Planning Applications
Planning Applications received
BI/13/03437/DOM - Case Officer: Anna Weir Mr Matt Smith 96 Crooked Lane Birdham Single storey rear extension. O.S. Grid Ref. 482006/99722 To view the application use the following link; BI/13/03742/DOM - Case Officer: Maria Tomlinson... read more »
Planning Applications received on the 20th November 2013
BI/13/03692/TPA - Case Officer: Henry Whitby Mr Ronald Gammie Beechway Martins Lane Birdham Crown reduce by 20% on 1 no. Hornbeam (T1) subject to BI/01/00039/TPO. O.S. Grid Ref. 482595/100260 To view the application use the following link; more »
Planning Applications received on 11th September 2013
BI/13/02795/FUL Mrs J Hembling Electricity Sub Station North Of Greyroof Alandale Road Birdham Change of use and conversion of existing outbuilding known as 'Shepherds' (previous sub-station) into ancillary additional habitable accommodation to the main dwelling (The Old Poorhouse). O.S. Grid Ref. 482816/99901 To... read more »
Planning Applications received 5th June 2013
BI/13/01550/DOM Mr Alan Parker 7 Alandale Road Birdham Change from hipped roof to gabled roof to include new window. O.S. Grid Ref. 482901/99856 To view the application use the following link; BI/13/01630/DOM Mr & Mrs Murphy Well... read more »
Planning Applications 19th June 2013
BI/13/01773/FUL Mr John & Joe Parker Yendor Farm Hundredsteddle Lane Birdham To clear all existing buildings from the site and erect two, single-storey detached dwellings. O.S. Grid Ref. 481608/98921 To view the application use the following link; more »
Planning Applications 15th May 2013
BI/13/00389/DOM Mr S Grant Coppice Barn Church Lane Birdham Replacement of redundant outbuilding with new studio and games room. O.S. Grid Ref. 482468/100156 To view the application... read more »
Planning Applications received 11th April 2013
BI/13/00381/ADV Mr D Chudasama Birdham Stores Main Road Birdham Retrospective application to display advertisements. O.S. Grid Ref. 482095/99640 To view the application use the following link; BI/13/00747/ADV Rachel Sampson (Bellway Homes Ltd) Longmeadow Main Road Birdham read more »
Planning Applications received 20th February 2013
BI/13/00284/FUL Mr John Matuszewski (Martin Grant Homes) Rowan Nursery Bell Lane Birdham Demolition of existing 2 bungalows and construction of 27 dwellings (including 10 affordable units), access road and associated landscaping. Provision also of an alternative recreational area to the south, accessed via a footpath... read more »
Planning Applications received 31st January 2013
BI/13/00155/DOM Mr And Mrs R Marshall The Snipe Lock Lane Birdham Replacement of conservatory with garden room. O.S. Grid Ref. 482660/101121 To view the application use the following link; more »
Planning Applications received 23rd January 2013
BI/13/00039/DOM Mr Michael King 9 Longmeadow Gardens Birdham Extension of existing detached garage. O.S. Grid Ref. 482214/99989 To view the application use the following link; BI/13/00069/DOM Mrs Angela Palmer Palmers Pescotts Close Birdham Erect a lateral pitched roof extension (one and a half stories) above the existing flat... read more »