Agenda for the Parish Council Meeting to be held on Monday the 16th November 2015

Agenda for the Parish Council Meeting to be held on Monday the 16th November 2015

Birdham Parish Council
28 Langdale Avenue, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 8JQ
Tel : 01243 790402
Email : Website :

Clerk to the Council : David J Siggs
Members are hereby summoned to attend the Meeting of Birdham Parish Council to be held at 7pm on Monday the 16th November 2015 in the Main Hall at Birdham Village Hall, Birdham.

David J Siggs - Clerk to the Council
1. Presentation by Mr N Bennett – Senior Litigation Solicitor CDC.
2. Public Question Time: (In accordance with Standing Orders 1d – 1l)
3. Declaration of interests.
a) To receive Declarations of Interest in respect of matters contained in this agenda, in accordance with the provisions of the Localism Act 2011 in respect of members and in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Act 1972 in respect of officers.
b) To consider any Dispensation Requests received by the Clerk not previously considered.
4. Approve and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 19th October 2015.
5. Clerks Report including:
i) WSCC Reports, highways matters and correspondence
ii) CDC Reports including correspondence
iii) To receive reports from Division Members of WSCC and Ward Members of CDC as appropriate.
iv) Other related matters
6. Finance and corporate:
i) To receive and approve a financial report.
7. Correspondence - Not previously circulated to be noted.
8. Reports
i) Play area and playing field
ii) Village Green and pond
iii) Condition of Village Drain/Ditch Network – To include an update on current work.
iv) Police & Neighbourhood Watch
v) Communication Working Group
vi) Other
9. Reports of meetings attended by Councillors
10. Planning matters including applications and CDC delegated decisions.
i) Planning Applications to be decided.
BI/15/03437/DOM - Mr M.J. Rees Farne House Court Barn Road Birdham Chichester
Alterations and enlargement of existing garage to form a double garage and log store.

BI/15/03555/TPA - Mrs Grimsdale 31 Walwyn Close Birdham Chichester West Sussex
Crown reduce by 2.5m (all round) on 1 no. Oak tree (T4) subject to BI/97/00037/TPO.

BI/15/03512/DOM - Mr R Beale Apple Tree Cottage Cherry Lane Birdham
Rear single storey extension and rear dormer projection.

BI/15/03544/DOM - Mr and Mrs Wright Fir Trees Shipton Green Lane West Itchenor
Alterations and extension.

BI/15/03609/LBC - Mr and Mrs Wright Fir Trees Shipton Green Lane West Itchenor
Alterations & extension.

BI/15/02127/REM - Tawny Nurseries , Bell Lane, Birdham,
Application for reserved matters including appearance, landscaping, layout and scale, relating to outline planning permission BI/12/04147/OUT.

ii) Delegated Decisions to be noted.
BI/15/02632/FUL Mr & Mrs J Slatter Brightwater 14 Greenacres Birdham
Replacement dwelling. PERMIT

11. Items for inclusion on next agenda.
12. Date of Next Meeting 7pm on Monday 21st December 2015 in the Village Hall.

Filming of Parish Council meetings and use of social media:
During this meeting the public are allowed to record or film the meeting or to use social
media, providing it does not disrupt the meeting. You are encouraged to let officers
know in advance if you wish to record or film. Mobile devices should be switched to silent for
the duration of the meeting