Minutes October 2004

Minutes October 2004

Minutes of the Meeting held on 18th October 2004 at 7pm in Birdham Village Hall

Present: Cllr Tilbury; Cllr Mrs Baillieu; Cllr Meynell; Cllr Kyte; Cllr Ms Huskisson; Cllr Drew; Cllr Mrs Rees; Cllr Mrs Parks; Cllr Churchill.

In Attendance: The Clerk; a member of the press and 12 members of the public; District Cllr Jones and District Cllr Davies.

59-04cl. Apologies: None

60-04cl. Minutes of the Meeting held on 20 th September 2004 It was proposed by Cllr HUskisson and seconded by Cllr Baillieu RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Meeting of 20 th September 2004 be approved and signed by the Chairman.

61-04cl. Matters arising from the Minutes dated 20 th September 2004

i) Min 50-04cl a ii)– Parking at Claytons Corner – the Clerk reported that she and the Chairman had received copies of an email from one of the parents who is concerned about the possibility of yellow lines at Claytons Corner. The Clerk has also received a letter from Alex Baillieu about the dangerous sightlines at this point. The Chairman had also received an email from Brian Johnson who lives in Pescotts Close on this matter. After discussion it was decided that there was no immediate answer to this, but to send a copy of the Visual Crime Audit letter to the police about this matter. Could ask for views in next newsletter.

ii) Min 51-04cl a iv) A Landscape Strategy for West Sussex – Cllr Drew reported that he had not had enough time to look at it and would bring it to the next meeting.

iii) Min 51-04 a vi) West Sussex Sustainability Strategy for 2004-10 - Cllr Drew reported that he had found there was too much information for the time available.

iv) Min 51-04 b iii) Draft Local Development Scheme – The Clerk reported that she had looked at this and did not feel that there was anything on which the Council might wish to comment.

v) Min 51-04cl c i) Draft code of Conduct for Local Government Employees etc – the Clerk reported that she had written some notes on this which she will circulate in time for councillors to read them before the next meeting. As comments do not have to be at the office of the Deputy Prime Minister until 19 th November, there is time for any discussion to take place then.

vi) Min 51-04cl c ii) Rural housing – the Clerk had tabled a paper at the last meeting about a conference she had attended on this subject. It was decided to have further discussion at the next meeting.

At this point it was agreed to suspend Standing Orders so that Item 7 (i) could be taken next, and then return to the agenda.

62-04cl. Clerk's Report including

a) WSCC Reports and correspondence

i) The Council has been sent a copy of Footpath No.30 Diversion Order and Footpath No 31 Extinguishment Order 2003.

ii) The Council has been sent a batch of copies of For Better Tomorrows, and has distributed them to all councillors.

iii) WSCC in conjunction with Hampshire CC will be holding a conference on 26 th October at West Dean College from 9am to 1 pm, at a fee of £27.50 per delegate on Promoting Renewable energy in West Sussex and Hampshire, and including a visit to the wood fired boiler on the West Dean Estate. After discussion it was decided no one was available

iv) The Clerk reported that she had received an email sent on Friday 15 th October about the closure of Footpath 36 which would take place from 18 th October. It was agreed that she should complain about the timing and the format.

b) CDC reports including correspondence

i) The Council has received a copy of Affordable Housing –Draft Revised Supplementary Guidance. Comments are required by 1 November. Cllr Mrs Rees agreed to read it and comment for the Council.

ii) The Council has received a copy of a Consultation on Draft Statement of Licensing Policy. Comments are required by 15 th November if possible. Cllr Kyte agreed to look at this for the Council.

iii) Chichester District Community Planning Bulletin has been received and placed in the correspondence.

iv) The Council has received the Chichester Climate Change Strategy 2004-2009. It was decided to place it in the correspondence.

c) Other related matters

i) The Boundary Committee for England has confirmed the recommendation of the new boundaries for West Sussex County Council divisions. The Council has been asked if it would like to participate in a stakeholder survey. It was agreed not to do so.

ii) SEERA has sent an update on the South East Plan which will be placed in the correspondence.

iii) Zurich has carried out the play area health and safety inspection for this year. As usual they say the roundabout is too fast and there are rubber tiles which are loose. It was agreed to have it looked at by Foster Playscapes.

iv) Action in Rural Sussex invited the Council to send someone to attend a Celebration in Hassocks on 27 th October. As the closing date was 13 th October and it did not seem relevant at this time, the Clerk did not look for someone to attend.

v) SALC will be holding a training day on Land and Legal Issues on 3 rd November. As this appears to be similar to the one the Clerk attended in June she will not attend this one. There is also a networking day for clerks on 18 th November which she unfortunately cannot attend because of a prior engagement.

vi) The Clerk asked whether it would be possible to send papers and information to members by email in future (unless they do not have email access) as this would be in line with both government and CDC policy, and would save the council money. It was agreed that those who wish to receive papers this way would give their email addresses to the Clerk who would investigate Blind carbon copies.

63-04cl. Planning matters including CDC decisions

A paper about planning matters had been circulated to all councillors.

Plans to be considered:

BI/04/03849/ DOM – Mr and Mrs M Trice, Dyke Cottage, Lock Lane, Birdham PO20 7BB – two-storey extension to side and rear with double garage. It was proposed by Cllr Meynell and seconded by Cllr Mrs Rees RESOLVED NO OBJECTION

Cllr Mrs Baillieu declared a personal interest in the next application.

BI/04/03501/DOM – Mr and Mrs WJ Baillieu, 4 St James Close, Birdham PO20 7HE – proposed alterations, additions (two storey) and garage. It was proposed by Cllr Meynell and seconded by Cllr Churchill RESOLVED NO OBJECTION

BI/04/03588/DOM – Mr and Mrs Loseby, Miracle, Church Lane, Birdham PO20 7AT – Single storey extension. It was proposed by Cllr Mrs parks and seconded by Cllr Churchill RESOLVED NO OBJECTION

Decisions taken by the Council since the last meeting to be ratified:

BI/04/03267/DOM – David M Grist, Seldens, Bell Lane, Birdham PO20 7HY – Double Garage – NO OBJECTION

BI/04/03123/OUT – Mrs S Vernon, Margherymore, Church Lane, Birdham – Outline consent one bungalow – this is a renewal of an existing application so – NO OBJECTION

It was proposed by Cllr Tilbury and seconded by Cllr Meynell RESOLVED to ratify the decisions made since the last meeting.

CDC Decisions

BI/04/03055/DOM – Mr and Mrs A Moore, Smallburgh, Bell Lane, Birdham PO20 7HX – Dummy pitch roof detail to existing garage flat roof to front and side elevation – PERMIT

BI/04/02403/FUL – Pratts Developments Ltd, Itchenor Caravan Park, Shipton Green Lane, Itchenor, PO20 7BZ – Use of permitted holiday caravans throughout the year subject to their occupation being limited to holiday use only – PERMIT

Notice of Planning Appeal

BI/04/00753/OUT – Margherymore, Church Lane, Birdham PO20 7HQ – demolition of original garage/workshops and proposed two deatched bungalows with 3 no. garages and access – The Secretary of State has changed the above from a Hearing to an Inquiry, to be held on Tuesday 28 th June 2005 at CDC offices in Chichester. People may attend and at the Inspector's discretion give their views.


A TPO was served on land at Manhood End Farm, Birdham Road, on 1 st October affecting 1 ash, 4 oak, 2 pine, 1 walnut, 1 poplar, 1 monterey cypress. If the Council has any comments on this they must be sent in by 29 th October 2004. It was decided not to comment.

64-04cl. Correspondence

Correspondence to be circulated includes:

WSCC Forward Plan of Key Decisions November 2004 – February 2005

Partnership News October 2004

West Sussex Primary Care Trust Guide to Local Services 2004

SEERA – Update on the South East Plan

West Sussex Connections October 2004

Chichester Ship Canal Trust Newsletter Winter 2004-5

Wicksteed Leisure – A Guide to how the DDA 1995 and October 2004 provisions relate to your outdoor play areas

CPRE – Various magazines etc

65-04cl. Reports:

i) Village Hall – the Chairman had tabled a paper at the previous meeting for discussion at this meeting. He reported that now is the moment to decide what to do. The structural problems of the hall must be tackled, as otherwise the Hall will not be able to get insurance and therefore will not be able to be used. Two possible plans, to just leave the hall looking as it is will cost £161,000, or to have a bigger and somewhat better hall will cost £223,000. Endless discussions over last 15 years, including the idea of a brand-new village centre. That would have cost £700,000 which would be beyond our means. It was thought to be necessary to raise a Public Works Board loan, so the Council Tax was raised two years ago to put towards this. Proposal to go ahead with the £223,000 option, as this would give the village a better hall for a longer time. Could use either an annuity or an EIP method to pay off the loan. Need to decide on what is going to be done, as the precept for the next financial year will have to be set in December based on this. Members of the public had the opportunity to ask questions and make comments. Mrs Clark raised the issue of the loss of the stage and it was stated that it would be possible to have a portable stage. A question was asked about stepping the building out, which is possible within the existing permission for the land. Mr Crossley raised the issue of a possible collaboration with the school, which the chairman said would cause all kinds of problems as it would involve using land currently used for leisure. Councillors were asked to decide which plan to go for and which method of payment to choose. It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Rees and seconded by Cllr Meynell RESOLVED to go for the £223,000 option and raise a loan to pay for it on an annuity basis. It was further proposed by Cllr Kyte and seconded by Cllr Mrs Parks RESOLVED to make proposals to put it on the precept for the next financial year.

ii) Play Area Report and Playing Field – the Clerk asked the Council whether it was happy for her to seek a quotation for next year's cutting only from CDC unless their prices have risen dramatically. It was agreed to ask for several quotes. There is a lot of paper and rubbish in there, showing how much it is used by young people.

iii) Village Green and Pond – the Clerk had asked B and M Plant Hire for a quote to clear the pond and adjoining ditches of the parrot weed, and this is for £852 plus VAT. Cllr Ms Huskisson will be meeting Philip Couchman of the Harbour Conservancy on 2 nd November to discuss this. WSCC can provide a grant of up to £500 to help with the work and the Land Ranger has looked at it. It was agreed to leave it till the next meeting on 15 th November. There is also water fern in the pond which needs to be eradicated. The Clerk will let the contractor know that no decision will be made until November.

v) Neighbourhood Watch – the Clerk reported that Mr Geary had reported to her the vandalising of the notice board on Crooked Lane three weeks ago, and she had been to look at it, to find that both the glass covers had been broken. She had reported this to both the police and Cmdr Clarke. She had asked Mr Talbot to repair the board, but he was just going away on holiday. He has now begun the work, and will replace the glass with Perspex, which we hope will be less easy to vandalise. Twice in recent weeks groups of youths have been seen throwing stones.

66-04cl. Finance – a financial situation report had been circulated to all councillors.

Payments made since the last meeting to be ratified:

Standing Order to Saskia Heasman (September salary) 363.71

Mazars, audit (includes 43.75 VAT) 293.75

Southern Electric, streetlight electricity, includes 4.32 VAT) 90.88

GE Capital Equipment Finance (photocopier inc. 13.93 VAT) 93.52

Receipts, current account, precept 13217.00

W. Itchenor photocopies etc 25.69

Receipts, Village Hall account, interest 37.62

Receipts, BRA, interest 33.00

Payments to be considered

Mrs Geary, litter, September 65.00

Adrian Dover, grass etc September 110.00

Archibald Shaw, Structural consultations, inc. £156.63 VAT 1051.63

Clerk's expenses (see separate sheet) 92.06

Citizens Advice Bureau (Sec 137, as previously agreed) 50.00

Action in Rural Sussex ((Chairman's lunch at AGM) 14.50

Notes: On receipt of the precept, £4352 should have been transferred to the Village Hall account. Instead, £1800 to cover the costs of the payments to Patrick Bleathman (last month), Archibald Shaw and the Planning fee has been retained and £2552 has been transferred. £7500 has been transferred to the BRA, but the figures on the spreadsheet are based on the latest bank statements which do not show these transfers yet. A claim for a VAT repayment of £348.92 has been submitted for the first half of the financial year. There will also be contributions from West Itchenor and Apuldram to come for their shares of the phone bill when they next meet in November in both cases.

It was proposed by Cllr Tilbury and seconded by Cllr Meynell RESOLVED to accept the Financial Report. It was further reported by the Clerk that the audit had been successfully completed. Sussex Lowland Search and Rescue have asked for a donation of £15. It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Rees and seconded by Cllr Drew RESOLVED to make such a contribution.

67-04cl. Reports of meetings attended by Councillors

CAB – Cllr Churchill reported on difficulty in funding activities. Core funding insufficient from the local councils. Judge Sally Levison gave an interesting address about the types of cases she dealt with. Chairman made comment about amount of outreach work they do. Clients do not tell people about the help they have had. The Clerk agreed to try to find out how many people from Birdham use the service.

68-04cl. To consider urgent any urgent matters which the Chairman may wish to lay before the Council – he has had correspondence from some residents in Crooked Lane, but the matter has to be dealt with by Martlet Homes and/or the police.

69-04cl. Public Session – A resident reported that where the Road Narrows sign in Church Lane is obscured he has cut it back, because neither the County Council nor the landowner do it.

The Council was informed that it is one of only two on the Manhood Peninsula who still have their public session at the end of the meeting.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 9.15pm.