Minutes February 2008

Minutes February 2008

Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 18th February 2008 at 7pm in Birdham Village HallPresent: Cllr Tilbury; Cllr Mrs Parks; Cllr Ms Leach; Cllr Ms Huskisson; Cllr Churchill; Cllr Meynell

In attendance: The Clerk; District Cllr Jones and 2 members of the public

95-07cl. Apologies - were received from Cllr Mrs Cobbold

96-07cl. Declaration of Interests - none was made

97-07cl. Approve and sign the Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 21st January 2008 It was proposed by Cllr Tilbury and seconded by Cllr Churchill RESOLVED that the minutes be approved and signed by the Chairman.

98-07cl. Matters arising from the Minutes dated 21st January 2008
i) Min 86-07cl i) Village sign - it was decided to order a sign of wrought-iron type subject to planning approval being given by CDC and highways.
ii) Min 86-07cl ii) Trees for shade - the Tree Wardens were not present.
iii) Min 87-07cl a) ii) Bus shelter grants - the Clerk reported that she had written as requested at the last meeting and the reply was that only new bus shelters could be considered.
iv) Min 87-07cl a) iii) Birdham School works - the Clerk reported that she had written as requested at the last meeting and was awaiting a reply. The Chairman reported that he had spoken with the contact person and the work would be the pavement between the Church and Crooked Lane. The Council will receive a concept of the work in May of this year.
v) Min 90-07cl ii) Dog mess on field - the Clerk reported that she had spoken with the dog wardens and they will investigate the problem. The Chairman has been approached by someone in Farne Lane with a complaint that food has been put out for birds on the edge of the field, including a whole chicken carcass. It was suggested that a letter should go to all residents of Farne Lane from the Council. Cllr Ms Huskisson will draft this letter.
vi) Longmeadow application - seems to be going to planning committee on Wednesday week. Will probably go with recommendation to defer until problems have been sorted out. Espace programme had done a drainage survey of the Manhood Peninsula. Cllr Ms Huskisson will bring it to the next meeting.

99-07cl. Clerk's Report
a) WSCC reports, highways matters and correspondence
i) Homeshare West Sussex, which is co-sponsored by WSCC and the National Association of Adult Placement Services has asked the Clerk to draw their Homeshare scheme to the Council's attention. This was noted.

b) CDC reports including correspondence
i) CDc has sent information about their Residents and Business Garden Competition and the Triathlon. These were noted.
ii) The calling papers for the next meeting of the Standards Committee have been received and placed in the correspondence file.
iii) The Parish has been asked if they wish to take part in a Spring Cleaning Day this year, and if so when they would like it to be. It was decided not to participate in this.
iv) The Clerk has received a form to update the information CDC has about Birdham. She will complete it and return it.
c) other related matters
i) West Sussex Primary Care Trust has sent a couple of fliers about the NHS review being led by Lord Darzi, asking residents to make their feelings about the NHS known. The closing date for comments is 25th February. This was noted.
ii) The Samaritans have written to ask for a donation from the Council. This letter will be put aside until the May meeting where traditionally these matters are decided.
iii) The Audit Commission has written to say that the external auditors for the years 2007-8 to 2011-12 will be Mazars unless a member of the Council has personal dealings with them. No councillor having such personal dealings, they will be automatically re-appointed. The charge for Birdham's size of council will be £285 per year.
iv) Postwatch has written to the Council about the proposed closures of Post Offices in the Chichester area. As Birdham is not directly affected, this was noted.
v) Action in Rural Sussex has sent the annual letter about entering for West Sussex Village of the Year 2008. This was noted.
vi) SALC will be holding a Clerks' Networking Day on 7th March at Billingshurst and the Clerk would like to attend. The cost will be £30. It was agreed that she should attend.
vii) Letter from Mr Hancock re footpath at Birdham Stores. The owner of the shop will arrange to have this work done.
viii) An agenda for the Manhood Parishes Road Safety group was mentioned and Cllr Churchill said he would attempt to attend.
ix) A question was raised about a footpath at the end of Court Barn Lane near Birdham Pool being blocked.

100-07cl. Planning matters including CDC decisions
A paper detailing planning matters had been circulated to all councillors
Plans to be considered by the Meeting:

BI/08/00304/DOM - Far End, Burlow Close, Birdham - Proposed freestanding concrete sectional detached garage to northern cottage Far End. It was proposed by Cllr Ms Leach and seconded by Cllr Mrs Parks RESOLVED that there is NO OBJECTION subject to the materials matching the house. A reasonable hedge must be maintained there to retain the privacy of the neighbours.

Plans considered since the last meeting to be ratified:

BI/08/00192/TPA - Cross Trees, Burlow Close, Birdham
We note that permission was given in July 2000 to reduce the crowns of these two chestnut trees and rebalance them. The trees remain in a good shape and condition and we would recommend, subject to the advice of the Tree Officer, that they be reduced to the previous pruning points.

BI/08/00260/TCA - Telephone Exchange, Bell Lane, Birdham
This oak tree has been neglected over the years. It has been reduced on the Pinks Lane side but has become straggly towards the exchange. We recommend that a qualified tree surgeon be employed to cut back the limbs which are touching the roof of the building and to tidy up other branches, some of which are damaged, in order to rebalance the tree and promote its welfare.

It was proposed by Cllr Meynell and seconded by Cllr Mrs Parks RESOLVED to ratify the decisions taken since the last meeting.

CDC Decisions:

BI/07/06001/FUL - Premier Marinas Ltd - Retention of new temporary portacabins for a period of three years - PERMIT

BI/07/04529/DOM - White Water, Lock Lane, Birdham PO20 7BA - Revision to garage building permitted under planning permission B!/07/02912/FUL - PERMIT

BI/07/05421/DOM - 9, Longmeadow Gardens, Birdham PO20 7HP - Conservatory - PERMIT

BI/07/05451/DOM - Tyme Wells, Westlands, Birdham PO20 7HJ - Two storey extensions to enlarge sitting room and bedroom, breakfast room, utility room, ensuite, detached car port etc - REFUSE

101-07cl. Correspondence
Correspondence to be circulated includes

WSCC Forward Plan of Key Decisions March - June 2008
Play today February 2008
Local Enterprise Agency workshops information
Chichester Harbour 2008 News and Guide
Sussex Air Ambulance request for funds (can be looked at during May meeting)
SALC Winter Bulletin

102-07cl. Reports
i) Village Hall - The Clerk reported that she had been told by CDC that they would be replacing and re-furbishing the recycling bins at the Village Hall, and they wished to provide a clothing recycling facility also. She had passed this information to the Chairman of the Village Hall Trust. The new door - tenders have been asked for.
ii) Play Area and Playing Field - Cllr Churchill reported that at times he has found broken glass in the Play area. The shed is in a state of collapse - the new shed will be put up shortly.
iii) Village Green and Pond -
iv) Neighbourhood Watch - Wendy Pitty had contacted the Clerk to say that an indecent exposure incident occurred in Court Barn Lane this month. A lady from Westlands was walking her dog and a youth exposed himself to her. Apparently the police are involved and are dealing with the matter. Neighbourhood Watch would also like to erect a Neighbourhood Watch sign on the lamppost situated on the little roundabout at the start of Martins Lane. WSCC have told her that the post belongs to the Parish Council. Would the Council be prepared to have this sign installed, and if so the Pittys will do it themselves. It is quite small and will state "You are now entering a Neighbourhood Watch Area". After discussion it was decided to let this be put up.
v) Tree Wardens
vi) Other

103-07cl. Finance
A financial situation report had been circulated to all councillors.
Financial Situation for the Meeting of 18th February 2008

Payments made since the last meeting to be ratified:

Principal 1 Ltd - photocopier service contract, inc 9.74 VAT 65.34
Clerk's salary, January 543.24
PWLB interest 8591.04

Receipts, current account - miscellaneous copies and Apuldram copies and phone
Receipts, Village Hall account, nil

Receipts, deposit account, nil

Receipts, National Savings account - interest 239.89

Payments to be considered:

Mrs Geary, litter, February 65.00
Clerk's expenses including 17p VAT 44.27

Notes: The money for the PWLB loan was transferred to the current account and does not show on the latest statement, although our internet records show it has now been paid out. The Clerk has today transferred £1000 from the deposit account to the current account to meet this month's expenses.

It was proposed by Cllr Churchill and seconded by Cllr Ms Leach RESOLVED to approve the Financial Report.

104-07cl. Reports of Meetings attended by Councillors
Cllr Ms Huskisson has attended the Manhood Wildlife forum and there will be a hedgerow survey in Birdham. The hedges in some areas have been badly flailed rather than cutting them, including mature trees.
Cllr Meynell had attended a meeting of the planning committee of the Harbour Conservancy and they decided not to object to the Broomer Farm application.

105-07cl. Public session
Greenacres - Cllr Churchill has been approached by a local resident and asked about a rail at Greenacres which makes it impossible to get a wheelchair through. He should contact the chairman of the Greenacres Residents' Association. Another wheelchair user has approached the Chairman about the barrier at the end of Farne Lane. The Chairman has spoken with the Rights of Way officer at WSCC, and he has said that WSCC is a good authority - he recommends local negotiation on these matters.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 8.25pm