Planning Matters 26th October 2016
BI/16/03354/FUL - Mr John Matuszewski Rowan Nursery Bell Lane Birdham Chichester
Variation of condition 4 of permission BI/13/00284/FUL - prior to the occupation of the first dwelling the vehicular access shall be constructed in accordance with plan ITB7126-GA-001 ref F including the provision of visibility splays.
BI/16/03396/DOM - Mr & Mrs Knight Apple Trees Burlow Close Birdham PO20 7ES
Single storey front extension.
BI/16/03397/PLD - Mr & Mrs Knight Apple Trees Burlow Close Birdham PO20 7ES
New flat roof extension to rear of existing flat roofed garage to provide additional family accommodation and internal works to existing garage to create a utility room.
Mr Winton Carthagena Farm House Bell Lane Birdham PO20 7HY
Change of use for above the garage; from storage to self-contained accommodation. PERMIT