Planning Applications received 11th April 2013

Planning Applications received 11th April 2013


BI/13/00381/ADV Mr D Chudasama Birdham Stores Main Road Birdham

Retrospective application to display advertisements.

O.S. Grid Ref. 482095/99640

To view the application use the following link;

BI/13/00747/ADV Rachel Sampson (Bellway Homes Ltd) Longmeadow Main Road Birdham

2 no. fascia signs and 4 no. hoarding boards.

O.S. Grid Ref. 482327/99872

To view the application use the following link;

BI/13/00827/DOM Mr Gary Burn 1 Bell Lane Birdham

Single storey rear/side extension, to provide extension to kitchen, new downstairs reception and new bathroom.

Alteration to existing foul drainage and new soak away in rear garden.

O.S. Grid Ref. 481859/99425

To view the application use the following link;

BI/13/00889/FUL Mr Walter Back Wophams Lane Nursery Wophams Lane Birdham

Extension to existing glasshouse.

O.S. Grid Ref. 484375/101021

To view the application use the following link;