Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on  the 18th February 2013

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on the 18th February 2013

Birdham Parish Council


Minutes of the Meeting of the Council

 held on Monday 18th February 2013

at 7pm in Birdham Village Hall


Present:                     Cllr Tilbury, Cllr Grafham, Cllr Parks, Cllr Barker.

Apologies:                 Cllr Finch (Chairman), Cllr Cobbold, Cllr Marshall (CDC) and PCSO R Bainbridge

In attendance:           The Clerk, Cllr Montyn (WSCC & CDC), and 12 members of the public.

125-12   Election of Chairman for the Meeting:

As both the Chairman and Vice-Chairman had given their apologies an election was held to determine a Chairman for the current meeting.

It was resolved that Cllr Tilbury should conduct the meeting as Chairman.

126-12   Public Question Time in accordance with SO’s 1d -1l:

              There were no questions from residents

127-12 Declaration of Interests:

There were no declarations of interest.

128-12 Approve and sign the Minutes of the meeting held on the 21st January 2013:

It was resolved that the minutes of the 21st January 2013 be signed as a true and accurate record.

 129-12 Matters arising from the minutes of the 19th November 2012:

i)    Minute 89-12 - Land Bequest. The Clerk reminded members that he had been concerned about two alterations made to the land registration documentation by the solicitors of Birdham Straight House. He went on to say the advice he had been given concerning the shared roadway repair contributions seemed reasonable, in that BPC would only be responsible for sharing costs that would maintain the roadway in its current state and only with prior consultation that the work was both necessary and of value.

The other concern was the additional wordage to the restrictive covenants binding the Retained Land and each and every part of the land. This was explained by the solicitor representing BPC as a standard format of words to ensure that should BPC wish to dispose of the land, or any part of it, at some point in the future then restrictive covenants would apply to the disposed land.

The Clerk recommended that provided the various points made were adopted by the Executors of the late Mr Adams will then the transfer should be completed.

It was resolved to accept the Clerks recommendation

ii)   Minute 95-12v – Finger Posts. The Clerk reported that he had received quotations from J K Engineering to refurbish the broken finger post at the junction of Crooked Lane and Westlands Lane at £900.00 or to repair at £300.00. The Clerk suggested that the Council would prefer to take the repair option of £300.00 the funding of which would have to come from the reserves.

It was resolved that the Clerk be authorised to accept the £300.00 repair option and the funding be vired over from the reserves.

 130-12 Clerks’ Report:

i)    WSCC – The Clerk reported the only item received from WSCC was a letter from the Deputy Leader Lionel Barnard concerning the delayed introduction of faster broadband throughout the County. The Clerk reminded Members that the delay had been as a result of intervention by the EC who had declared that the original methodology to provide faster broadband breached EC Law in that State Funds as well as WSCC funds would be used to finance the commissioning of this service.

It is now accepted by the EC that funding was being used correctly and the tendering process had begin.

ii)   CDC – The Clerk reported nothing had been received from CDC.

iii)  Other related matters – There were none.

iv) Reports from Members of WSCC/CDC – Cllr Montyn said that he had nothing further to add to the letter concerning Broadband already reported upon.

Addressing the subject of flooding he went on to say that pumps were still in Church Lane and would remain so until the threat of flooding was removed. He said that heavy jetting had not resolved the problems that related to the Walwyn Close culverts and further work would be done to resolve the current issues.

Cllr Montyn said that many well have seen the report in the local press about the offer made by both WSCC and CDC of contributions totalling some £20m to the Highways Agency to resolve junction issues on the A27. For this to be successful it required the support of WSCC and CDC, the Government and the local MP.

As for the Church Lane planning application Cllr Montyn said that this would not come to the CDC Planning Committee on the 6th March, which was widely expected however, the Donnington application for 100 new homes would be discussed.

131-12To receive and approve a financial report:

i)              The Chairman presented the financial statement for the 21st January 2013 which showed the following figures and suggested the Clerk would answer any questions.

Balances held at Bank: £23465.64
Designated Funds: £27104.24
Available Funds: £ -3638.60
Creditors: £  1809.60

It was resolved to accept the financial report.

ii)             The Clerk suggested that the time was right for a review of the bank signatories. The current signatories were Cllrs Parks, Cobbold and Tilbury. The Clerk suggested that the signatories should be Cllrs Finch, Barker and Cobbold.

It was resolved to accept the recommendation of the Clerk.

iii)            The risk assessment document was presented by the Clerk. It showed a standard format that met the requirements of Governance and Accountability for Local Councils. There were no areas of risk that had not been assessed correctly.

It was resolved to accept the risk assessment as presented by the Clerk.

iv)           Concern was expressed by a number of Councillors that the Council had been reduced in numbers from the allowed nine to the current six. Whilst this still meant the Council was quorate it did mean that less where having to do more and coupled with the possible further reduction in numbers would lead to a less productive Council. Cllr Tilbury leading on this said that a number of residents had now expressed an interest in becoming co-opted members of the Council. He proposed that the Staffing Committee should meet and interview all prospective candidates as they became known.

Cllr Parks in supporting the motion indicated that she would herself be standing down in May.

It was resolved the Staffing Committee will meet and interview all candidates who put themselves forward for co-option.

132-12 Neighbourhood Planning – Chairman to report.

In the absence of the Chairman on business the Vice Chairman gave the following report.

The last meeting had been held on the 11th February.

It was confirmed that a meeting would be held in the Village Hall on the 16th March from 10 am until 1.30pm which would major on the flooding issues surrounding Birdham. Large maps would be on display and smaller maps would be available to those who wished to take them away.

A further meeting of the EA would be taking place on the 27th February at Bracklesham Barns.

The various groups had been busy. The Environmental Group had involved the school and the pupils and their comments would be added to the growing list of evidence needed to substantiate any plan.

The Transport Group are due to meet in March.

The questionnaire is almost complete, although a change in the design and layout is possible. It is hoped to pilot the questionnaire shortly both to test it and to raise awareness of the Neighbourhood Plan.

A quick review of the Amanda Jobling letter had taken place but the steering group would not respond to it but would adopt a stance of ‘helpful input’.

A request was made to the Clerk to write to the CDC planners requesting a meeting and to Hyde Martlet concerning the possible re-purchase of housing purchased by tenants under the ‘right to buy scheme’.

Cllr Tilbury said that the draft Local Plan was due to be published on the 27th March.

133-12 Planning matters including applications and CDC delegated decisions:

        i)              Approve and sign the Minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on the 11th February 2013:

It was resolved that the Planning Committee minutes of the 11th February 2013 be signed as a true and accurate record.

ii)             Applications to be decided.

There were no applications

iii)            Delegated Decisions to be noted

There were no delegated decisions

 134-12 Correspondence – Not previously circulated:

The Clerk reported that he had received the following;

i)              The Chichester Harbour News and Guide for 2013.

135-12 Reports:

i)      Play area and playing field – The Clerk reported that the gate post at the Northern end of the play park that had been reported as damaged at the January meeting has now been repaired.

ii)      Village Green and Pond – The Clerk said that the tree work at the western edge of the pond had now been carried out which meant that the dredging and landscape work could be carried out as the next and final stage of the pond refurbishment.

iii)     Condition of Village Ditch/Drain Network – Cllr Tilbury said that a great deal of work had been carried out by Cllr Montyn to resolve the flooding issues for which the village was indebted. He went on to say that problems still remained with the culvert in Walwyn Close which had problems with levels and that a further problem to be sorted out was the culvert under Crooked Lane.

iv)     Police and Neighbourhood Watch – In giving her apologies PCSO Bainbridge asked that her emailed report be read out which was done and for completeness is included as annex a to these minutes.

Cllr Tilbury, reporting for the Neighbourhood Watch, said that reports of anti-social behaviour in Birdham were not as bad as other areas and consisted mainly of minor thefts from unsecured properties.

v)      Communications/Parish Newsletter/Website – The next Parish Newsletter was due for release during the first weekend in March.

vi)     Other – There was none.

136-12 Reports from Councillors attending meetings:

Cllr Tilbury said that he had been invited to talk to North Bersted Parish Council on the subject of flooding and the actions that had been carried out in Birdham.

137-12 Items for inclusion in the next meeting:

              The co-option of potential Councillors

The Annual Parish Meeting on the 18th May

138-12 Dates of Next Meeting:      

In closing the meeting at 7.50 pm the Chairman reminded all present that the next meeting of the Council would be held on the

 18th March 2013 at 7pm in Birdham Village Hall

  Signed ___________________________   Dated ____________________




Annex A


Report by PCSO R Bainbridge as presented to the Parish Council Meeting of the 18th February 2013

Please accept my apologies that I will not be able to attend the Birdham Parish Council Meeting on Monday 18th February.

I have been doing some work with advising the elderly in particular, and giving awareness to Cold Callers and Rogue Traders.  I have created a flyer on A5 and also A4 for those of poorer eyesight, which gives prevention advice ie using door chain, checking ID etc.  The Library, Medical Centre and elderly clubs plus the West Manhood Venture Bus have been given these plus I have also personally delivered them to clubs and selected businesses.

I was asked to talk on the subject of Scams recently and have created a similar advice sheet relating to this along with useful telephone numbers.  My article in the Local Rag for March focuses on Scams, rogue traders and cold callers.

There have been some burglaries in the Manhood Peninsular and our advice as always is to secure all property, be vigilant and report suspicious activity or vehicles.   Due to a suspicious sighting in Itchenor a few days ago, Police were able to attend promptly, a confirmed break discovered and the offenders pursued.

Regular night time patrols are being carried out including RPU (Road Policing Unit) who arrested a DIC (drunk in charge) two days ago.  Late patrols are particularly aware of suspicious vehicles who are stopped and searched and arrests have been made including going equipped.

Some anti-social behaviour has been reported in Longmeadow Gardens and Pescotts Close. No damage caused, but nuisance behaviour.  Please report immediately should you see or hear anything untoward.

I have deployed the SID (speed indicator device) with PCSO Broad, and will continue to do so in Bell Lane and Crooked Lane.

A black and white Staffy dog without a collar, crossed the A286 near the junction of Church Road and caused a car to swerve and narrowly miss a vehicle travelling in the opposite direction.  The dog was stunned, and I thought injured, but eventually trotted off along the footpath parallel to Sidlesham Lane.

I have been asked to move some builders vehicles from opposite Burlow Close.  The building site were extremely co-operative and apologetic and moved the vehicles immediately.

Farmwatch system has now converted to the Community Messaging system.  The 0845 number is now void.  Sussex Police Non-Emergency number is 101 which is the National Non-Emergency Police number.  It is easy to remember and dial and is 15p regardless of length of time of the call.  This includes mobiles.  We also have a landline number 01273 470101 and you will be put through to Sussex Police directly without going through the process of selecting a local force. Additionally, if you have an inclusive plan which includes free calls to local numbers, there is no cost if dialling from a landline.
You can also report non-emergency issues at www.sussex.police.uk where you can email or ask questions online.

Finally, many apologies that the bicycle marking event (OP VELO) had to be cancelled at short notice due to commitments regarding the unfortunate Murders that occurred that week.  I do plan to do another very soon and will put this on Facebook, Twitter, Community Messaging and of course local posters by the Village Hall and Birdham Stores.  Should anyone miss out, these will be ongoing.

Rose Bainbridge
Manhood Neighbourhood Policing Team
Tel: 101   Ext 19516 Mobile: 07881754535
