Planning Matters September 2007
Planning Matters for the Meeting held on 17th September 2007
Plans to be considered at the Meeting:
BI/07/03838/TCA – Richard Wheeler, 23 Long Meadow Gardens, Birdham PO20 7HP – Re-reducing poplar and crown lifting 2 larches to five metres
BI/07/03799/FUL – George Haines (Itchenor) Ltd, Haines Boatyard, Itchenor PO20 7AN – development of a boat storage facility.
Plans considered by the Council since the last meeting to be ratified:
BI/07/03298/DOM – Mrs Willson, Pentricola, Westlands Lane – detached garage
The Council raises NO OBJECTION to this application.
BI/07/03486/FUL – Mr Noon and Mr Cobley, Tate House, Main Road – Retention of Tate House and Widdicombe and the erection of 4 no. one and a half storey dwellings.
The Council’s objections to the previous application were based on concerns about access, parking, design, drainage, overdevelopment of the site, loss of the transition between the rural AONB landscape and the residential area of the village and loss of amenity to the neighbouring properties in Burlow Close and Main Road.
We have remaining concerns about access to this fourth branch of the roundabout but we note that much thought has gone in to widening the entrance to accommodate refuse collection and emergency vehicles. Conversely we are now concerned that pedestrians may find the entrance rather too wide and should perhaps be guided towards the dropped crossing points further in to the access.
We also have concerns about surface drainage since most of it will be via soakaways. We stated previously our concerns about the drainage ditch to the rear of the site and the danger of flooding at Chaffinches Farm if this ditch were overloaded.
The buffer strip on the north and west sides of the site meet our concerns about visual impact and are, in our view, sufficient to satisfy the concerns of the neighbours. Similarly we are glad to see that the site has now retreated from the roadside and the two gatehouses have been abandoned. The reduction from 43 dph to 36 is also welcome and we note that the properties are of a size needed in this area.
We note the provision of a parking place for visitors. Doubts must remain as to whether this will suffice in this location.
We believe that the developer has come a long way to meet the objections to the previous plan and on balance the Council raises NO OBJECTION to this application.
BI/07/03325/DOM – Gary Bell, Forge Cottage, Martins Lane – rear extension with room in roof and new double garage
The architect of this development is a member of Birdham Parish Council and has therefore been excluded at all points in the consideration of this application.
We have considered carefully the plans for the extension of this significant building within the Parish and two councillors have visited the site and spoken to the neighbours. We were originally concerned at the size of the increase in the footprint of this building but, having visited the site, are fully satisfied that it is proportionate to the existing building and a vast improvement on the existing extension. We have considered the fact that the extension will be higher than the existing front block of the building but are satisfied that this will have negligible visual impact from the road.
We note that, in the past, the brickwork on the front of the building has been painted white, along with the flintwork. We hope that the opportunity will be taken to return the brickwork to its natural, contrasting colour.
Our main concern was with the new double garage. We note that consideration has been given to the right to light of the neighbours at the rear of the garage but suggest that their visual amenity could be further safeguarded by moving the garage to the west so that half of it overlaps the neighbours’ garage, which will then read as an L shape with their garage when viewed from their house. Access to the new garage in this position would not be a problem, although the plan does not show the extent of the gravel drive in front of it.
We are unhappy about the space marked as guest parking 2 on the plan. Martins Lane is lined by grass verges for the whole of its length and we would not want to see the beginnings of the degradation of this vergescape. It seems to us that there will be ample parking on the gravel area to the east of the building, in front of the new garage.
On the assumption that due weight and attention will be given by the planning authority to these remarks, the Council raises NO OBJECTION to this application.
BI/07/03985/DOM – Mr A and Mrs J Goodhew, Kinderhook, Court Barn Road, Birdham – double garage to existing property. Amendment to planning permission BI/04/02058/DOM
BI/07/04056/DOM and BI/07/04058/LBC – Mr and Mrs Glynn, The Thatched Cottage, Shipton Green Lane, Itchenor – Construction of new three bay single storey garage and new entrance to Itchenor Road, existing parking area changed to garden with new fence screen to adjacent service road.
BI/07/04227/FUL – Mr and Mrs C Rasborn, Miklegard, Martins Lane PO20 7AU – subdivision of existing bungalow into two dwellings - The Council responded to this application and since then two sets of substitute plans have been submitted. The Council considers that its objections have been seriously considered and in most cases met. The design has been improved, access to the site has been made safer, the oak tree is now to be retained, and the loss of amenity has been mitigated to the satisfaction of the neighbours. We understand that the applicants have agreed to conditions on the height of the rear extension to the south-west and to a condition on future building at the front of the development. On this understanding the Council withdraws its Objection and has NO OBJECTION to the application in its revised form.
BI/07/04010/ELD – Mr and Mrs M Parks, Ellscott Park, Sidlesham Lane PO20 7QL – occupation of the dwelling house in breach of Condition no. 2 of planning permission BI/109/72 relating to agricultural occupancy -
Mrs Parks is a Parish Councillor in Birdham and has therefore taken no part in the consideration of this application.
The essence of this application is to determine whether the occupation of the house at Ellscott Park for more than ten years in breach of a planning condition of 1972 restricting it to agricultural occupancy is proved and that a Certificate of Lawfulness may be issued. The Council has reviewed the documents presented to it and can see no reason why the Certificate should not be issued but is content to rely on the legal judgement of those qualified to make it at the District Council.
BI/07/03767/TPA – J Dew/M Cook, Magherymore, Claytons Corner, Birdham PO20 7HQ – Crown reduce by 20% and thin by 15% 1 no sycamore (T1), 2 no horse chestnuts (T2 and T5) and 1 no silver birch (T3). Also reduce and reshape by 50% 1 no weeping willow. All five trees are subject to TPO 32/BI
Farne House, Court Barn Lane, Birdham - This is an application to renew an unimplemented permission of 2002. The Council did not object to the original permission and considers that circumstances have not changed since that time. It has NO OBJECTION to this application.
Substitute Plans
BI/07/02832/FUL – Premier Business Park, Birdham Road, PO20 7BU – replacement office accommodation
CDC Decisions:
BI/07/01689/DOM – Mr and Mrs J O’Brien, Cross Lanes, Batchmere Road PO20 7LJ – Construction of new first single storey extension to form master bedroom. Enlarged lounge, bathroom and bedroom 2. Construction of new conservatory – PERMIT
BI/07/02062/ELD – Mr K and Mrs S Leach, Houseboat Infinity, Chichester Marina PO20 7EJ – Permanent mooring for a houseboat used residentially – PERMIT
BI/07/01456/COU – Mr D Pick, Holt Place Farm, Shipton Green Lane, Itchenor PO20 7BZ – Change of use from agricultural to B2 general use – REFUSE
BI/07/02912/FUL – Mr AJ Payne, White Water, Lock Lane, PO20 7BA – Replacement dwelling and garage, new access drive – PERMIT
BI/07/02840/DOM – Mr and Mrs Imhoff, Acorns, Lock Lane PO20 7BA – New dormer window on south elevation – PERMIT
BI/07/02294/DOM - Mr RV Treagust, Garden Cottage, Bell Lane, PO20 7HX – Erection of a garage for high vehicles – PERMIT
BI/07/02913/DOM – Ms R Shrub, 1 and 2 Holts cottages, Shipton Green Lane, Itchenor PO20 7BZ – Two storey rear extension to No 1, first floor rear extension to No 2 - PERMIT
Enforcement matters
Land at Russells Garden Centre, Main Road, Birdham – creation without planning permission of an earth bund containing hardcore and green waste. Notice issued 17th August 2007.