Planning Matters May 2008
Planning matters for the Meeting of 19th May 2008Plans to be considered:
BI/08/00583/DOM - Coombers Barn Farm, Birdham road - erection of steel and glass balustrade over sun room
BI/08/01690/FUL - Kellys Nursery, Bell Lane - Farm shop (including imported produce)
BI/08/01776/DOM - Rose Petal House, Crooked Lane - single storey flank and rear extension
CDC Decisions
BI/08/00871/TPA - Mrs C Panteny, 18 Pipers Mead, PO20 7BJ - Reduce height and width by 20% on 2 no. oak trees within group G2 subject to TPO/14/BI - PERMIT
BI/08/00918/ADV - Mr Khan, The Spinnaker Café Bar, Chichester Marina PO20 7EJ - New fascia with neon lighting - REFUSE
BI/08/01086/TPA - Birdham Parish Council - land to south west of Birdham Straight House, Main road, PO20 7HS - removal of lower limb to south west on 1 no. Oak tree (T10 subject to TPO/22/BI - PERMIT
BI/08/01210/DOM - and BI/08/01211/LBC - Hilland Farm House, Batchmere Road, PO20 7LJ - single storey rear extension and side ki8tchen extension to existing dwelling - PERMIT