Minutes Dec 2003

Minutes Dec 2003

Minutes of the Meeting held on 15th December 2003 at 7pm in Birdham Village Hall

Present: Cllr Tilbury; Cllr Mrs Rees; Cllr Kyte; Cllr Meynell; Cllr Drew; Cllr Mrs Parks; Cllr Mrs Baillieu; Cllr Ms Huskisson.

In attendance: District Cllr Peter Jones, the Clerk and a member of the press.

82-03cl. Apologies – none were received.

83-03cl. Approve and sign the Minutes of the Meeting held on 17th November 2003 – It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Rees and seconded by Cllr Kyte RESOLVED to approve the Minutes and that they be signed by the Chairman.

84-03cl. Matters Arising from the Minutes dated 17th November 2003

i) Min 73-03cl ii) – Flyposting – The Clerk reported that the whole issue of fly-posting would be addressed by a future meeting of the Peninsula Community Forum. Meanwhile she referred councillors to a note in the SALC briefing paper which is in the correspondence file. In the circumstances it was agreed to send a letter to Whitestone Farm, and to leave a further decision until the Community Forum has discussed the matter.

ii) Min 73-03cl iv) Local Strategic Partnership – Cllr Churchill’s name has been put forward, but as he was not present at the meeting of the Community Forum on 3rd December, and nor were any other candidates, they will be asked to attend the next meeting on 3rd March at West Itchenor.

iii) Min 73-03cl viii) Trees overhanging Footpath 37. The Clerk contacted the District Arboriculturalist who said that he is unable to look at trees unless they are listed. He suggested that the Council contact the landowners, which the Clerk will do once she knows who they are. She was advised to write to the people at Herongate and ask them to attend to the trees.

iv) Min 74-03cl c iii) Regional Minerals Strategy – the Chairman reported on this. It was a balanced report, no direct effect on Birdham for this. Therefore he did not send a reply.

85-03cl. Clerk’s Report including:

a) WSCC Reports, highways matters and correspondence

i) Local Transport Plan – WSCC is in the process of preparing a new Local Transport Plan, a consultation document for which will be sent out early in the New Year. As there will only be a short time for a Councillor to look at it if it is to be discussed at the January meeting, Cllr Mrs Rees agreed to look at it when it arrives and make comments on it for the Council.

ii) The Council has also received information about food waste composters which can be ordered at a discount. The Clerk distributed leaflets to Councillors.

iii) The Council has also received information about SIDs (Speed Indicator Devices) and could ask for them to be made available in the Parish. After discussion it was agreed to enquire into the cost for Birdham Straight, Church Lane, Sidlesham Lane and Crooked Lane.

iv) The Council has just received a copy of the Definitive Map Modification Order re unnumbered path and footpath 56 to display within the parish. Cllr Mrs Rees said she would look at the situation on the ground before the next meeting, when it could be further discussed.

b) CDC Reports including Correspondence:

i) Chichester District Community Planning Bulletin – the Local Strategic Partnership will be making its focus for the coming year “Maintaining Independent Living for Older and Vulnerable People”. This was noted and placed in the Correspondence file.

ii) The Clerk has now received a copy of the Register of Electors 2003-4. It may now only be used for electoral purposes. This was noted.

iii) This year’s flooding survey has been received. Cllr Mrs Rees agreed to complete it on the Council’s behalf.

iv) Play Area Audit – the Council was asked if there were any changes to the previous year’s audit – there were none.

c) Other related matters;

i) Action in Rural Sussex have asked whether there are any changes to the childcare situation in Birdham reported last year and what the current needs are surrounding childcare in the Parish. The Council felt that there are other agencies which deal with it and that the Clerk should reply accordingly.

ii) The CPRE will be holding a conference on “Safer, Quieter Rural Roads on 28th February 2004 at University College, Chichester from 10.30 – 12.30. The conference is free but there will be a small charge for the information pack to Councils who are not members of CPRE. Cllr Drew wishes to attend and Cllr Ms Huskisson will try to do so.

iv) The Manhood Cycle Network have sent the Clerk their latest minutes. They will be asking for subscriptions for the next calendar year of £5 per member, so the Clerk enquired about rates for corporate members, and was informed that it is unlikely that any charge will be made to us at present.

v) The Council has received a letter from Alun Michael about equine issues. She will place it in the correspondence for councillors who are interested to read.

86-03cl. Planning Matters including CDC decisions.

A paper detailing planning matters had been circulated to all councillors –

Plans to be considered:

BI/03/03029/TPA – 31, Walwyn Close, Birdham PO20 7SR – Reduce the south and eastern sectors by up to 3, and the north and western sectors by up to 1 m on 1 no Oak tree (T4) subject to TPO/28/BI – amended description. It was proposed by Cllr Meynell and seconded by Cllr Ms Huskisson RESOLVED NO OBJECTION

BI/03/03271/DOM – Towerhill Trading re bungalow adjoining Ling Cottage, Martins Lane, Birdham PO20 7AU – Demolition of existing car port and erection of new double garage. It was proposed by Cllr Meynell and seconded by Cllr Drew RESOLVED NO OBJECTION

BI/03/03115/DOM and BI/03/03116/LBC – The Red House, Lock Lane, Birdham PO20 7BB – balcony extensions, internal alterations and conversion of roof space to provide bedroom and bathroom – Amendments to plans previously put forward. It was proposed by Cllr Meynell and seconded by Cllr Mrs Parks RESOLVED to OBJECT to the dormer window on the grounds that it was overdominationg the roof-scape and should be reduced in size by a third, but that the Council is content with the omission of one balcony.

BI/03/02307/LBC and BI/03/02306/DOM – Harbour Meadow, Court Barn Lane, Birdham PO20 7BQ – Replacement of existing derelict summerhouse with self contained annexe. Re-instate curved roof screen – Amending letter and additional plan. It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Rees and seconded by Cllr Kyte RESOLVED NO OBJECTION

BI/03/02773/DOM – Dyke Cottage, Lock Lane, Birdham PO20 7BB – Amending letter with additional elevations including neighbouring property. It was proposed by Cllr Tilbury and seconded by Cllr Mrs Rees RESOLVED NO OBJECTION by a majority.

CDC Decision

Richard Phillips, Russells Garden Centre, Main Road, Birdham PO20 7BY – Polytunnel - PERMIT

Decisions made by the Council since the last meeting to be ratified:

BI/03/03116/LBC and BI/03/03115/DOM – Mr and Mrs G Tiffin, The Red House, Lock Lane, Birdham PO20 7BB – Proposed balcony extensions, internal alterations and conversion of roof space to provide bedroom and bathroom – OBJECT – roof dormer overdominates the roofscape and the two balconies will be unneighbourly in that they will overlook the gardens of the houses on each side, leading to loss of amenity for those houses.

BI/03/02965/PLD – Koolbergen and Ramsey Ltd, Bell Lane, Birdham, PO20 7HY – Application to continue with former application BI/130/86 – agricultural bungalow – as this is renewal of existing permission and an agricultural dwelling – NO OBJECTION

BI/03/03089/DOM – Mr M Holmes, Belland House, Main Road, Birdham – Detached garage - Concern that amount of workbench space, tool storage and provision of lavatory facilities in domestic garage may presage future changes of use, but on basis of these plans, NO OBJECTION

It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Rees and seconded by Cllr Mrs Parks RESOLVED to ratify the decisions made by the Council since the last meeting.
Chairman has spoken again to the Enforcement Officer about Broomer Farm and has no more to report. It was pointed out that a large wooden structure has appeared behind the latest barn. The chairman will contact the Enforcement Officer.

87-03cl. Correspondence

Correspondence to be circulated includes:

SALC County Circular December 2003 plus various Legal Updates etc.
Chichester District Community Plan
Defra – Equine Issues

88-03cl. Reports:

i) Village Hall – All Councillors who are trustees of the Village Hall have an interest in this item, but the chairman ruled that they may both speak and vote in the discussion. A report of the Special Village Hall Committee meeting was given by the Chairman. All user groups were represented. Meeting was unanimous that the stage should go. Graham Perkins was present, and it was reported to them that we had chosen the slower timetable, and the users now know when they will have to make alternative arrangements. Flexible staging could well be bought to be used as required. This would cost of the order of £250 per square metre. It was agreed to make the removal of the stage part of the brief.

ii) Play Area Report and Playing Field – There was no report

iii) Village Green and Pond – the Chairman has spoken to our solicitor about the sale of the pond – there is a delay but we do not know what it is.

iv) Footpaths and Bridleways – No report

v) Neighbourhood Watch – Cmdr Clarke had told the Clerk that there was nothing to report.

89-03cl. Finance including precept decision

A Financial Situation report had been circulated to all councillors.
Payments made since the last meeting to be ratified:

Standing Order to Saskia Heasman (November salary) 377.30

Receipts, current account (Village Hall Raffle*) 1232.79

Receipts, Village Hall account None

Receipts, BRA account None

Payments to be considered:

Mrs Geary, litter, December 65.00
Mr Talbot, fit new noticeboard etc 74.78
Clerk’s Expenses 38.39
Birdham Village Hall Committee, sponsorship of Race Night 20.00
Adrian Dover, grass, November 61.00

The Clerk has given notice to the Bank to transfer £1232.79 from the BRA account to the Village Hall account so the sum equivalent to the raffle money will be in the correct account tomorrow. This is to save further movements of money (and therefore loss of interest) rather than moving the same money twice. Having accidentally overpaid Iain Grant by 5p last month, the Clerk has deducted that amount from her expenses claim this month to balance the books.

It was proposed by Cllr Meynell and seconded by Cllr Drew RESOLVED to ratify the Financial Report. It was further proposed by Cllr Ms Huskisson and seconded by Cllr Mrs Parks RESOLVED to approve the payment of £81.08 to Mrs Rees for the printing of the Village Hall raffle tickets. After discussion it was proposed by Cllr Drew and seconded by Cllr Mrs Baillieu RESOLVED to set the precept at £26435 for the year 2004-5.

The Clerk had tabled a paper with details of quotes received for next year’s grass cutting, and her recommendations that CDC be re-employed to cut the grass in the field, Adrian Dover to cut the village green etc and Mrs Geary be asked to litter pick. It was proposed by Cllr Meynell and seconded by Cllr Ms Huskisson RESOLVED to ratify the Clerk’s proposals.

90-03cl. Reports of meetings attended by Councillors – a report was given of the recent meeting of the Peninsula Community Forum. A presentation was made by the police inspector responsible for the team based in Selsey. The police station at Wittering has been closed. The aim is for officers from Selsey to attend at incidents anywhere on the Peninsula in less than 15 minutes. Attempts are being made to get officers back on walking the area whenever there are enough of them on duty and other work does not take them away.There was also one by Steve Johnson of West Sussex Highways – new plans being worked upon. An excellent report was received from the Manhood Peninsula Partnership on the work that is being planned to make the residents of the Manhood aware of the implications of climate change. The project on water drainage on the peninsula has highlighted in an interim report the effects of one hundred years of interference with the natural drainage system by landowners.
Cllr Mrs Rees tabled a report on the conference “Affordable Housing in West Sussex” which she had recently attended. Further information will be placed in the correspondence file.
Cllr Ms Huskisson reported on the work being done along the Canal bank at present. Elm trees have been donated to the Canal Trust which are resistant to Dutch Elm disease, and the Trust would like to plant one in each parish. She was asked to advise the Council on a site for this planting. There will be discussion coming up on the road crossing bridges.

91-03cl. To consider any urgent matters which the Chairman my wish to lay before the Council The new piece of path at the corner of Crooked Lane and Birdham Straight has been laid and thanks have been received from wheelchair users. A parcel of land will be gifted to the Council on the demise of a resident of Birdham.

92-03cl. Public Session No member of the public was present.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.15pm