Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on the 18th April 2016
Birdham Parish Council
Minutes of the
Meeting of the Parish Council
held on Monday 18th April 2016
at 7pm in Birdham Village Hall
Present: Cllr Pocock (Chairman), Cllr Bird, Cllr Firmston, Cllr Barker, Cllr Campbell, Cllr Wells and Cllr Churchill.
Apologies: Cllr Brooks, Cllr Hamilton (Vice Chairman), Cllr Barrett (CDC) and PCSO Bainbridge.
In attendance: The Clerk, Cllr Montyn (WSCC) and 41members of the public.
Absent: None
127-15 Public Question time in accordance with Standing Orders 1d -1l:
A number of residents attended the meeting because of their concerns over potential development of the playing field and the impact this would have on flooding within the village, loss of security and amenity should the play area be removed to another part of the playing field.
The Chairman responded that he and the Council had heard rumours that there would be anywhere from four to sixty houses build on the playing field. He clearly stated that the Council are not building houses on the playing field at all. He urged all residents to ask either the whole Council or Councillors to confirm or deny the statements being made by the rumour mill rather than accept rumour as fact.
He went on to say that to do what the residents wanted was the wish of the Council but there had to be a realistic vision of what could be achieved without imposing a greater tax burden on the residents of Birdham. The open day had been a method chosen to bring all ideas to the residents to find out what residents wanted to see on the playing field and also how it might be funded. The idea of a small number of buildings for local residents had been put forward as one idea, and he stressed the word idea.
The Chairman said that a number of ideas had come forward from the open day and that the Council were in the process of collating the responses.
A resident asked how residents could comment. The Chairman said either directly to any Councillor or through the Clerk.
A resident suggested that a vote against the Neighbourhood Plan at the forthcoming referendum would prevent the Council from building on the playing field. The Chairman said actually the opposite was true.
A resident said that it was good to hear that nothing was going to be pushed through without consultation.
A resident asked how many had been against the idea of a pond. Cllr Wells said he did not have the exact amount but the majority had been against.
The Chairman said that if residents would let the Council know their views on the playing field it would be very useful. The Council did not want to put in a tremendous amount of work to achieve nothing. The Council wished to work for the benefit of the residents as this is what they had been elected to do. A considerable amount of money may well be needed and the services of a professional engineer to resolve the playing field flooding problem.
A resident said that in the past Farne Lane had been flooded and asked how, would the Council deal with the surface water run-off if building did go ahead.
The Chairman said that water does now flow but work still needs to be carried out throughout the village on ditches and culverts.
A resident suggested that if money was needed why not build on the land that had been bequeathed to the Council.
The Chairman said that the land was subject to covenants that prevented any form of development taking place.
128-15 Declaration of Interests:
Cllr Wells declared a personal and prejudicial interest in planning application BI/16/00933/OUT and would leave the room prior to the start of the debate.
129-15 Approve and sign the minutes of the 21st March 2016.
It was resolved to adopt the minutes of the 21st March 2016 as a true and accurate record of the meeting.
130-15 Clerks’ Report:
- WSCC – There was nothing to report
- CDC – Although the Clerk had nothing to report Cllr Campbell asked about the Birdham Pool Causeway. The Clerk said that prior to writing to CDC about the supposed ‘condition’ which had been imposed by CDC he had decided to speak to WSCC Public Rights of Way (PROW) who have the responsibility in these matters. He had been informed by PROW that no condition had been imposed by them, that no planning application had been submitted to them concerning gates across the Causeway. They had gone on to say that the PROW was across the full width of the Causeway not just a path. They did accept that should it become necessary to close any gates preventing access to the PROW permission had to be sought from WSCC PROW unless it was for a short time during a boat lift. However, as the crane was now to be situated at the other end of the Causeway they could see no reason for even this to take place.
- Reports from Members of WSCC/CDC – Cllr Montyn (WSCC) said that he very little to say. However, the Council had released £5m over the next two years into repairing footways and pavements throughout West Sussex and a further £500k on road markings.
In addition the Council would be releasing details of Op Watershed 3 which was due to release a further £500k to address flooding issue throughout the County.
4. Other related matters – There were none.
131-15 To receive an update on the Neighbourhood Plan:-
Cllr Campbell said that the Neighbourhood Plan referendum would take place on the 5th
132-15 Finance and Corporate:
- To receive and approve the financial report.
The Clerk presented the financial report up to and including the 18th April 2016 shown at Annex a. The current balances are as follows;
Balances held at Bank | £ 89122.51 |
Designated Funds | £ 21063.13 |
Ring Fenced Funds | £ 13297.90 |
Available Funds | £ 20758.41 |
Creditors | £ 1282.81 |
The Clerk offered to answer any questions that Councillors may have.
It was resolved to adopt the Financial Report.
- To consider signing the Annual Governance Statement of the Annual Return
It was resolved to sign the Annual Governance Statement.
2. To consider signing the Accounting Statements of the Annual Return.
It was resolved to sign the Accounting Statements of the Annual Return.
133-15 Correspondence – Not previously circulated: -
There was none.
134-15 Reports:
- Play Area and Playing Field. – The Chairman said he felt that enough debate had gone into this at the start of the meeting and unless there was anything that had not been addressed he felt the meeting should move on.
Cllr Wells said that is it was the wish of residents he would organise costings for a revamp of the current play park.
2.Village Green and Pond. – The Chairman highlighted the work that had recently been done on the Kingfisher Pond or as he preferred to call it Kingfisher Ditch. He said that we a great deal yet to be done including getting out the stumps of the trees that had been cut down. However, he was rather grateful to Mr Monnington for the work that he had carried out both at that pond and also in the Triangle Pond area.
3. Condition of Village Ditch/Drain Network. – Cllr Bird as Chairman of the Flood Prevention Working Group said that he had had long talks with both Mr Barrington and the Chairman of the Earnley Flood Prevention Group. He realised just how much work Mr Barrington had put in to keeping Birdham flood free over the last couple of years and considered that the Village owed a debt of gratitude to Mr Barrington. He went on to say that he was in the process of pushing for outstanding works to be done and would continue to do so.
4.Police and Neighbourhood Watch – PCSO Bainbridge had given her apologies.
5. Communication Working Groups – A newsletter had just been delivered but a further A5 flyer concerning the referendum would be delivered shortly.6.
6. Community Resilience: - Cllr Firmston reported that there was nothing urgent to report.
7. Other – There was nothing to report.
8. Reports of meetings attended by Councillors; - There was nothing to report.
136-15 Planning matters including applications and CDC delegated decisions:
- Planning Applications to be decided.
BI/16/00527/FUL - Mr C Sharpe Bell Inn Bell Lane Birdham West Sussex
Renovation and extension of existing public house to improve existing restaurant and bar areas including the provision of tourist accommodation. Construction of 3 no. detached dwellings and associated works within the grounds of the Bell Inn.
After careful consideration the Parish Council Objected to the application as it lies extremely close to the Somerly Conservation area and therefore conflicts with the Neighbourhood Plan. The development lies outside of the current settlement boundary in a rural area.
BI/16/00528/COU - Mr C Sharpe Bell Inn Bell Lane Birdham West Sussex
Change of use of Public House (A4) to 1 no. dwelling (C3).
The Parish Council reviewed the reason behind the COU and the various alterations to be made should the application be granted and find no reason to object.
BI/16/00901/FUL - Mr Michael Marsdin Land Adjacent To Oakdene Sidlesham Lane Birdham West Sussex
Tractor and implement store.
Birdham Parish Council deferred their comments to this application as in their opinion insufficient information was provided.
BI/16/00985/DOM - Mr D Segel Chaffinches Farm Main Road Birdham Chichester
Amendments to BI/13/01197/DOM to include brick patio area to east of extension and patio doors in lieu of 2 no. windows.
Birdham Parish Council raises No Objection to this application.
BI/16/00987/LBC - Mr D Segel Chaffinches Farm Main Road Birdham Chichester
Amendments to BI/13/01198/LBC to include brick patio area to east of extension and patio doors in lieu of 2 no. windows.
Birdham Parish Council raises No Objection to this application.
BI/16/01049/TPA - Mr A Jackson Lock Lane Birdham West Sussex PO20 7BA
Reduce over-extending limb arising at 2m to west, back to 3m on 1 no. Oak tree (T315). Fell 2 no. Oak trees (T328 and T348). Reduce height and extension of crown to east back by 3m on 1 no. Unknown tree (T351). All 4 no. trees are within Group, G1 subject to BI/08/00174/TPO.
Birdham Parish Council are content to leave the decision to the CDC Tree Officer.
BI/16/00931/DOM - Mr And Mrs Kane and Iwa Pirie Navarre Lodge Westlands Lane Birdham West Sussex
Proposed new garage courtyard area including erection of outbuilding, new garden walls north and south and changes to access.
Birdham Parish Council raises No Objection to this application.
BI/16/00933/OUT - Koolbergen, Kelly's Nurseries And Bellfield Nurseries, Bell Lane, Birdham, Chichester, West Sussex, PO20 7HY
Erection of 77 houses B1 floorspace, retail and open space with retention of 1 dwelling.
Birdham Parish Council raised Objections to this application.
In its considered opinion the proposed development imposed a scale of urbanization that would destroy the character of the village. In addition the proposed development is outside the current SPA, conflicts with the pre-referendum Neighbourhood Plan, the existing Local Plan and the NPPF.
It was resolved to authorise the Clerk to notify the Councils decision to CDC Planning.
2. Delegated Decisions to be noted.
BI/16/00267/PLD Mr Hemal Patel Redmoor Estate Main Road Birdham Proposed roof extension. REFUSE
BI/15/03954/ELD Mr Malcolm Rodgers Birdham Farm Birdham Road Birdham Storage of materials and parking of vehicles on land adjacent to the NE boundary of existing property. REFUSE
BI/16/00238/FUL Mr Malcolm Oliver Moorings Westlands Estate Birdham
Replacement of existing timber sea defence. PERMIT
BI/16/00425/DOM Mr Mike Fairall Police House Crooked Lane Birdham
Proposed side single/double storey extension and new pitched roof to garage. WITHDRAWN
BI/16/00495/DOM Mr & Mrs J Slatter Brightwater 14 Greenacres Birdham
Proposed detached garage building. PERMIT
BI/15/04175/DOM Mr & Mrs D Smith Cowdry Barn Birdham Road Birdham 7BX
Alterations to existing conservatory to provide replacement walls and roof and rear extension to existing car port. PERMIT
The delegated decisions were noted.
137-15 Items for inclusion on the next agenda:
There were none
138-15 Date of Next Meeting:
The Annual Meeting of the Parish Council will be held on the
16th May 2016 at 7pm in Birdham Village Hall
There being no further business to discuss the meeting was declared closed at 8.34pm
Signed ___________________________ Dated ____________________
Annex a.
Birdham Parish Council | ||||||||
Financial Statement as at 18th April 2016 | ||||||||
£ | ||||||||
Bank Accounts as at 31st March 2016 | 89612.51 | |||||||
Receipts to date | 22793.20 | |||||||
Expenditure to date | 48695.23 | |||||||
Balance | 63710.48 | |||||||
Represented by; | ||||||||
Current Account (Barclays Community A/c) | 50585.12 | |||||||
Deposit Account (Barclays Premium Business A/c) | 6263.47 | |||||||
National Savings | 6861.89 | |||||||
Total | 63710.48 | |||||||
Less | ||||||||
Reserve @ 50% of Precept | 21063.13 | |||||||
Loan Reserve for half year | 8591.04 | |||||||
Outstanding Cheque/s - | ||||||||
Total | 29654.17 | |||||||
Ringfenced Funds | ||||||||
Op Watershed | 11255.85 | |||||||
NHB | 2042.05 | |||||||
Total | 13297.90 | |||||||
Available Funds | Total | 20758.41 | ||||||
Signed | ||||||||
Clerk to the Council | ||||||||
18th April 2016 | ||||||||
Payments to be considered | ||||||||
B Geary (Litter Picking) | 70.00 | |||||||
Clerks Expenses (Telephone etc.) | 298.90 | |||||||
A Dover | 90.00 | |||||||
CDC (Peninsula Partnership) | 438.00 | |||||||
MH Kennedy | 166.20 | |||||||
Southern Electric | 219.71 | |||||||
Total | 1282.81 | |||||||