Manhood Wildlife & Heritage Group - 3 voluntary roles available

Manhood Wildlife & Heritage Group - 3 voluntary roles available

The Manhood Wildlife & Heritage Group (MWHG) currently has three voluntary roles available in their fabulous organisation, and are seeking people passionate about the wildlife and natural environment on the Manhood Peninsula to fill them.

The roles are:

1.    Chairperson

2.    Secretary

3.    Treasurer

The MWHG has been an extremely active charity on the peninsula for over 20 years. The group has an army of volunteers who make projects happen and contribute to the natural well-being and heritage of the area. An excellent example is the National Lottery funded FLOW project that helped us with Fixing and Linking Our Wetlands.

The best people to tell you about the Manhood Wildlife & Heritage Group are the organisers and volunteers themselves, so here is a video made to celebrate 20 years of MWHG:

Can you please circulate this request via your networks, to enable MWHG to reach as many people who may be interested as possible.

Please send responses or questions to Alex Ainge  by email: