Minutes of the Council Meeting held on the 21st Febraury 2011

Minutes of the Council Meeting held on the 21st Febraury 2011

Birdham Parish Council

Minutes of the Meeting of the Council

held on Monday 21st February 2011

at 7pm in Birdham Village Hall

Present:                    Cllr Mrs Parks (Chairman), Cllr Mrs Cobbold (Vice-Chairman), Cllr Tilbury, Cllr Mrs Leach, Cllr Churchill, Cllr Ms Huskisson, Cllr Mrs Barker.

Apologies:               Cllr P Jones &  Cllr P Montyn (WSCC & CDC)

In attendance:         The Clerk, PCSO A Bromley and 4 members of the public.

113-10 Declarations of Interests

There were none.

114-10 Resignation of Cllr Meynell

The Clerk informed the Council that he had received a letter from Cllr Meynell dated 25th January 2011 resigning as Chairman of the Council and from the Council for health reasons.

In calling for a vote of thanks Cllr Tilbury made the following statement;

‘Councils are ideally made up of people with common sense, experience of life and an ability to listen – as well as specific qualifications which can assist the Council’s work.

Richard Meynell has ticked all the boxes since he joined the Council in June 1984.

His knowledge of Birdham as a resident goes back over fifty years and his personal memories are supplemented by a collection of historic maps, pictures and photographs, invaluable to those who really wish to know Birdham and, like Richard, have a sense of place.

His professionalism and his taste as a practising architect have brought depth and authority to the Council’s responses to planning matters – to say nothing of the contribution he has made through his own buildings to the local built environment, marked by his qualities of discretion, quality and practicality.

He has been an adviser to Chichester Cathedral for many years and his restoration work on local churches has brought him awards from West Sussex for the sensitivity and quality of his work and eventually also the national award of the King of Prussia Medal for overcoming special challenges in church restoration work, awarded by the Ecclesiastical Architects and Surveyors Association, of which he is a past President.

It seems a pity that ill health has forced him to resign from the Harbour Conservancy. As a boat owner for fifty years at Birdham Pool until two years ago, he brought additional insight to the work.

And this Council will miss him for all his qualities and skills so freely given to this community for 27 years.’

We send our very best wishes to Richard and to Clare and their family.

It was resolved to record a vote of thanks to Cllr Meynell for the commitment and work he had given to the Council and to the Parish of Birdham during his 27 years of continuous service.

115-10 Election of Chairman and Vice-Chairman of Council for the remainder of the Council Year.

It was proposed by Cllr Tilbury, seconded by Cllr Cobbold and resolved that Cllr Mrs A Parks be elected as Chairman of the Birdham Parish Council for the remainder of the Council Term.

It was proposed by Cllr Parks, seconded by Cllr Huskisson and resolved that Cllr Mrs C Cobbold be elected as the Vice-Chairman of Birdham Parish Council for the remainder of the Council Term.

116-10 Action taken to fill the vacancy left by the resignation of Cllr Meynell.

The Clerk outlined the options open to the Council.

Under s.87(2), s.89(6) LGA 1972; s.36, RPA 1983 and 1986 Regulations it was resolved that the vacancy be notified to the Electoral Services Office of Chichester District Council and that the Council would not seek to fill the vacancy.

Proposed by Cllr S Leach and Seconded by Cllr R Tilbury.

117-10 Urgent/Additional items notified to the Chairman or the Clerk prior to the meeting.

i)             The Chairman, Cllr Parks asked for suitable ideas that would recognise the contribution made by Mr Meynell both to the Council and to the wider community of Birdham and beyond.

After much discussion it was resolved to make Mr Meynell an Honorary Freeman of the Parish of Birdham the highest award that the Parish Council could bestow.

Proposed by Cllr Tilbury and seconded by Cllr Cobbold.

ii)            It was agreed that the vacancy that now existed on CDALC should be filled by Cllr Cobbold and that CDALC would be asked to appoint Cllr Cobbold to the Harbour Conservancy.

iii)          It was agreed that Cllr Cobbold should attend the South Chichester County Local Committee on 17th May @ 7pm venue to be confirmed.

118-10 Minutes of the meeting held on the 17th January 2011

Resolved: that the minutes of the 17th January 2011 be signed as a true and accurate record.

Proposed by Cllr Leach, and seconded by Cllr Barker.

119-10 Matters arising from the Minutes

Land Bequeathed to the council – The Clerk had received a letter from the Councils Solicitor in which it was made clear that rights of way into the land bequeathed to the Council appear to be included in the land registry title. There now seemed that minor amendments to the transfer document are required and once agreed with other land beneficiaries and the Executors it should not be too long before Birdham Parish Council has title.

120-10 Clerks’ Report:

i)             During the meeting of the 17th January, the Clerk reported that the finger post at the junction of Mapsons Lane and Sidlesham Lane had been knocked down. According to WSCC the re-instatement of this style of finger post was now the responsibility of the Parish Councils. Fortunately the WSCC contractor re-installed the post on behalf of WSCC who elected to foot the bill on this occasion.

ii)            The Clerk reported that he had received the Infrastructure Works Programme 2011/12 from WSCC which unfortunately did not include work in or near Birdham Parish

iii)           CDC had forwarded to the Clerk a notification receipt for the alleged breach of planning conditions associated with Premier Motor Homes.

iv)           The Clerk reported that he was in possession of a notification document from the CDC Principal Solicitor concerning an Enforcement Notice issued to a residence in Sidlesham Lane.

v)            The Clerk reported that he had now received confirmation of the Booking for Cllr Barker and himself to attend a one day seminar on Decentralisation and the Localism Bill.

vi)           A copy of the NHS Service Redesign for Quality in West Sussex proposal document had been received for which the Clerk would produce a précis for circulation to Councillors.

vii)         Reports from Members of WSCC/CDC


121-10 Planning matters including CDC decisions:

Prior to the debate on planning application and decisions Cllr Tilbury reported that activity had started on the Longmeadow site. Many residents felt that the drainage problem had still not been addressed.

The Eastons Farm application was due to go to the Area Development Control (South) Committee at the end of March.

In addition he had been invited to attend the official opening of the Affordable Housing Development in West Ashling. This development was similar in size and scope to that proposed for Birdham however, the insulation properties in West Ashling reached code 3 whereas in Birdham it was hoped that any development would attain code 4 or higher.


BI/11/00556/TPA West Sussex County Council

Area of Land between Chichester Ship Canal Towpath and Rear Boundaries Of Locks Lane Properties Lock Lane Birdham West Sussex

Crown reduce by 33% on the tallest Lombardy Poplar tree (within the group), reduce all other trees in group to the same height on 42 no. Lombardy Poplar trees.  Fell 1 no. Lombardy Poplar tree (opposite entrance to the 5th houseboat NE of Egremont Bridge).  All 44 no.  trees are within Group, G1subject to BI/98/00035/TPO.

The Parish Council agreed that this was a well overdue application that should have been carried out last year to minimise damage to properties. The Council raised NO OBJECTION to this application.

CDC Decisions

BI/10/05039/DOM Mr And Mrs R Farquhar Thomson Martins Cottage Martins Lane Birdham Garden room extension. Existing pitched roof raised and extended over garden room to accommodate two ensuite bedrooms (alterations to planning permission BI/09/03422/DOM.) PERMIT

BI/10/05313/FUL Mrs J Manning Land To Rear Of Mansfield Church Lane Birdham Proposed detached bungalow and garage. WITHDRAWN

BI/10/05283/TPA Mrs Helen Herlihy White Water Lock Lane Birdham  repollard (to previous pruning points) on 2 no. Oak trees (marked on plan as T8 and T9) within Group, G1 subject to BI/08/00174/TPO. WITHDRAWN

BI/10/05434/DOM Mr D Powell Boughtons 26 Greenacres Birdham Two storey side extension. REFUSE

BI/10/05591/DOM Mr Derrick Tyler Spinney Cottage Lock Lane Birdham Detached car port and storage building. WITHDRAWN

BI/10/05078/DOM Mr & Mrs Clive Bush Shalford Lock Lane Birdham, Alterations to integral carport and garage to form kitchen, games room and bedroom. Alterations to existing dormers and construction of new dormers. WITHDRAWN.

BI/10/05672/DOM Mr Simon Terry Bricks 18 Bell Lane Birdham

Rear extension incorporating a full loft conversion of new and existing roof space. Single storey side extension to rear of house, new rooflights and solar panels throughout roof. Recessed balcony to rear elevation. PERMIT

The Council Resolved to NOTE the decisions of CDC Planning.

122-10 Correspondence:

The clerk has received the following correspondence that had not been circulated;

i)             A Quotation from M H Kennedy for the grass maintenance season 2011 which was accepted.

ii)            A letter from CDC advising of Precept payments due in April and September.

iii)           A letter from the Samaritans requesting financial support. It was resolved that a grant of £250.00 should be made to this organisation in recognition of the work they do. Proposed by Cllr Churchill, seconded by Cllr Huskisson.

123-10 Reports:

i)           Play area and playing field – Broken glass had been found on and near the climbing frame but was cleared up prior to any accidents being caused.

ii)            Village green and pond – The Clerk reported that Ecological Planning & Research Ltd had carried out a visit to the pond. It seemed that some evidence was found that Great Crested Newts might well be habiting the pond, which required a survey to be carried out. EPR had submitted a quotation that amounted to an un-budgeted spend of some £78000.00 both for the survey and work to be carried out. It was decided that further investigation was required prior to any firm decision being made.

iii)                Police and Neighbourhood Watch –  PCSO Ann Bromley reported that it had been a busy period with a great deal of activity taking place as under;

Theft of a bench, theft of diesel from a vehicle parked at the village hall. Dead animals had been found dumped in Wophams Lane. A suspicious white Transit van on a 52 plate has been seen in the area touting for scrap.

Sadly there had been a drowning at the Marina.

The Recession was creating what appeared to be a lot of suspicious activity in the area and residents are warned to be on their guard. Further advice relating to crime prevention may be obtained by contacting PCSO Bromley on mob 07881518742 or email ann.bromley@sussex.pnn.police.uk.

PCSO Bromley also reported operations had been carried out in the Bracklesham and Shipton Green areas where a number of people had been caught using their mobile phones whilst driving, speeding or not wearing seat belts. Rather than prosecuting these offenders they had been given the opportunity of watching a video designed to be hard hitting or accepting a fine. Most had seen the video.

Training was shortly to take place in order that an Automatic Numberplate Recognition (ANR) Vehicle could be used in the area.

124-10 Finance:

i)       A financial reported was submitted by the Clerk and was circulated to Councillors. This showed:

Balances held at Bank:      £36771.49

Designated Funds:              £25557.04

Available Funds:                  £11214.45

Creditors:                               £788.77

Resolved: To accept the financial report.

Proposed by Cllr Tilbury and seconded by Cllr Parks

ii)      The Clerk requested a review of bank signatories in the light of Cllr Meynells resignation. It was proposed by Cllr Churchill and seconded by Cllr Leach and resolved that Cllr Cobbold should be added as a signatory to those of Cllrs Parks and Tilbury.

iii)    The Clerk stated that it was necessary to appoint an Internal Auditor for the financial year 2010/11 and suggested that E O’Flannagan would be the ideal choice. It was resolved that E O’Flannagan be re-appointed as the Internal Auditor for the financial year 2010/11. Proposed by Cllr Churchill and seconded by Cllr Leach.

125-10 Reports from Councillors attending meetings

i)       Cllr Tilbury reported that he had attended a meeting of the West Sussex Hospital Trust. During the meeting it was explained that the re-arrangement of various services would be taking place to remove a number of medical anomalies that had crept in over recent years. The Ophthalmic Department would have a new outpatient’s area to complement the new day surgery department already opened. However this was subject to an allocation from the 2011/12 capital fund of £1.3m which is yet to be agreed.

ii)      Cllr Cobbold reported that MSTAG were looking at the re-alignment at Medmerry at leisure activities within the area, including cycle paths. A bid for monies via s106 and EU funding was in place which would, it is hoped, raise £1 millon to provide leisure activities. Planning was likely to start in 2012.

126-10 Public session:

i)       Cllr Tilbury asked if anything should be done to celebrate the forthcoming wedding of Prince William on the 29th April. The Chairman said that she would contact the school to see if anything was being proposed.

ii)      Mr Crossley suggested there might well be funding available from Sport England that together with s106 monies could be used to improve the sports field. He would make enquiries and report back to the next meeting.

There being no further business to be dealt with the meeting closed at 8.46 pm

The next meeting of Council will be held on the 21st March 2011 at 7pm in the Village Hall.

Signed ___________________________   Dated ____________________
