Planning Matters Dec 2007

Planning Matters Dec 2007

Planning Matters for the Meeting of 17th December 2007Plans to be considered:
BI/07/05640/FUL - Phillips Build, Longmeadow, Main Road, Birdham - erection of 28 no. dwellings, garages and ancillary roads comprising 5 no. detached houses, 9 no. affordable cottages and flats, 13 no. two or three bed attached cottages and 1 no. mews cottage.

BI/07/05421/DOM - 9, Longmeadow Gardens, Birdham PO20 7HP - Conservatory

BI/07/05451/DOM - Tymewells, Westlands Estate, Birdham PO20 7HJ - 2 storey extensions to enlarge sitting room and bedroom, breakfast room, en suite, detached carport and store.

Plans considered since the last meeting to be ratified:

BI/07/ 05652/DOM - Mr A and Mrs M Pennycook, Locks End House, Lock Lane, Birdham - extension to dwelling
The Council has NO OBJECTION to this application

BI/07/05689/COU - Mr Back, Wophams Nursery, Wophams Lane, Birdham - part change of use from Horticultural Nursery to Garden Centre
The Council has NO OBJECTION to this application

Substitute plans

BI/07/05006/FUL - Birdham Business Park - demolition of bungalow and creation of three no. BI units
The Council is glad to see that attention has been paid to its previous comments on screening and intrusion into the streetscape. We also ask that great attention be paid to the use of muted colours on these industrial-style buildings in close proximity to the AONB. We are disappointed that the planting will take an estimated five years to grow enough to screen the building up to half its height and the parked cars in front of it; we urge the Planning Officer to negotiate the use of mature trees and shrubs to accelerate the process. On the assumption that weight will be given to these comments the Council has NO OBJECTION to these substitute plans.

White Water,Lock Lane, Birdham
The Council has NO OBJECTION to this application.

Enforcement Notice
Land at Holt Place Farm, Shipton Green Lane, Itchenor - without planning permission, change of use to the repair and maintenance of motorcycles.

CDC Decisions:

BI/07/04475/FUL - Mr L Le Leu, Cluan Lodge, Westlands Lane, PO20 7HH - 1 no. replacement dwelling - PERMIT
BI/07/04863/DOM - Mr David Wylie, Manhood end Farm, Birdham Road, PO20 7BX - wooden climbing frame - PERMIT
BI/07/04815/FUL - Far end, 6, Burlow Close, Birdham, PO20 7ES - proposed first floor rear extension, dormer windows to front and rear and conversion of Far End into 2 no. self-contained semi-detached cottages - PERMIT
BI/07/04976/DOM - Well House, Lock Lane, PO20 7BB - Fenestration alterations and cladding reinstatement to painted joinery shiplap - PERMIT