Planning Matters June 2007
Planning Matters for the Meeting of 18th June 2007
Plans to be considered by the Council:
BI/07/02062/ELD – Houseboat Infinity, Chichester Canal, PO20 7EJ – Permanent mooring for a houseboat used residentially.
BI/07/02294/DOM – Mr RV Treagust, Garden Cottage, Pinks Lane, Birdham PO20 7HX – Erection of a garage for high vehicles.
Plans considered since the last meeting to be ratified:
BI/07/01680/DOM – Mr and Mrs J O’Brien, Cross Lanes, Batchmere Road, Birdham PO20 7LJ – Construction of new first single storey extension to form master bedroom, enlarged lounge, bathroom and bedroom 2. Construction of a new conservatory.
The Council raises NO OBJECTION to this application but wishes to make the following comments. This site is in a prominent position in a rural location and disappointment has been expressed by local residents at the hard edged appearance already achieved by the replacement of a long established hedge line by a metre high brick wall. We would like to see a specific environmental plan to soften the effect of this wall as part of the soft landscaping referred to in the application. We were also concerned that the extension proposed exceeds by some way the rule of thumb 50 to 70% of the area of the existing building. We believe that, on this site, this is not a material consideration but would not want it to be seen as a precedent for other applications in this area. We would draw the attention of the planning officers to this.
BI/07/01878/FUL – Mr and Mrs T Fuller, 24, Greenacres, Birdham PO20 7HL – construction of new 2 storey single family dwelling and relocated pool following demolition of existing house and outbuildings.
The Council raised no objection to the previous plan on this site and recognises that the resubmission is an improvement even on that. We believe that this example of the most modern practice in design and building technique will make a significant contribution to the quality and interest of the building stock of the Parish. We have considered carefully its location both in relation to adjacent properties and to Chichester Harbour and are satisfied that it is a suitable building for this site. We have considered the materials and make only two comments: we note that there is no increase in the area of glass over the existing building but hope that that care will be taken to avoid any reflected glare towards the Harbour; and we wonder if terne-coated steel has been considered for the roof instead of grey tiles. We recognise that grey paint will be environmentally sensitive here and is used extensively on neighbouring properties. We believe this building will involve no loss of amenity to neighbours or to those using the Harbour. We therefore continue to raise NO OBJECTION to this application.
BI/07/02525/TPA – Rowan Nursery, Bell Lane, Birdham – Reduce height by 25% on 3 no. Monterey pine trees. Reduce by 2m 2 no. low limbs on north side of eastern Monterey pine (of the three). Reduce by 2m 3 no. low limbs on western Monterey pine tree (of the three). All three trees within Group G2, subject to TPO/14/BI.
We have visited the site and seen the trees. The Monterey pines appear to be a little less than one hundred years old and are striking trees. This application is from a neighbour of Rowan Nursery; the trees are on the Nursery side of the boundary between the two properties. The first application is to reduce the height of the trees by 25%, to improve the light to 14 Pipers Mead. The Council OPPOSES such an application and has consistently resisted the lopping of perfectly healthy trees simply because housing development has taken place in their vicinity. The trees would have been perfectly apparent to the owner of the property at the time of purchase. Experience on this site also suggests that the consequence of lopping off the tops would be to encourage growth lower down which has made similar trees on the site vulnerable to wind damage in the past. The second application is to reduce by two metres two lower limbs on the north side of the east tree. The third application is to reduce by two metres three lower limbs on the west tree. Both of these applications appear to be for cosmetic reasons. Having seen the trees, the Council is of the view that a certain amount of management of these trees would be reasonable. There are some branches which are leafless and may be dead. These might be removed. We would be happy for a qualified tree surgeon to inspect the trees and to recommend only such work as is necessary for their conservation and good management.
BI/07/01987/DOM – Mr and Mrs Trice, Dyke Cottage, Lock Lane, Birdham PO20 7BB – New double garage, two storey side extension, solar panels and rooflights to roof, balcony and rear elevation.
CDC Decisions:
BI/07/00675/DOM – Garden cottage, Bell Lane, Birdham PO20 7HX – erection of garage for a high vehicle – REFUSE
BI/07/01489/DOM – Coombers Barn Farm, Birdham Road, Birdham PO20 7BX – erect single storey oak framed utility room and erect single storey oak framed sun room with balcony over - PERMIT