerk will ask for posters to put on notice boards.

ii) Rights of Way Improvement Plan Survey – comments are welcome from parish councils and individuals, but preferably someone who uses the rights of way for at least one activity – Cllr Mrs Parks, Cllr Ms Huskisson and Cllr Mrs Rees agreed to read it and complete the survey for the Council.

iii) West Sussex Structure Plan 2001-2016: Proposed Modifications – Comments are needed by 20th February, so could be sent in after next meeting on 9th February. Cllr Tilbury had looked at the document for the Council. He tabled comments on this. The decision not to improve the A27 has led to the County deciding not to use the land south of A27 until that improvement has been made. Where that will be is now dependent on Local Plan. Council is being asked to support or object to the plan. It was agreed that the Chairman consult with other chairs on Manhood and District and County Councillors and bring recommendations to February meeting.

iv) West Sussex Transport plan has been received and passed to Cllr Mrs Rees as agreed at the last meeting. It was agreed to defer discussion of this to the February meeting.

b) CDC reports including correspondence

i) Site visits by Council officers researching potential sites for development – surveying may take place within the parish in the next six months. Also, if councillors are aware of previously developed sites within the settlement areas of the parish Keith Morgan would like to know – e.g. vacant and derelict sites, flats over shops and re-use of empty homes. This was noted.

ii) The Council has been sent a copy of the revised District Council Emergency Plan to replace the existing one. This was passed to Cllr Mrs Parks who will destroy the previous plan.

iii) The Council has received copies of the Minutes of the December meeting of the Peninsula Community Forum. The Clerk has passed copies to the councillors concerned and placed a copy in the correspondence file for information.

iv) Advance warning has been given about the Annual Meeting with the Parishes to be held on Wednesday 21st April 2004 in the Council Chamber at East Pallant House from 6-9 pm, including a buffet. Up to two representatives may attend. Cllr Tilbury and Cllr Churchill agreed to attend for the Council.

v) Role of the Parish Council in the Planning Process – The Council has been invited to attend this training in order to help with their role in planning matters. The course will be run twice, on Wenesday 11th February and Thursday 25th March from 6 to 8.30 pm. Councils may send up to four representatives to each meeting. Numbers but not at this stage names, are required by 2nd February. The following agreed to attend on 11th February: Cllr Drew, Cllr Tilbury, and Cllr Churchill and Cllr Baillieu and the following on 25th March: Cllr Parks; Cllr Huskisson.

c) Other related matters

i) The Community Information Service has sent further information including a poster to go on a notice board. This was noted.

ii) Action in Rural Sussex has sent the Council a number of documents about Village Halls – it was agreed that the Chairman and Vice-Chairman should read these and report back to the next meeting when relevant information could be placed in the correspondence file.

iii) The Council has been informed about an application to change the licensee at the Bell Inn. The Council decided not to comment on the proposed change.

iv) The Clerk wished to inform the Council that she has now been officially appointed as Clerk to West Itchenor Council as well as Birdham. There may be some financial benefits for Birdham as she will charge West Itchenor for the use of Birdham’s photocopier and also a share of the rental of the telephone line.

97-03cl. Planning matters including CDC decisions:

A paper detailing planning matters had been circulated to all councillors:

Plans to be considered by the Council:

BI/03/03476/DOM – Mr and Mrs K Watson, Ashbrook, Burlow Close, Birdham PO20 7ES – single storey, pitched roof rear extension. It was proposed by Cllr Drew and seconded by Cllr Churchill RESOLVED NO OBJECTION.

BI/04/00034/FUL – CEA Settlement Trust, Birdham Road, Chichester PO20 7BT – Change of use to offices (amendment to approved scheme) – unit at Elmstead. It was agreed to postpone the decision on this for further enquiries.

BI/04/00049/FUL – Mr and Mrs S Crossley, Birdham Fruit Farm, Lock Lane, Birdham PO20 7AU – Demolition of existing dwelling and outbuildings, replacement dwelling, garaging, boatstore and stable. It was agreed to postpone the decision on this for further enquiries.

BI/04/00056/DOM – Mr and Mrs R Meynell, Broomfield Studio, Lock Lane, Birdham PO20 7BA – single storey rear extension and garage. It was proposed by Cllr Tilbury and seconded by Cllr Churchill RESOLVED NO OBJECTION.

CDC Decisions

BI/03/03089/DOM – Mr M Holmes, Belland House, Main Road, Birdham PO20 7BY – detached garage – REFUSE

BI/03/03310/DOM – Mr and Mrs S Nunns, re North Cottage, Sidlesham Lane, Birdham PO20 7QL – amendment to previously approved plans to show garage converted and new double garage – REFUSE

BI/03/02203/FUL – Mr K Steele re Pinks Ltd – subdivision and refurbishment of existing factory into 3 no. separate units for B1(c). Use of 2 no. units for BI/B8 purposes. 1 no. unit for the sale, display and maintenance of motor homes - PERMIT

BI/03/02563/FUL – R Phillips, Russells Garden Centre, Main Road, Birdham PO20 7BY – Single storey extension- PERMIT

BI/03/03029/TPA – Mr and Mrs A Grisdale – 31 Walwyn Close, Birdham PO20 7SR – Reduce the south and eastern sectors by up to 3, and the north and western sectors by up to 1 m on 1 no. Oak Tree (T4) subject to TPO/28/BI – GRANT CONSENT

BI/03/02968/TPA – W Stirland Ltd, re 32, Walwyn Close, Birdham PO20 7SR – Remove lower branches overhanging garage back to a convenient growing point on 1 no. Oak tree (T3). Also remove 4 no. small branches to lift the lower part of 1 no. Oak tree (T1). Both trees are subject to TPO/28/BI – GRANT CONSENT

BI/03/03009/TPA – W Stirland Ltd re 22A Longmeadow Gardens, Birdham – Remove 1 no. branch on Black Poplar tree (T15) subject to TPO/27/BI – GRANT CONSENT

Plans considered by the Council since the last meeting to be ratified:

BI/03/02203/FUL – former Pinks Site – amended application – remind District Planners that they specifically requested an environmental plan for this site when approving original application since development lies within AONB and Council fears visual impact into landscape of security fencing – otherwise NO OBJECTION

BI/03/03310/DOM – Mr and Mrs S Nunns, North Cottage, Sidlesham Lane, Birdham – amendment to show garage converted and new double garage – OBJECT on grounds that curtilage of original development has been extended north into what was an open field. Lies outside SPA so need for more than just convenience for extension. Despite plan for new hedging and trees for new boundary, concern that may lead to further applications in future to develop field north of property. Could waive this concern if enforceable covenants entered into on this. Close proximity of garage to house may encourage future applications to join the two together which Council likely to oppose. Entrance to property has been re-sited – new site floods after heavy rain so ask for it to be tied to provision of a ditch culverted under the entrance.

BI/03/03355/DOM – Mr L Williams, Seagulls, Cherry Lane, Birdham – Bay window- NO OBJECTION

It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Rees and seconded by Cllr Ms Huskisson RESOLVED to ratify these decisions.

From the Area Planning Manager:

The Council has been sent a copy of a letter from the Area Planning Manager to the County Highway Authority in which he supports the suggestion made by Birdham Parish Council that in granting permission for the re-development of the Pinks site the existing 40 mph limit be extended northwards to beyond the site.

The Enforcement Officer has told the Chairman that a Planning Control Notice has been issued in respect of the non-permitted path at Broomers Farm.

98-03cl. Correspondence
Correspondence to be circulated includes:

· WSCC Forward Plan of Key Decisions Jan 2004- April 2004
· WSCC Forward Plan of Key Decisions Feb 2004 – May 2004
· NALC Local Council Review Jan 2004
· WSCC Up to £30 cash back for using cotton nappies
· Children Now January 2004 (2 editions)
· West Sussex Health and Social Care NHS Trust Winter 2003
· WSCC Connections Jan 2004
· Play Today Jan/Feb 2004
· Chichester Harbour Conservancy News and Guide 2004
· Clerks and Councils Direct January 2004
· Radical 2003/4

99-03cl. Reports:

i) Village Hall – the Chairman reported that he has produced an update for Andrew Tyrie and copied it to Louise Beaton. The Village Hall committee will need to hold another fund-raising event and wondered whether to cooperate with the Church over a possible fete in the summer. Councillors were asked to think of ideas for this. The Chairman has spoken to the Chairman of the Glenister-Woodger Charitable Trust in West Wittering, and he has indicated that they might look favourably on an application for funds towards parts of the Village Hall restoration which will benefit the Nursery Group as their Trust is for the benefit of the residents of West Wittering, some of whom use the Birdham Nursery, including the current Chair of the Nursery Committee.

ii) Play Area Report and Playing Field – The playing field is currently flooded. The Play area is in good order.

iii) Village Green and Pond – the Chairman has heard that contracts have now been exchanged on the field opposite the church and expects to hear from our Solicitor, David Fanchi, when the transfer of the pond to the Council will take place. The pond flooded the road during recent bad weather but all culverts are clear and have been cleared several times. The quantity of water was unusual. Other sites which have been flooded have been reported to the Vice-Chairman.

iv) Footpaths and bridleways – nothing further to report.
v) Neighbourhood Watch – Cmdr Clarke has contacted the Clerk and has nothing to report.

100-03cl. Finance A Financial Situation Report had been circulated to all councillors.

Payments made since the last meeting to be ratified:

Standing order to Saskia Heasman (December salary) 377.30

Standing order to GE Capital Equipment (photocopier, inc 13.93 VAT) 93.52

Receipts, current account: Refund of charge on transfer 5.00

Receipts, Village Hall account: Interest (11.34) and VH raffle
(1232.79) 1244.13

Receipts, BRA: Interest 14.21

Payments to be considered:

Mrs Geary, litter, January 65.00

Southern Electric plc (electricity for street lights, inc. 4.49 VAT) 94.45

Clerk’s Expenses: see separate sheet, inc. 11.17 VAT 88.03

The £5 refund was charged in error to the BRA when notice was given to transfer money last month. The Clerk has given notice to the bank to transfer £1000 from the BRA to meet this month’s bills and to have a little in hand for any which arise before the next meeting. At the same time the £81.08 cost of printing the raffle tickets has been transferred from the VH account to the current account to balance the books. The Clerk has sent off the National Savings Account book to have the interest made up for the past year and hopes this will be returned in time for it to be reported to the next meeting.

It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Baillieu and seconded by Cllr Drew RESOLVED to approve the financial report.
There has been a request for payment for renewal of the domain name “Birdham.org.uk”. It appears to cost $40 for two years to renew. If the Council so wishes the Clerk will renew by credit card and e-mail and reclaim the cost from the Council next month. She will need to contact Clive Loseby to obtain his password in order to renew. It was proposed by Cllr Tilbury and seconded by Cllr Mrs Parks RESOLVED to renew the domain name.

101-03cl Reports of meetings attended by Councillors There were no reports.

102-03cl. To consider any urgent matters which the Chairman may wish to lay before the Council

i) A number of people have brought to his attention the failure of light 102 on Birdham Straight opposite the end of Church Lane since December 8th. The light was in fact damaged but he is assured by WSCC that it will be repaired by the end of this week. He commented on the time it had taken.

ii) The fingerpost at the junction of Church Lane and Crooked Lane is damaged so that it is easy to rotate the sign. WSCC will not be able to do anything about it till the new financial year but we could find out about doing it ourselves.

iii) The Council budgeted for “dragons’ teeth” to deter motorists from parking on the grass at this same junction. WSCC have now offered to put up two-foot high white posts and feel this might be less open to litigation. The Chairman has accepted on the Council’s behalf.

iv) The war memorial in the churchyard is worn and John Fitzmaurice will be seeking a grant from the Friends of War Memorials to redo the lettering. The Chairman has said the Council might offer limited support.

v) The Chairman has been told that the chances of Birdham Straight being resurfaced this year have risen from 60:40 to at least 80:20.

vi) The Chairman had been asked to seek an opinion from WSCC about the brambles on the south side of Westlands Lane for about fifty yards westwards which were impeding walkers. The Inspector said the brambles were not too bad but he was concerned about flooding there and will be contacting landowners about the possibility of digging a ditch at this point. He has been given one name.

vii) The Council was invited to join in congratulating Clive Loseby and others on the success of their campaign to bring broadband to Birdham telephone exchange. This is particularly good news for the large number of small businesses in the Parish.

viii) The Council was also invited to join in congratulating Lucy Knappet of Bell Lane, who is the current Chair of the Chichester Youth Council and organises a wide range of community activities for young people, on winning a £500 bursary from Witterings Lions Club. It was agreed to invite her to attend a Council meeting and speak to the Council.

ix) The Clerk has had an e-mail via the website from a Mr Kewell in Scotland whose great grandfather was born in Birdham in 1820. He asked about the name Kewell’s Corner. Robin Stirland was able to confirm that Kewell’s Farm had stood on the site.

x) Part of the Canal is in Birdham parish, and the dredging work is now completed. The hedge which has been disputed is actually only about 40 years old and not of any special merit. The Canal Trust is waiting for a hedgerow plan from CDC. The muddy banks will be re-seeded with grass and wild flower mix. A new reed bed will be planted at Thorney island by the Harbour Conservancy and some more will be planted in new lakes under mineral extraction.plan.

103-03cl. Public Session Quality Councils – Bob Norris has asked for the local fora to be pro-active and to discuss this issue. Small councils are most under threat. Quality councils can have delegated powers, those which are not may be disadvantaged. Eventually non-Quality councils may not be able to levy precepts. Study required by Clerk is 40 hours which is a lot of their time.

Entrance to Greenacres and problem of rubbish – chairman of Greenacres residents spoke to the person concerned who was upset and said she would get her gardener to deal with it.

Rubbish from building site at Broomers Farm is causing problems.
Cllr Drew asked if the Council would be interested in bringing some people into a possible village fete collaboration. It will be raised at the Village Hall Committee.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 9.05 pm