Minutes April 2009

Minutes April 2009

Birdham Parish Council

Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 20th April 2009 in Birdham Village Hall after the Annual Meeting

Present: Cllr Tilbury; Cllr Mrs Parks; Cllr Ms Leach; Cllr Ms Huskisson; Cllr Howat; Cllr Meynell; Cllr Churchill; Cllr Mrs Cobbold

In attendance: The Clerk; District Cllr Montyn; 5 members of the public; PCSO Ann Bromley and Dean Miles, East Wittering Youth Worker

1-09cl. Apologies: None were given.

2-09cl. Declarations of interest: Cllr Meynell declared an interest as architect on 4-09cl i) Forge Cottage.

3-09cl. Minutes of the Meeting held on 16th March 2009 It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Parksded by Cllr Ms Leach to approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on 16th March 2009 and that they be signed by the Chairman.

4-09cl. Matters arising from the Minutes dated 16th March 2009

i) Min 120-08cl ii) Forge Cottage – the Clerk reported that she had been asked by the Environment Agency if the Council had any objection to a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act on this. After consulting with the Chairman she had replied that the Council did not object, as she believes the Council has no right to object under this Act. Apart from that the Council has not heard anything about the progress of this application.

ii) Min 121-08cl c) iv) Clerks’ Networking Day – The Clerk had attended this event and had circulated her report of it. She felt that the session on planning appeals and some of the changes in the law were of particular interest.

iii) Min 122-08cl vii) Tony Adams’ will – the Clerk informed that Council that she had written to acknowledge the letter from the solicitors in regard to the will and has heard nothing further at this stage.

i) At this point, Dean Miles, Youth Club Leader from East Wittering, spoke to the Council about the youth centre, which currently opens three nights a week. Currently operate on three nights a week at three different age-groups. Some youngsters come from Birdham, but not many. They are looking into having a mini-bus to possibly collect children from the area. Are also promoting the three in one card to get youngsters to travel on buses at reduced prices. Seniors supported by WSCC, but juniors purely voluntary, and they are the growth area. Looking to do a Princes Trust Excel project, particularly suitable for young people who are not doing well at school. Looking also for a detached youth worker scheme to engage with youngsters who do not come to formal groups. Hoping to have those on a Friday night. Detached worker may be able to be used in Birdham. The Chairman thanked him for his input. Can help NEETS (Young people not in education, employment or training). Youth opportunity fund money which can be used for youngsters, including for such things as a youth shelter. He was recommended to contact Peter Johnson at the Primary School.

ii) Ann Bromley said that there had been nothing significant in March, there was an incident in Westlands and a disabled badge stolen in April. A stolen mast which is difficult to deal with, and a car vandalised. Risk assessments are being done for the use of a SID. Sites that have been assessed in Birdham are one in Church Lane, one in Crooked Lane and one in Bell Lane. Must be more than 50 yards from a road junction. If anyone wants to use a SID they should contact the police.

5-09cl. Clerk’s Report including:

a) WSCC Reports, highways matters and correspondence

i) The Clerk had contacted Highways about the possible placing of a seat next to the bus shelter opposite Birdham Stores. Steve Hodd had replied that he needs to see a plan of exactly where the Council wishes to place the seat and a copy of the Council’s public liability insurance. It was agreed that Cllr Meynell draw up the plan which the Clerk would then pass to Mr Hodd with a copy of the insurance.

b) CDC reports including correspondence

i) The Assistant Sport and Leisure Officer of CDC has written to the Council to say that Discretionary Leisure and Rural Play Grants will be frozen after the July panel until after a service review. Any applications for grants must be in by 22nd May. This was noted.

ii) The Clerk to the Peninsula Community Forum has asked that any questions for the next Forum’s speaker from Development Control be with her by 14th May. After discussion it was agreed to raise the fact that planning guidance should be seen in a context rather than set in stone. Any further ideas to be sent to the Clerk by 13th May to be passed on. Can Development Control see the Manhood as a whole?

iii) The Chairman has received a letter from Steve Carvell, acknowledging his letter about the Longmeadow development.

c) other related matters

i) The Clerk had received an email from East Wittering and Bracklesham PC asking if the Council would be interested in taking part in a meeting with WSCC Highways just to deal with the West Manhood traffic problems. This had been circulated to councillors in advance of the meeting. After discussion it was agreed to attend if any councillors were free on the day.

ii) Chichester Harbour Conservancy has written to tell the Council that they would like to include contributions made by the Council towards the implementation of their Management Plan 2004-9. Their Annual Progress Report can be found on their website and a councillor may wish to report back on the progress made towards the delivery of these actions over the last year. After discussion it was agreed to note this.

iii) The Information Commissioner’s Office has sent a DVD entitled “Tick Tock” for members to look at – it has been placed in the correspondence file.

iv) Manhood Mobility has written to invite a representative of the Council to attend the MMVS AGM at 12 noon at Chichester Yacht Club on Tuesday 21st April. The Chairman will be there to present a Certificate, and Cllr Ms Leach will also be attending.

v) It has been reported to the Clerk that the bus shelter by Birdham Stores needs re-roofing and the removal of the ivy on it. After discussion it was decided to get the roof repaired.

vi) Defra has written about the decision to go ahead with the South Downs National Park. The letter will be placed in the correspondence file.

vii) Chichester Canal Trust will be holding their AGM on Saturday 16th May at 9.30 for 10 am at Christchurch, Old Market Avenue, Chichester. No councillor was available to represent the Council at the meeting. The Council has missed the date for nominating trustees to the Trust. This was noted.

6-09cl. Planning Matters including CDC decisions

A paper detailing planning matters had been circulated to all councillors

Plans considered by the Council since the last meeting to be ratified:

BI/09/00961/DOM – Cross Lanes, Batchmere Road – Demolition of existing garage and construction of replacement garage. It was proposed by Cllr Mrs parks and seconded by Cllr Tilbury RESOLVED NO OBJECTION

CDC Decisions:

BI/09/00211/DOM – Glen Iris, Bell Lane – Two storey side extension – PERMIT

BI/09/00447/DOM – Tyme Wells, Westlands Estate – Garage with adjoining lean-to conservatory – REFUSE

BI/09/00207/DOM – Locks End House, Lock Lane – Amendment to approved application BI/07/05652/DOM for changes to fenestration to north elevation (under construction) PERMIT

The Council is not happy that the local paper is no longer publishing planning applications and agreed to write to both the District Council and to the local paper about this.

7-09cl. Correspondence

Correspondence to be circulated includes:

Emails forwarded since the last meeting:

17/3 – Local Notice to Mariners No.5 of 2009; 18/3 – Invitation re Children’s Trust; 28/3 – Wave 2 Playbuilder funds; 1/4 – Chichester Harbour Press Release; 2/4 – pr 149 museum re-opens 11.4.09; 2/4 – The New Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust; 4/4 – Launch of West Sussex PCT membership scheme; 14/4 – transport issues; 14/4 – Message from Chief Inspector Mark Eyre; 14/4 – Message from Temporary Chief Inspector Kevin Jenkins; 18/08 – Chichester Harbour Events April; 18/04 – Week of Action Manhood Peninsula; 20/4 – Chichester Harbour Conservancy, Free Postcoding Day.

Other correspondence to be circulated:

WSCC Forward Plan of Key Decisions April – July 2009 and May – August 2009

WSCC Connections April 2009

WSCC West Sussex Rights of Way Improvement Plan 2007-2017

CPRE Countryside Voice Spring 2009

West Sussex Action against Bullying News Spring 2009

8-09cl. Reports:

i) Playing field and play area – the Clerk reported that the work to repair the play area and the fence around it had now been done. Cllr Churchill reported the fence panels are slightly chipped. The Chairman noticed that the rubber crumb between the swings has split. Clerk to ask to have it repaired. The new contractor is doing a good job of the grass cutting.

ii) Village Green and pond – the Clerk had received a letter from a resident complaining about the state of the pond, in particular that the vegetation needs cutting back, the sign needs clearing and the brambles need cutting back, the wooden fence needs clearing of lichen and the grass needs cutting. After discussion it was decided that the Chairman will contact Adrian Dover to have this done.

iii) Neighbourhood Watch – had been reported on in the Annual Meeting.

iv) Tree Wardens – no report

9-09cl. Finance

A Financial Situation Report had been circulated to all councillors:

Payments since the last meeting to be ratified:

Clerk’s salary (March) 556.72

Playsafe Playgrounds Ltd (repairs to play area includes 31.50 VAT) 241.50

Southern Electric ( Street lighting electricity, inc.10.02 VAT) 210.49

MH Kennedy and Son Ltd (grass cutting includes 48.00 VAT) 368.00

Knight Fencing (repairs to Play Area fence includes 22.50 VAT) 172.50

Airs (subscription) 40.00


Current account – precept 16988.00

Deposit account – nil

Village Hall account – interest 1.68

Payments to be considered:

Clerk’s expenses, inc 0.57 VAT 78.17

Mrs Geary, litter, April 70.00

HM Revenue and Customs (balance of payment for Clerk) 28.52

Notes: The clerk will move £8591 to the Village Hall account and £7000 to the deposit account to leave sufficient money in the current account for expenditure until next month’s meeting. National Insurance rates went up during the financial year so the balance of this payment has to be made.

10. Reports of Meetings attended by councillors

i) CDALC meeting – Cllr Tilbury reported that Sam Howes had given an update on the improvements on the A27. He was about to attend a closed meeting of stake-holders and would report back. He thinks the most we will ever get is traffic lights. Fishbourne suggested that CDALC should limit itself to one meeting a year. But CDALC is statutory, the present chair of the body Mike Beale feels that it is still useful. It had been agreed it should meet again in June and September.

ii) South Chichester Local Committee – Cllr Tilbury reported that he had attended and had had a report from the police and an international rural development body which may be able to make small grants. From 25th January 2010, car parking will be a civil matter, it will be run by CDC and will be extended to rural areas. A million cars a year go down Birdham Straight.

11. Public session

A resident asked about having a village plan – the Chairman replied that there is now a short way of doing it. The Council might look to go down that route. Also the flooding at the end of Church Lane this year was very bad and may be a result of the building on the Stirlands development. There will need to be another parish meeting to discuss the flooding and how to organise the drainage survey. The flooding in Birdham is so bad that the Council should point it out to the District Council with relevance to the LDF.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 9.15pm