Agenda for the Council Meeting on the 18th July 2011

Agenda for the Council Meeting on the 18th July 2011

Birdham Parish Council

28 Langdale Avenue, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 8JQ

Tel : 01243 790402  Fax : 01243 784478

Email : Website :

Clerk to the Council : David J Siggs


I hereby give you notice that a Meeting of Birdham Parish Council is to be held on Monday 18th July 2011 in the Main Hall at Birdham Village Hall at 7pm and all members of the Council are hereby summoned to attend

David J Siggs - Clerk to the Council


1. Apologies for absence

2. Urgent/Additional items notified to the Chairman or the Clerk prior to the meeting

3. Public Question Time. (In accordance with Standing Orders 1d – 1l )

4. Declaration of interests

5. Approve and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 20th June 2011

6. Harbour Conservancy Design Guide – Linda Parks

7. Land bequeathed to the Council

8. Clerk’s Report including:

i) WSCC Reports, highways matters and correspondence

ii) CDC reports including correspondence

iii) Other related matters

v) Reports from Members of WSCC/CDC if appropriate

9. Planning matters including CDC Applications and Decisions


D/11/02461/FUL Southend Farm, Donnington

Erection of two 50 kw wind turbines. (Hub height 24.6m, max blade elevation 34.2m).


BI/11/02522/EXT Doctor Frederick Winston Cornerways House 15 Greenacres Birdham

Extension of extant planning permission BI/08/02109/DOM. Two storey side extension.

BI/11/02670/DOM Mr Timothy Fuller Homewaters 24 Greenacres Birdham

Replacement garage comprising first floor games room and juliet balconies to north and south elevations.


BI/11/01724/DOM Mrs R Douglas 15 Walwyn Close Birdham

Single storey rear extension. PERMIT

BI/11/02064/TPA Mrs M E Marshall The Snipe Lock Lane Birdham

Crown thin by 30% on 1 no. Oak tree (T1) within Group 'A' subject to BI/98/00035/TPO.


BI/11/02077/PLD Ben Emrys-Roberts Hollybank Martins Lane Birdham Single storey rear extensions. REFUSE

BI/11/02115/DOM Mr And Mrs Porti Land South Of Manhood End Farm Birdham Road Proposed conservatory. PERMIT

10. Sportsmanship First (SF) Inter Parish Games (Deferred from 20th June Meeting) - Cllr Crossley to report

11. Correspondence

12. Reports:

i) Play area and playing field (Village fete and use of playing field)

ii) Village green and pond

iii) Police & Neighbourhood Watch

iv) Communications/Parish Newsletter

v) Meeting with P Johnson ref parking and walking to school

vi) Other

13. Finance

i) To receive and approve a financial report

14. Reports of meetings attended by councillors

15. Items for inclusion in next meeting.



Agenda Item 9

D/11/02461/FUL Southend Farm, Donnington

This is an application to erect two wind turbines at Southend Farm, Donnington, in an area which lies adjacent to the boundary with Birdham Parish. The site lies outside the Chichester Harbour Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty but the turbines may be visible from it.

The issues are intrusion into the landscape, loss of amenity, danger to birds and precedent.

A comprehensive report is attached to the application and concludes that the intrusion, though it will exist, is not a major concern. Photographs are provided showing the view of the turbines from Birdham Straight, which is the edge of the AONB, and much of the site is masked by trees.

The turbines will be approximately 350 metres from Southend Farm to which they will supply power. The next nearest dwelling would appear to be Cowdry Farm (and the adjacent converted barns) which are at least 1000 metres away.  In terms of noise, flicker or loss of visual amenity to the property owners, even in open land, this would not appear to be a problem.

The report on the flying patterns of the birds in the area concludes that the danger to birds will not be a problem.

There remains the question of precedent. It is likely that there will be an increasing number of applications for wind turbines and photo-voltaic cell arrays as providers of green energy. The Local Plan, First Review, 1999 contained a policy (RE24) on this matter but it was not saved. The assumption was that single or groups of wind turbines will be permitted, subject to 9 provisos which are largely covered above.

Birdham Parish Council does not feel that there are sufficient grounds to object to this particular application but suggests that the matter should go before the Development Control Committee who would then have the opportunity to consider setting out a clear policy (as required under PPS22) to form part of the new LDF Core Strategy, bearing in mind the precedent which this application may set.