Planning Matters 30th March 2016

Planning Matters 30th March 2016


BI/16/01049/TPA - Case Officer: - Henry Whitby - Tree Apps (TCA's and TPA's) Mr A Jackson Lock Lane Birdham West Sussex PO20 7BA

Reduce over-extending limb arising at 2m to west, back to 3m on 1 no. Oak tree (T315). Fell 2 no. Oak trees (T328 and T348). Reduce height and extension of crown to east back by 3m on 1 no. Unknown tree (T351). All 4 no. trees are within Group, G1 subject to BI/08/00174/TPO.


BI/16/00238/FUL Mr Malcolm Oliver Moorings Westlands Estate Birdham Chichester West Sussex PO20 7HJ

Replacement of existing timber sea defence. PERMIT

Neighbourhood Plan - for Referendum

'Open Day' Presentation

The presentation given at the Open Day held on the 19th March may be found here;-

Birdham Parish Council open day

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on the 15th February 2016

Birdham Parish Council

Minutes of the
Meeting of the Parish Council
held on Monday 15th February 2016
at 7pm in Birdham Village Hall

Present: Cllr Firmston, Cllr Barker, Cllr Wells, Cllr Brooks, Cllr Campbell and Cllr Churchill.

Apologies: Cllr Pocock (Chairman), Cllr Hamilton (Vice Chairman), Cllr Bird, Cllr Barrett (CDC) and PCSO Bainbridge.

In attendance: The Clerk, Cllr Montyn (WSCC) and 13 members of the public.

Absent: None
102-15 To elect a Chairman for the meeting in the absence of the Chairman and Vice-Chairman on holiday.
It was proposed, seconded and resolved that Cllr Firmston be elected as Chairman for the meeting.

103-15 Public Question time in accordance with Standing Orders 1d -1l:
Mr Steven Lawrence – Interim Planning Officer for the Harbour Conservancy - was asked to speak on the subject of the refused planning applications on the Birdham Farm site and the subsequent actions taken.
Mr Lawrence confirmed that a number of stop notices had been served by CDC but appeared to be making no difference to the amount of works ongoing on the site.
There are now a number of stop notice prosecutions that are awaiting Court listing dates with the first hearing likely to take place in about four weeks.
There are some 14 people known to have an interest in the site which are in the process of being presented to the Courts and whilst it is frustrating that the work continues the fact that the site occupiers have ignored the various stop and enforcement notices will count against them in Court.
The appeal decision is due in April and assuming the appeal is refused this will trigger a hive of activity shortly after.
The list of activities and actions so far are as follows; -
1. Contempt of court proceedings are ongoing.
2. Existing injunction proceedings are also ongoing.
3. Applications to add the many new parties have been prepared including twelve new applications due to be submitted this week - actually two weeks earlier than court schedule.
4. Interim injunction application with new parties will lead to further contempt proceedings subject to their response.
5. There has been temporary stop notices issued.
6. Instructions on seven prosecutions for breaches of the temporary stop notices.
7. Enforcement notice has been issued.
8. Prosecutions for breach of enforcement notices are being prepared.
9. Civil and criminal action is all stayed to some extent for the planning inspectorate proceedings in April.
10. Almost daily visits to the site by enforcement officers.

The Chairman thanked Mr Lawrence for his updates and those of CDC and asked if there were any questions that residents may wish to ask.
Q – What was the digger doing that had recently arrived on site?
A – Preparing hard standing for a small caravan.

There were no further questions.
Cllr Campbell said that a meeting had been held with Mrs Archer at which he, Cllr Barker and the Clerk had attended and whilst nothing new had come from the meeting he was assured that CDC were doing everything they could possibly do for now.
Cllr Montyn (WSCC) said that the outcome of the April appeal would be the time when activity would increase.

The Chairman asked if there were any other questions that were not related to the Birdham Farm Site.
A resident said that whilst he did not have a question he would very much like to express his thanks to Cllr Montyn and to Mr Barrington for the work and support they had done in preventing further flooding in the Village.

A number of both residents and Councillors expressed their concern at the proposed changes to the Post Office side of Birdham Stores. It was considered that to move the Post Office Counter from the back of the store to the front was risking the privacy of users and subjecting staff and customers to a reduction in the level of security that the rear of the store provided.
It was stated that staff were happy with the Post Office at the back of the store but were very concerned at the proposal to move it to the front.
The proposed new opening times are considered to be ridiculous and are not required either by the Store Owners, staff or customers.

A resident asked Cllr Montyn (WSCC) if there was any news, good or bad, concerning the A27 consultation.
Cllr Montyn said that he was very disheartened to report that no positive news about the supposed consultation had been released other than to be told it would happen in ‘early spring’. He would say more later in the agenda.

104-15 Declaration of Interests:
There were no declarations of interest.

105-15 Approve and sign the minutes of the 18th January 2016.
It was resolved to adopt the minutes of the 18th January 2016 as a true and accurate record of the meeting.

106-15 Clerks’ Report:
i) WSCC – There was nothing to report
ii) CDC – There was nothing to report
iii) Reports from Members of WSCC/CDC –
Cllr Montyn (WSCC) said that Operation Watershed had worked very well throughout the County since its inception. It was hoped that another £500k would be voted through this very week to be known as Op Watershed 3 and if approved would be available from April 2016.
Discussing the A27 he wanted to ensure that residents were aware that it was not a matter to be decided by WSCC as it was a Highways England project to enhance their road. It had been confirmed that the consultation date had been pushed out to start in seven weeks’ time although the start date had not yet been announced. There were to be a number of public exhibitions for all of the proposed routes and would be open from 9 am until 9 pm although none of the proposed venues were on the Manhood it was hoped that three would be possible.
Cllr Montyn said that he had heard rumours of impending problems associated with a proposal to install gates across the Causeway at Birdham Pool. He went to say that in the main this was a matter for CDC however if there was an issue of Public Rights of Way (PROW) then he would take this up with WSCC.
He asked if the Council had been in receipt of the information concerning the Highway Rangers. It had been circulated to all members of the Council.
Cllr Montyn was asked for his understanding of ‘consultation’
He said that it was the gathering of information and the publication of that information.

iv) Other related matters – There were none.

107-15 To receive an update on the Neighbourhood Plan:-
Cllr Brookes thanked Cllr Campbell for doing the various minor grammatical and typographical errors, and went to say that the referendum would take place on the 5th May 2016 which would be in tandem with voting for the Police and Crime Commissioners.

108-15 Finance and Corporate:
i) To receive and approve the financial report.
The Clerk presented the financial report up to and including the 15th February 2016 shown at Annex a. The current balances are as follows;

Balances held at Bank £ 178163.70
Designated Funds £ 21063.13
Ring Fenced Funds £ 60680.90
Available Funds £ 27147.73
Creditors £ 75639.46
The Clerk offered to answer any questions that Councillors may have.
It was resolved to adopt the Financial Report.
ii) To consider the provision of a Beacon Lighting to celebrate the Queens 90th Birthday on the 21st April 2016.
This item was deferred from the meeting held on the 18th January 2016.
After a brief discussion it was resolved not to celebrate the Queens 90th Birthday in the manner suggested but to encourage those who may wish to, to attend other local events.

109-15 Correspondence – Not previously circulated: -
There was none.

110-15 Reports:
i) Play Area and Playing Field. – Cllr Wells as the Lead Councillor said that a considerable amount of work was being carried out to put forward a fairly decent range of options for consideration at the ‘Open Day’ on the 19th March. It was hoped that residents would come along and give their ideas to the plans and drawings that would be presented.
ii) Village Green and Pond. – There was nothing to report at this stage.
iii) Condition of Village Ditch/Drain Network. – Mr Barrington addressed the meeting. His notes may be found at annex b. to these minutes.
It was recognised that by the Council and residents that Mr Barrington had done a sterling job and had probably been instrumental in preventing any flooding taking place over the past two years. A vote of thanks was proposed and resolved.
iv) Police and Neighbourhood Watch – There was nothing to report.
v) Communication Working Groups – There was nothing to report.
vi) Community Resilience: - A meeting of the Resilience Team took place on the 25th January. Further information has been gathered from the local businesses and the Risk Register has been completed.
vii) Other – Cllr Wells had been approached by the developers of Tawny Nurseries suggesting that the new name for the development should be Tawny Drive. However, after debate it was felt that Tawny Close would better reflect the development. It was therefore resolved that Tawny Close should be the preferred option.

111-15 Reports of meetings attended by Councillors; -
Cllr Firmston said that he had been having meetings with local businesses in connection with Community Resilience Plan.

112-15 Planning matters including applications and CDC delegated decisions:

i) Planning Applications to be decided.

BI/16/00004/DOM - Mrs Charlotte Sercombe Martins Lea Martins Lane Birdham West Sussex
First floor extension to front of property and conversion of part of the roof void with dormer windows.
The Parish Council raised No Objection to this application

BI/16/00020/DOM - Mr P Johnson Four Winds Cherry Lane Birdham Chichester
First floor rear extension with dormer.
The Parish Council raised No Objection to this application

BI/15/03954/ELD - Mr Malcolm Rodgers Birdham Farm Birdham Road Birdham West Sussex
Storage of materials and parking of vehicles on land adjacent to the NE boundary of existing
Birdham Parish Council strongly objects to this application.
The applicant has failed to offer any substantial evidence of occupation of the land for the purpose he claims. Four photographs of motor vehicles parked on the land does not, in the opinion of the Parish Council, constitute evidence.
Equally, to grant ELD permission would in the opinion of the Parish Council fly in the face of the
NPPF, the Local Plan and the Neighbourhood Plan.
In addition the rubbish dumped in the garden and surrounds would appear to constitute illegal
disposal of possibly hazardous material.
Other buildings in the vicinity of the house would appear to have been erected without prior
planning permission.

BI/16/00238/FUL - Mr Malcolm Oliver Moorings Westlands Estate Birdham Chichester
Replacement of existing timber sea defence.
The Parish Council raised No Objection to this application

BI/16/00267/PLD - Mr Hemal Patel Redmoor Estate Main Road Birdham West Sussex
Proposed roof extension.
The Parish Council raised No Objection to this application

It was resolved to authorise the Clerk to notify the Councils decision to CDC Planning.

ii) Delegated Decisions to be noted.
BI/15/03680/DOM Mr & Mrs David Segel Chaffinches Farm Main Road Birdham
Single storey rear extension, porch over rear door and internal alterations. REFUSE

BI/15/03681/LBC Mr & Mrs David Segel Chaffinches Farm Main Road Birdham
Single storey rear extension, porch over rear door and internal alterations. REFUSE

BI/15/02827/FUL Rosedale Venture Ltd Birdham Business Park Birdham Road Birdham
Demolition of existing buildings and erection of light industrial building (B1) comprising two units with car parking. PERMIT

BI/15/03544/DOM Mr & Mrs Wright Fir Trees Shipton Green Lane West Itchenor
Alterations and extension. PERMIT

BI/15/03609/LBC Mr & Mrs Wright Fir Trees Shipton Green Lane West Itchenor
Alterations and extension. PERMIT

BI/15/03947/FUL Mr David Thompson Copper Beech Church Lane Birdham
Division of property to form two separate cottages. PERMIT WITH S106

The delegated decisions were noted.

113-15 Items for inclusion on the next agenda:

114-15 Date of Next Meeting:
21st March 2016 at 7pm in Birdham Village Hall

There being no further business to discuss the meeting was declared closed at 8.43pm

Signed ___________________________ Dated ____________________
Annex a.
Agenda Item 6i
Birdham Parish Council

Financial Statement as at 15th February 2016
Bank Accounts as at 31st March 2015 36732.62
Receipts to date 183505.43
Expenditure to date 42074.35

Balance 178163.70

Represented by;
Current Account (Barclays Community A/c) 15054.42
Deposit Account (Barclays Premium Business A/c) 156247.39
National Savings 6861.89

Total 178163.70
Reserve @ 50% of Precept 21063.13
Loan Reserve for half year 8591.04
Outstanding Cheque/s -

Total 29654.17

Ringfenced Funds
Op Watershed 58638.85
NHB 2042.05

Available Funds Total 87828.63


Clerk to the Council
16th January 2016

Payments to be considered

B Geary (Litter Picking) 70.00
Clerks Expenses (Telephone etc.) 25.40
SBEPI Ltd (Walwyn Close Works) 70811.56
S Langmead (Walwyn Close) 4500.00
CDC (Recharge for elections) 232.50

Total 75639.46
Annex b.

On the progress front, we have been addressing the situation in Westlands Lane and Kingfisher pond especially. With the help of Tom Monnington the tenant farmer the great pool that appears on the road next to Kingfisher pond has now been dealt with and flows away. This is in preparation for felling the trees in the pond and the Clerk and Graham Campbell have got quotes for this work and also excavating the pond. We hope to have the trees felled within the next month but the excavation work may have to wait until later, as disposing of wet silt is an expensive problem and we may be up against water voles.

On the other side of the road pooling is still taking place and it really requires the hedge alongside Kingfisher Farm to be cut back and see if there is any sign of a ditch or culvert into which the water can be drained.

The pond and ditches leading from the copse opposite the bottom of Crooked Lane also need clearing. This is the responsibility of Birdham Church Field Ltd. CLB understood that the local gardening contractor had been asked to excavate the pond but this is not likely to be done until we have drier conditions.

On the lack of progress side.

CLB is still awaiting feedback from WSCC on the action list of some 17 items which were drawn up at the beginning of November.

The work to clear the ditches on the corner at the top of Bell Lane is still outstanding – it was supposed to be done by WSCC Highways in January.

There has been no progress on the Pipers Mead ditches. WSCC wrote to the Chairman in November. CLB has been unable to ascertain if this has been followed up.

Requested the gully on the blind corner of Church Lane to be cleared over 2 weeks ago but this is still outstanding.

Councillor Montyn offered to follow up the outstanding issues if CLB sent him the details.

CLB advised the meeting that he would be stepping down from the Flood Group at the end of March and hoped that someone else would volunteer to take up the role.

Planning Matters 16th March 2016

BI/15/03954/ELD Mr Malcolm Rodgers Birdham Farm Birdham Road Birdham West Sussex PO20 7BX
Storage of materials and parking of vehicles on land adjacent to the NE boundary of existing property. REFUSE

BI/15/04175/DOM Mr & Mrs D Smith Cowdry Barn Birdham Road Birdham Chichester West Sussex PO20 7BX
Alterations to existing conservatory to provide replacement walls and roof and rear extension to existing car port. PERMIT

Agenda for the Parish Council Meeting to be held on the 21st March 2016

Birdham Parish Council
28 Langdale Avenue, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 8JQ
Tel : 01243 790402
Email : Website :

Clerk to the Council : David J Siggs
Members are hereby summoned to attend the Meeting of Birdham Parish Council to be held at 7pm on Monday the 21st March 2016 in the Main Hall at Birdham Village Hall, Birdham.

David J Siggs - Clerk to the Council
1. Public Question Time: (In accordance with Standing Orders 1d – 1l)
2. Declaration of interests.
a) To receive Declarations of Interest in respect of matters contained in this agenda, in accordance with the provisions of the Localism Act 2011 in respect of members and in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Act 1972 in respect of officers.
b) To consider any Dispensation Requests received by the Clerk not previously considered.
3. Approve and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 15th February 2016.
4. Clerks Report including:
i) WSCC Reports, highways matters and correspondence
ii) CDC Reports including correspondence
iii) To receive reports from Division Members of WSCC and Ward Members of CDC as appropriate.
iv) Other related matters
5. To receive an update on the Neighbourhood Plan.
6. Finance and Corporate:
i) To receive and approve a financial report.
ii) Should the Parish Council sign the petition asking for parish councils to be given the right to
appeal planning permissions?
7. Correspondence - Not previously circulated to be noted.
8. Reports
i) Play area and playing field
ii) Village Green and pond
iii) Condition of Village Drain/Ditch Network –
a) To include an update on current work.
b) To find a replacement for Mr Barrington
iv) Police & Neighbourhood Watch
v) Communication Working Group
vi) Community Resilience
vii) Other
9. Reports of meetings attended by Councillors
10. Planning matters including applications and CDC delegated decisions.

i) To determine a response to the permitted gates across the Birdham Pool Causeway.

ii) Planning Applications to be decided.
BI/16/00425/DOM - Mr Mike Fairall Police House Crooked Lane Birdham Chichester
Proposed side single/double storey extension and new pitched roof to garage.

BI/15/04114/FUL - Birdham Pool Marina , Birdham, West Sussex, PO20 7BG
Erection of a replacement crane in connection with the operation of the existing marina.
BI/16/00237/DOM - Mr Hemal Patel Bay Trees 7 Redmoor Estate Main Road Birdham
Part ground floor and first floor rear extension.

BI/16/00480/FUL - Mr J Morley Land South West Of Premier Business Park Birdham Road
Erection of building comprising stables, tack room, rest room and hay and machinery store along with associated hard standing for parking and turning.

BI/16/00495/DOM - Mr & Mrs J Slatter Brightwater 14 Greenacres Birdham
Proposed detached garage building.

BI/16/00496/FUL - Mr & Mrs Slatter Brightwater 14 Greenacres Birdham
Variation of Condition 2 of planning permission BI/15/02632/FUL - To reference amended plans (14-52-3 Rev K, 14-52-4 Rev K, 14-52-5 Rev K) showing a non-material change to the southern projection.

BI/16/00581/DOM - Mr Chris Harrison Longstone 12 Greenacres Birdham
Replacement of windows, renewal of existing render finish, replacement of roof and re-cladding of the existing front extension and the demolition of existing small side extension.

iii) Delegated Decisions to be noted.

BI/15/04106/DOM Mr & Mrs Glyn & Deborah Smith & Nunn 10 Pescotts Close
Single storey extension, new porch structure, attic conversion with raised ridge height. PERMIT

BI/15/04153/FUL Premier Marinas Building D Chichester Marina Birdham
Variation of condition 3b of permission BI/12/00475/FUL. To allow for the vacant unit to be occupied by a retail (A1) occupier. WITHDRAWN

BI/16/00004/DOM Mrs Charlotte Sercombe Martins Lea Martins Lane Birdham
First floor extension to front of property and conversion of part of the roof void with dormer windows. PERMIT

11. Items for inclusion on next agenda.
12. Date of Next Meeting 7pm on Monday 18th April 2016 in the Village Hall.
Filming of Parish Council meetings and use of social media:
During this meeting the public are allowed to record or film the meeting or to use social
media, providing it does not disrupt the meeting. You are encouraged to let the Clerk
know in advance if you wish to record or film. Mobile devices should be switched to silent for
the duration of the meeting

Planning Matters 2nd March 2016


BI/16/00237/DOM - Case Officer: - James Cross - Other Dev - Householder Developments
Mr Hemal Patel
Bay Trees 7 Redmoor Estate Main Road Birdham
Part ground floor and first floor rear extension.

BI/16/00480/FUL - Case Officer: - Maria Tomlinson - Minor Dev - All Others
Mr J Morley
Land South West Of Premier Business Park Birdham Road Appledram West Sussex
Erection of building comprising stables, tack room, rest room and hay and machinery store along with associated hard standing for parking and turning.

BI/16/00495/DOM - Case Officer: - Rachel Ballam - Other Dev - Householder Developments
Mr & Mrs J Slatter
Brightwater 14 Greenacres Birdham West Sussex
Proposed detached garage building.

BI/16/00496/FUL - Case Officer: - Maria Tomlinson - Minor Dev - Dwellings
Mr & Mrs Slatter
Brightwater 14 Greenacres Birdham West Sussex
Variation of Condition 2 of planning permission BI/15/02632/FUL - To reference amended plans (14-52-3 Rev K, 14-52-4 Rev K, 14-52-5 Rev K) showing a non-material change to the southern projection.

BI/16/00581/DOM - Case Officer: - Maria Tomlinson - Other Dev - Householder Developments
Mr Chris Harrison
Longstone 12 Greenacres Birdham West Sussex
Replacement of windows, renewal of existing render finish, replacement of roof and re-cladding of the existing front extension and the demolition of existing small side extension.


Premier Marinas
Building D Chichester Marina Birdham Chichester West Sussex PO20 7EJ
Variation of condition 3b of permission BI/12/00475/FUL. To allow for the vacant unit to be occupied by a retail (A1) occupier.

Mrs Charlotte Sercombe
Martins Lea Martins Lane Birdham West Sussex PO20 7AU
First floor extension to front of property and conversion of part of the roof void with dormer windows.