Are you fed up with being stuck in traffic trying to get home? Do you have sewerage issues in your home?  Are you affected by flooding?  Has your child been refused a place at the local school?  Anything else making you frustrated? Read on!

Are you fed up with being stuck in traffic trying to get home? Do you have sewerage issues in your home?  Are you affected by flooding?  Has your child been refused a place at the local school?  Anything else making you frustrated? Read on!

The Parish Council, through the Neighbourhood Plan Review Group, is building a database, a "basis of evidence" to show that it can no longer accept housing within the Parish because the infrastructure isn't there.  We need your experiences, your photographs, your stories to create that evidence.  We need to prove to CDC the sewerage issues, the problems on the A286, the lack of school places, the flooding, the wildlife issues etc etc.  Without the evidence it is hard to prove the case.  Please fill out this simple form and thank you for your help!