Minutes December 2004

Minutes December 2004

Minutes of the Meeting held on 20th December 2004 at 7pm in Birdham Village Hall

Present: Cllr Tilbury; Cllr Ms Huskisson; Cllr Drew; Cllr Mrs Baillieu; Cllr Churchill; Cllr Meynell; Cllr Mrs Rees; Cllr Mrs Parks

In attendance: The Clerk; District Cllr Davies; County Cllr Daws-Chew and one member of the public.

81-04cl. Apologies for absence: were received from District Cllr Jones and Bob Norris

82-04cl. To approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on 15th November 2004 It was proposed by Cllr Churchill and seconded by Cllr Meynell RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 15th November 2004 and that they be signed by the Chairman.

83-04cl. Matters arising from the Minutes dated 15th November 2004
i) Min 74-04cl b ii) Code of Conduct Training - the Clerk had attended this along with Cllr Drew and Cllr Mrs Baillieu. The Clerk tabled a written report, and suggested that it be discussed at the next meeting when all councillors had had a chance to read the report.
ii) Min 73-04cl a (i) Cllr Tilbury reported on West Sussex Waste Local Plan - there is nothing of great note in it. It is a fining down of the objectives of the Waste Local Plan. It covers all kinds of areas, but nothing of significance to the Parish of Birdham. However, proposals for Energy from Waste must be seen as part of a total programme, but will not be considered until 2015 at earliest.
iii) Min 80-04cl Newsletter - It was decided to put out a new one in April before the Annual meeting to encourage people to attend that.
iv) Problems at East Head - the Chairman has received a long letter about this, and has responded that he would bring it to the Council's attention. Cllr Daws-Chew reported that the Residents' Association of West Wittering held a meeting recently and 200 people attended. Andrew Tyrie MP attended and talked about his contacts with Elliot Morley, Junior Environment Minister and Brian Peters who has contacts with John Prescott and his office. WSCC are taking an interest because of over a million visitors each year to southern half of the Harbour. The marine industries in the Harbour are estimated to be worth well over £2 million pounds a year. There is a hope that English Nature will begin to change its position on this.

84-04cl. Clerk's Report
a) WSCC Reports, highways matters and correspondence
i) WSCC and Highways Agency - Chichester Area and A27 Transport Proposals - the Clerk has received a batch of these for the Parish Council who should have had them as individuals anyway.
Councillors have also been invited by Donnington Parish Council to attend a presentation by WSCC at Donnington Church Hall on Monday 24th January 2005 at 7pm. It was decided that all councillors who are available should try to attend this meeting.
ii) WSCC Environment and Development have sent a copy of "Your Guide to Road Safety in West Sussex" and details of the Young Drivers' Skills courses for information, which have been placed in the correspondence file.
iii) The Council has been sent a copy of the Stakeholder Consultation 2004 - local Transport Plan 2006-2016. Comments are needed by the end of January. Cllr Mrs Rees agreed to look at this for the Council.

b) CDC reports including correspondence
i) The Council has been asked to comment on the Local Development Framework by completing the questionnaire in the back of Initiatives by the end of December. It was agreed that the Clerk should do this for the Council.
ii) The Clerk has been informed that there will be a special meeting of the Annual Meeting with the Parishes to be held on Thursday 17th February at 7pm, at East Pallant House with a buffet supper from 6pm. Two councillors may attend for the parish. It was agreed that Cllr Tilbury and Cllr Churchill (reserve Cllr Meynell) should attend this meeting.
iii) CDC has sent guidance on the production of a Parish Plan - the Clerk agreed to keep this until it was required.

c) Other related matters
i) Wannop and Fox have written to ask if the Council has any comments to make about a New Restaurant licence being applied for by Russells Garden Centre. It was decided to make no comment.
ii) Action in Rural Sussex have asked the Council to complete a questionnaire about facilities for Children and Young People in the parish, and to return it by 21st January. Cllr Mrs Baillieu agreed to complete this for the Council.
iii) Sussex Safety Camera Partnership has sent some calendars to be used within the parish. There are also some "Back off" stickers for cars for any councillor who would like one. More of both these can be available if required. The Clerk had left them on the table for any councillor to take.
iv) Scottish and Southern Energy have written to ask if the Council would be having Christmas lighting this year - the Clerk has replied that they would not.
v) MMVS have sent their Christmas newsletter, and it has been placed in the correspondence file.
vi) In reply to a letter the Clerk wrote to a number of residents of Cherry Lane about the state of the ditch along Birdham Straight which borders their homes, one resident has replied that he feels that the ditch has not changed in the 19 years that he has been living there.
vii) The Standards Board for England has sent a single copy of a booklet entitled "Local Investigations" to explain the workings of the Monitoring Officer. The Clerk will keep this booklet and councillors can borrow it if they wish. They have also sent a copy for each councillor of the booklet "Lobby Groups, Dual-hatted members and the Code of Conduct". These have been tabled.
viii) The Clerk has obtained a copy of the Countryside Agency's booklet "A Guide to becoming a Quality Council" for each councillor at no cost to the Council. These have also been tabled.
ix) A number of documents have been received from SALC. They will be placed in the correspondence for Councillors to read. There is also a new set of conditions of service for clerks which have been received from SLCC and will come into effect from April 2005, and the Clerk will ask the Chairman to read them. There is also information about training on the Licensing Act 2003 on 26th or 27th January, and training courses for Advanced Councillors on 18-20 February 2005 and for New Councillors on 28-30 January 2005. Councillors who are interested in any of these courses should contact the Clerk.
x) SERPA (South-East Regional Play Association) has written to ask whether the Council would consider making a voluntary contribution of £20 towards their expenses for 2005/6. After discussion it was decided not to do so.
xi) Karen Griffin has emailed the Clerk to ask whether there is any progress on the problems at Claytons Corner. The Chairman is actively pursuing this, and will reply to Karen.

85-04cl. Planning
A planning report has been circulated to all councillors.

Plans considered since the last meeting to be ratified:

BI/04/04002/DOM - Mr and Mrs M Wigmore re Westlands Holt, Westlands, Birdham PO20 7HJ - Alteration and extension of existing building - NO OBJECTION

BI/04/04079/LBC - Mr D Jennings, Mill House Farm, Sidlesham Lane, Birdham - Internal alterations to form deck and staircase - NO OBJECTION

BI/04/04170/DOM - Mr and Mrs MH Robinson, Mariners, Court Barn Lane, Birdham PO20 7BQ - 2 storey extension and alterations to single storey extension -NO OBJECTION

BI/04/04007/FUL - Chichester Yacht Club, Chichester Marina, Birdham PO20 7EL - erection of temporary building during construction period for rebuilding of original clubhouse - NO OBJECTION

It was proposed by Cllr Drew and seconded by Cllr Mrs Rees RESOLVED to ratify the decisions made since the last meeting.

CDC Decisions

BI/04/02845/FUL - BA Peters PLC, Chichester Marina, Birdham - Single storey extension to provide additional office accommodation and hospitality suite, together with external fire escape stairway - PERMIT

BI/04/03646/FUL - Mrs EJC Hoolahan, Farthings, Westlands, Birdham PO20 7HJ - Extension and roof modifications, relocation of existing timber garage and sub-division of property to form two cottages - REFUSE

BI/04/03489/DOM - Mr and Mrs M Trice, Dyke Cottage, Lock Lane, Birdham PO20 7BB - Two storey extension to side and rear with double garage - PERMIT

BI/04/03788/COU - PCC of St James Church - Change of use of strip of land at edge of cricket field to use as an extension to existing churchyard - PERMIT

Plans to be considered

BI/04/04304/DOM - Mr and Mrs C Henry, Cornerstones, Pescotts Close, Birdham PO20 7HD - Rear extension and roof extension and construction of dormer on rear elevation. It was proposed by Cllr Meynell and seconded by Cllr Mrs Rees RESOLVED NO OBJECTION.

A questions was asked about the road entrance to Broomers Farm - this is continually being used - Chairman has contacted the enforcement officer on this and will do so again and the culverting of the ditch. Also Birdham Fruit Farm has defined a line for his drive which is still subject to appeal.

86-04cl. Correspondence

Correspondence to be circulated includes:

WSCC - Guide to Road Safety in Sussex and Learn to drive like the Professionals
SALC - County Circular and various other papers.
Your Health - a Guide to Services and Annual Review 2003-4
WSCC - Forward Plan of Key Decisions December 2004-March 2005 and January 2005- April 2005
National Playing Fields - Fields Focus Autumn 2004
SALC - Annual Report

87-04cl. Reports
i) Village Hall - the Chairman reported that we have not yet heard whether our planning permission has been granted. Graham Perkins has now left the country, and he expected that our permission will be granted quite quickly. Contact has been made with Mr Watkins of Watkins Wood Surveyors, Cllr Meynell is trying to negotiate a reduction in the fees they wish to charge for the work to be going on. He will report back to the Chairman. He will try to get another quote on this. Also thinking of moving forward on financing of the hall once it is built. May call a special meeting of the Trustees of the Hall to discuss this and the proper charging of the users once the work is done. This will be a business plan for the hall.

ii) Play Area Report and Playing Field - the Clerk reported that she had ordered the new goal posts and they have arrived. However, Mr Talbot feels he would not be able to install them. The work has been done on the roundabout. Scratches on the climbing frame are beginning to rust.

iii) Village Green and Pond - the Clerk reported that she has now received a letter saying that the pond now belongs to the Council and is registered in their name. Cllr Huskisson reported that she has spoken to Philip Couchman about the pond, and a team will go in to clear it. They will put mesh grids at the inlet and outlet of the pond when they do the work. When the dates are known councillors may wish to be involved in the work. We may have to pay for the skip hire for this, but it will be less than if we had to pay for all the work.

iv) Footpaths and bridleways - nothing to report

v) Neighbourhood Watch - the Chairman reported that he had been informed of damage to the telephone box by the Stores and to one of the poplars on the Field. The tree will have to be cut down. Cmdr Clarke had telephoned to say that he had nothing to report.

88-04cl. Finance
i) A Financial Situation Report had been circulated to all councillors.

Payments made since the last meeting to be ratified:

Standing Order to Saskia Heasman (November salary) 371.23
Standing Order to Sussex County Playing Fields Association 10.00
Graham Perkins, part payment, plans etc Village Hall 2622.91
Withdrawal fee 5.00

Receipts, current account - none
Receipts, Village Hall account - none
Receipts, BRA - Interest 50.74

Payments to be considered

Mrs Geary - litter, December 65.00
Foster Playscapes Ltd - repairs to roundabout and surface (inc. 21.96 VAT) 147.46
Adrian Dover - grass etc November 64.00
Sportsmark - new goal posts, including 105.18 VAT 706.18
Clerk's Expenses (see separate sheet for details) 23.97

Notes: To meet the bill from Graham Perkins the Clerk transferred £2622.91 from the Village Hall account. To meet the rest of this month's bills she has arranged for £1500 to be transferred from the BRA on 23rd December. A separate paper has been tabled with the quotations for next year's grass cutting etc.

It was proposed by Cllr Ms Huskisson and seconded by Cllr Mrs Parks RESOLVED to approve the financial report.
ii) Quotations for grass-cutting etc for 2005-6

The following quotes have been received:
1) Longmeadows - £1765.00 plus VAT for 15 cuts per year, play area tidy, and litter pick playing field each visit, also two herbicide weed control to edges of field per year. Additional cuts at £112 for everything if required.

2) MH Kennedy and Son - £1350 for 15 cuts per year, Play Area monthly £495, both plus VAT, making a total of £1845 per year - additional cuts at £90 per cut if needed and £55 per extra Play Area cut.

3) CDC - £1156.50 for 15 cuts plus £616.80 for strimming at 2004 prices, plus RPI in January - at 3.3% this will add £58 to the total cost of £1773.30 making a total of £1831.30

Grass-cutting on Village Green

Adrian Dover has quoted as follows: for cutting the grass on the green, £17 per cut. However, if he has to take the grass away and dispose of it (because of the fencing behind the pond where he used to dispose of the grass) it will be £20 per cut.
He will continue to charge £16 per bus stop tidy and £16 for strimming round the pond.

Litter picking

Mrs Geary has agreed to continue to do the litter picking at £65 per month and has already signed a contract to that effect, as it is the same as last year.

It was proposed by Cllr Tilbury and seconded by Cllr Mrs Rees RESOLVED to accept the quote from CDC for the Field, from Adrian Dover for the Village Green (but for him to take away the grass) and for Mrs Geary to continue as before.

After discussion it was further proposed by Cllr Drew and seconded by Cllr Mrs Parks RESOLVED to set the precept at £33798

89-04cl. Reports of any meetings attended by councillors
Peninsula Community Forum - a report had been tabled by the Clerk.
18th June likely to be the date for the fete, which would be confirmed as soon as possible.

90-04cl. To consider any urgent matters which the Chairman may wish to lay before the Council - there were none.

91-04cl. Public Session - Nothing was raised.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.08pm