Minutes of the Birdham Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group of the 16th October 2012

Minutes of the Birdham Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group of the 16th October 2012

Birdham Neighbourhood Plan

Minutes of the Steering Group Meeting

19.00 Tuesday 16 October 2012 Birdham Village Hall



Ken Wright                (KW)                           Carolyn Cobbold      (CC)

Marion Barker           (MB)                            Jane Finch                (JF)

Alan Drew                 (AD)                            Arnie Chamberlain  (AC)

Paul Simmons         (PS)                            Dave Williams          (DW)


Hamish Gairns, Terry Claughton

Also present:

David Siggs (DS) (Birdham Parish Council Clerk), Paul Finch (PF) (FG member – Transport & Accessibility), Lavinia Brooks (FG member – Economic & Business),

Rowena Tyler (AiRS – Community Development Officer)


  1. 1.    Review of specific actions from previous minutes

Item 2 Terms of Reference updated

Item 3 Intention to create a NP registered with CDC and posted in Observer. Due for consideration in Dec meeting of CDC Cabinet (see item 7)

Item 4c Village Hall booked for Drop in Day 17th November (booked 9.30am to 1.30pm)

  1. 2.    Review of Key Control Documents:
    1. a.    The Overall Plan – all members happy with drafted plan.
    2. b.    Register of Consultations – all members aware
    3. c.    Mapping of Issues to Focus Groups – noted additions. No other additions suggested.
  2. 3.    Flooding Risk Assessment

After extensive discussion members agreed to recruit residents from each road to help map the June flood. Once mapping data is available to contact David Losely for current advice. Responsibility for this activity was agreed as resting with the Environment FG. There was some discussion around suitable flooding questions. DS to provide copies of the parish map to each FG.                                          DS

  1. 4.    Report from FGs
    1. a.    Economic/Business – have held 2 meetings – aim is to find out what attracts businesses to Birdham. Intend to talk to George Smith at DC. Next step to run a drafted questionnaire past 15 businesses (range) to check questions. Then decide further steps based on response. RT recommended we encourage formation of a Business Group in Birdham (like Chamber of Commerce/business breakfast club).
    2. b.    Transport/Accessibility – 1 meeting, considered road congestion and commuting
    3. c.    Community – 2 meetings (see report). Marion has taken up the school liaison task
    4. d.    Environment – 1 meeting
    5. e.    Heritage/Local knowledge – see report
  2. Open Day preparation

RT suggested we develop ‘Branding’ for materials so that when residents receive any communication they recognise it as part of the NP consultation. Discussed using the NP tab on the PC web-site with a unique email address to allow for contact via email. Agreed materials would need to be developed by each FG to support open day, possibly using the maps and the draft questionnaire. Discussed creating a ‘take away’ sheet (similar to Findon sheet) for attendees. JF volunteered to draft this for consideration by SG.                                            JF

  1. 6.    Questionnaire Update

All groups need to get draft Q’s ready. Agreed to do so by 26th October.       All

  1. Funding

Plan area will not be confirmed until January 2013 at the earliest. Once this is confirmed PF will pursue the funding that is then activated. Strategic Flood Risk Assessment is available on CD for £5, which DS will order.                              DS

CC mentioned Stuart Smith has £250K to spend on flooding.

  1. 8.    AOB
    1. a.    New planning applications – members agreed that planning applications would be discussed as and when they arose.
    2. b.    CPRE workshop attendees – KW added to the list and DS to notify organisers (attendees AC, MB, KW and Andy Grafham)             DS
    3. c.    AirS Community 21 IT instruction session – various dates given. JF to liaise with Faustina. PS interested in attending.                                          JF
    4. d.    Questions from attendees not in the Steering Group - none



The next meetings were proposed for Monday 12th November 2012 and Monday 10th December 2012.                                                                                                              All

Meeting was closed at 20.50.