Planning Matters 20th February 2019

Planning Matters 20th February 2019

The following delegated decisions have just been received. Please note there are no planning applications this week. Any representation should be received by CDC no later than the 13th March 2019.


BI/18/03152/FUL Karen Bornhoft Rozelle  5 St James Close Birdham

Demolition of existing bungalow and garage. Construction of replacement dwelling. PERMIT

BI/18/03352/FUL Miss Bertille Guilbert Sarnia Main Road Birdham

Development of 4 no. 3 bed dwellings. PERMIT WITH S106

BI/18/03359/DOM Mr C Smith Holly Bank  Martins Lane Birdham

New low boundary wall, swimming pool, pool store as well as alterations to the appearance of an existing side extension. PERMIT