Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on the 15th June 2015

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on the 15th June 2015

Birdham Parish Council

Minutes of the
Meeting of the Parish Council
held on Monday 15th June 2015
at 7pm in Birdham Village Hall

Present: Cllr Hamilton (Vice Chairman), Cllr Firmston, Cllr Campbell, Cllr Barker.

Apologies: Cllr Bird, Cllr Brooks, Cllr Pocock (Chairman), and PCSO Bainbridge

In attendance: The Clerk, Cllr Montyn (WSCC), Cllr Barrett (CDC) and 13 members of the public.

Absent: Cllr Churchill

17-15 In the absence of the Chairman on holiday the Vice Chairman to Chair the meeting
The Chairman welcomed all of those present to the meeting.

18-15 Public Question time in accordance with Standing Orders 1d -1l:
There were none.

19-15 Declaration of Interests:
There were no declarations of interest given.

20-15 Approve and sign the minutes of the 18th May 2015.
With a minor amendment to the minutes to reflect that Cllr Barker had asked to be relieved from the Resilience/Emergency Planning Group, It was resolved to adopt the minutes of the 18th May as a true and accurate record of the meeting.

21-15 Clerks’ Report:
i) WSCC – The Clerk reported that he had been contacted by the Public Rights of Way Team, asking for any known problems to be reported to the Team as soon as possible.
ii) CDC – An email had been received from Michael Rowland introducing himself as the new Emergency Planning Officer for Chichester District Council. He hoped that he would, over the next few months, be able to meet with as many as possible to determine the best way to provide Emergency Planning Services.
iii) Reports from Members of WSCC/CDC – Cllr Montyn (WSCC) said that he was pleased to say he had received the funds from Op Watershed which, although not the amount requested, was deemed sufficient to carry out the work required. The Parish in conjunction with the WSCC Drainage Engineer would be looking to achieve a good deal to get the work done.
Cllr Montyn went on to say that there was now a campaign underway to attract more visitors to our area. It had been highlighted that West Sussex was performing less well than it might and advertising had started both locally and in the Metro, the free newspaper found on most stations. He also requested that a link be placed on the Parish Council website linking visitors either on to the WSCC website or vice versa. The Clerk said that he would ensure that the link was provided.

Cllrs Hamilton and Barrett both gave written reports which can be found in full at Annex A to these minutes.

iv) Other related matters – The Rev Swindells was invited to speak on the proposed extension to the St James Church. He said that fund raising for the extension was well under way with some £325k of the £600k needed but with quite a way yet to go he hoped that the Parish Council might support the Church with funding from the New Homes Bonus (NHB)
The Chairman asked how much would be needed before the project could be started.
Rev Swindell said that the project required a full faculty from the Diocese who will require that all funds are in place prior to starting any work.

22-15 Finance and Corporate:
i) To receive and approve the financial report.
The Clerk presented the financial reports for the month of June (shown at Annex B). The current balances are as follows;

Balances held at Bank £36732.62
Designated Funds £29654.17
Ring Fenced Funds £ 9234.00
Available Funds £12332.67
Creditors £ 4238.94
The Clerk offered to answer any questions that Councillors may have.

It was resolved to adopt the Financial Report.

ii) The Clerk presented the report of the Internal Auditor which may be found at Annex C to these minutes. The report indicated that the administration of the Councils affairs and its Finances are kept well up to date. There were no comments to make by the Auditor other than Perfect. The Chairman and Council congratulated the Clerk on achieving the acclamation from the Internal Auditor and felt that it should be minuted.

23-15 Update on the Neighbourhood Plan.
The Clerk reported that he had been informed by CDC that the work to the Neighbourhood Plan had been suspended subject to the sign off by CDC Cabinet of the Local Plan.

24-15 Correspondence – Not previously circulated:
There was none.

25-15 Reports:
i) Play Area and Playing Field. – There was nothing to report at this time.
ii) Village Green and Pond. – The Clerk pointed out to those who may not yet have seen it that the bench installed by the Brownlees Family was in place. He went on to say that the WI were still happy to supply a tree in place of the bench and it had been suggested that a flowering tree might be ideal to replace the one that had died in the northern most corner of the triangle.
The Chairman said that she was a little disappointed that the grass had not been cut according to the plan. The Clerk said that he would talk to the groundsman again.
Cllr Firmston had reported that he was unable to unlock the flagpole to raise the flag. The Clerk had looked into the problem and a new lock and key were on order.
iii) Condition of Village Ditch/Drain Network. – It was reported that the Cherry Lane project had been completed and signed off. The Walwyn Close project was picking up momentum in that the undergrowth had been cut back in order that the line of a ditch could be determined and what ‘land creep’ had taken place
iv) Police and Neighbourhood Watch – There was nothing to report.
v) Communication Working Groups – A meeting was due to take place with the Chairman on his return from holiday to discuss the content of the next News Letter.
vi) Other - The Chairman said that she was pleased to say she had managed to acquire a number of cycle racks, two of which are to come to the village hall. If they were to be installed by WSCC they would require £105 per rack. However, a number of residents said they were more than willing and able to install the racks so as not to incur this cost.

The Chairman introduced Mr Mike Wells who was interested in becoming a Parish Councillor and asked him to say a few words.
Mr Wells said that although he and his wife had not long been residents in the village they had kept a boat here for some 20 years. He was becoming very familiar with the area and felt that he could bring a lot to the village should he be selected.

26-15 Reports of meetings attended by Councillors;
Members were reminded that the next Manhood Peninsula Forum Meeting was to be held on the 29th June.

27-15 Planning matters including applications and CDC delegated decisions:

i) Planning Applications to be decided.
BI/15/01535/DOM - Mr Stephen Miles-Brown Lock Cottage Lock Lane Birdham
Proposed new dormer to rear elevation, with inset balcony. Objection

BI/15/01570/DOM - Mr David Thompson Copper Beech Church Lane Birdham
Changes to Approved Application BI/15/00003/DOM.Move over ground floor extension. No Objection

It was resolved to authorise the Clerk to notify Councils decision to CDC Planning.

ii) Delegated Decisions to be noted.
BI/15/00796/ADV Mr & Mrs M Eade The Barnyard Birdham Road Birdham
Erection of freestanding V forecourt sign. REFUSE

BI/15/00989/DOM Mr & Mrs Morelli 11 Greenacres Birdham
Ground floor and first floor extension (to the west facing elevation), internal alterations and roof conversion. REFUSE

BI/15/01218/DOM Mr And Mrs Alexander Blackwood 2 Oakmeadow Birdham
Replacement conservatory with single storey flat roofed extension on existing site. PERMIT

The delegated decisions were noted.

28-14 Items for inclusion on the next agenda:
Co-Option of Mr Wells

29-14 Date of Next Meeting:

20th July 2015 at 7pm in Birdham Village Hall

There being no further business to discuss the meeting was declared closed at 8.04pm
Signed ___________________________ Dated ____________________


Annex A

Council Matters Arising during current period – June 2015 (Cllr Barrett)
Youth Club

Following a meeting of the school governors, where they have accepted the continuation of the building to be used by the community, there is now a high probability the leasing of the facility by the Parish Council from WSCC will now be progressed. In the future funding will be sought from local Parish to support the Youth Club.

Local Plan

The Plan will be presented to the Cabinet on 7 July then to Council on 14 July for adoption.

Southern Water

As a result of the email received from Southern Water on 18 May sites exhibiting similar problems to those experienced in West Wittering will be further addressed by CDC.

Planning Appeal

The Clappers Lane Appeal has a provisional date set for December 2015.

Coop East Wittering

The Coop announced on Monday 1 June that they will no longer be developing a new facility on the Royal Oak site. They now plan to update their existing store during the winter period.

Birdham Road Travellers Site

Court proceedings on 11 June. (The occupants of the site are in breach of Planning but have given an undertaking to the courts not to carry out any further development work)

Manhood Peninsula Partnership

Currently funded by EA, WSCC, CDC and some Parishes. Funding is secure until end of this financial year. Funding will be withdrawn by EA from next year and WSCC/CDC funding not yet confirmed. The Partnership may be looking toward Parishes for funding.

The issue of Ditches and Hedges came up at the meeting and the Partnership is looking toward Parishes to monitor status through a Working Group.

Neighbourhood Plans should address connectivity across the Peninsula and Green Links mapping. Funding for Green Links programme can be sought from the New Homes Bonus.

Wittering and Birdham District Council report. June 2015 (Cllr Hamilton)

Chichester District Local Plan. The inspector found it to be sound subject to a few modifications. It will be presented to the Cabinet on July 7th and to full Council for adoption on 14th July.

Clappers Lane Planning Appeal. A provisional date has been set for December 2015.

Co-op, East Wittering. The Co-Op announced on Monday 1st June that they will no longer be developing a new supermarket on the site of The Royal Oak. They now plan to update their existing store during next winter.

Birdham Travellers’ Site Planning Applications 15/01287/FUL and 15/01288/FUL Occupants of the site in breach of planning law appeared in court on 11th June. They have signed papers under a court order accepting they may not carry on further development on the site until after the planning application has been determined (either by officers or the planning committee), a court order taking the matter to trial has been issued. This matter is listed for a further date early next year, but the occupants are bound until that hearing and cannot carry out further works on the site.

Southern Water. As a result of an email received from Southern Water on the 18th May sites exhibiting similar problems to those experienced in West Wittering will be further addressed by CDC.

Manhood Peninsula Partnership this is currently funded by Environment Agency, WSCC, CDC and some parishes. Funding is secure u ntil the end of this financial year. Funding will be withdrawn by the EA from next year and WSCC and CDC funding is not yet confirmed.
The partnership may be looking towards member parishes for funding.
The issue of ditches and hedges came up at the last meeting and the partnership is asking parishes to monitor status through a working group.
Neighbourhood Plans should address connectivity across the peninsula and Green links mapping. Funding for green links programme can be sought from New Homes Bonus.

Business Support. CDC can give advice on, funding and grants, business expansion, training and apprenticeships, work experience placements and networking. Contact business support@chichester.gov.uk or ring O1243 534669. There is also a £1.5m Leader Fund pot for grants to small and medium sized rural business - £15,000 up to £I00,000 available to eligible businesses.

Community Sport Holiday Courses These will be available during the Summer Holidays. Adventure Sport, multisport, basketball, netball and football are all on offer Ring Ben Polhill 01243 534864

'Choose Work' workshops. This is a very personal way of helping job seekers. Support and updating of skills and work experience placements are successfully helping a range of people back into employment. Ring CDC and ask for Steve Hill or Sarah Bennetts.

Selsey Sea and Salad Fair. This is taking place on Sunday 23rd August as part of Selsey Festival.

Planning – As a reminder there is a duty planning officer available at CDC offices every morning to answer queries.

Annex B
Birdham Parish Council
Financial Statement as at 14th June 2015
Bank Accounts as at 31st March 2015 36732.62
Receipts to date 24429.57
Expenditure to date 9941.35

Balance 51220.84

Represented by;
Current Account (Barclays Community A/c) 5693.26
Deposit Account (Barclays Premium Business A/c) 38716.77
National Savings 6810.81

Total 51220.84
Reserve @ 50% of Precept 21063.13
Loan Reserve for half year 8591.04
Outstanding Cheque/s -

Total 29654.17

Ringfenced Funds
Op Watershed 6768.00
New Homes Bonus (balance of £966.00 remains for Village Hall) 2466.00

Available Funds Total 12332.67


Clerk to the Council
14th June 2015

Payments to be considered

B Geary (Litter Picking) 140.00
Clerks Expenses (Telephone/stationary etc.) 35.19
Thomas Eggar (Land bequest) 778.00
Community Dev Foundation (Underspend on grant) 2878.03
M H Kennedy & Sons (Grass cutting) 222.72
E O'Flanagan (Internal Audit) 135.00
A Dover (Grass & Bus Stops) 50.00
Total 4238.94

Annex C
Internal Audit for Birdham Parish Council
I certify that I Ellie O’Flanagan have carried out tests in accordance with “Governance and Accountability in Local Councils”.
I have examined the following documents
Cash Book and Bank Statements and Cheque Books
VAT Workings
Minutes and Agendas
Financial Statements to Members
Clerk and RFO Contract of Employment
Fixed Assets Register
Insurance Schedule
A - Appropriate Books
A sample of cheques issued and cashed and all have been paid in accordance with the invoices from suppliers. Invoices initialled by the cheque signatory to prove sight.
B-Financial Regulations
The Cash Book is updated regularly and is arithmetically correct.
The VAT Workings are available on the Cash Book and thus at any time a balance is available for a complete snapshot of the financial position of the council.
C-Risk Assessment
Risk Assessment policy was available.
D - Budgets - All adequate
E- Income - All correct and accounted for.
G-Salaries and PAYE -The Employment Contract for the new Clerk is taken from NALC and is thus correct and to a standard. As suggested a letter is sent annually on The Clerks appointment as the RFO.
H-Fixed Assets - The Fixed Assets register is now completely up to date .
I-Bank Recs - Carried out at regular intervals and all cross cast.
J-Accounts Annual Return - I have carried out the internal audit.
To summarise
The accounts of Birdham Parish Council are kept well and up to date and the Clerk and RFO has a good system working with Minutes and Accounts and are an example of how a Clerk has thoroughly changed and implemented a working system due to the fact there are NO comments to make apart from Perfect!