Minutes of the Planning Committee held on the 17th August 2015

Minutes of the Planning Committee held on the 17th August 2015

Birdham Parish Council

Minutes of the Planning Committee
held on Monday 17th August 2015
at 7pm in Birdham Village Hall

Present: Cllrs Brooks, Firmston, Campbell, Churchill and Wells

Apologies: Cllr Barker and Cllr Bird

Ex-Officio: Cllr Pocock (Chairman of Council) and Cllr Hamilton (Vice Chairman of Council).

In attendance: The Clerk, Cllr Barrett (CDC) and 12 residents.

P1-15 Election of Chairman for the remainder of the Council Year.
It was duly proposed, seconded and resolved that Cllr Pocock be elected Chairman for the remainder of the Council Year.

P2-15 Declaration of Interests.
There were none.

P3-15 Correspondence relevant to Planning, if any.
The Clerk reported that he had received a copy of an Enforcement Notice, Ref BI/29, issued against the building of a stable block on land to the north west of Premier Business Park, requiring the removal of said stable block.
The Clerk had also received notification that an appeal has been raised by the occupants of the caravans on land to the north west of Premier Business Park against the Enforcement Notices BI/23 and BI/24

P4-15 Planning applications to be decided.
i) BI/15/02127/REM - Lge Scale Maj Dev – Dwellings - Tawny Nurseries , Bell Lane, Birdham,
Application for reserved matters including appearance, landscaping, layout and scale, relating to outline planning permission BI/12/04147/OUT.

The Chairman reminded those present that the original application had already been granted at appeal and that the items now under debate were the reserved matters. With that he then asked if any resident present had either questions or statements they wished to make.

Generally residents were and are extremely concerned at the potential for severe flooding, and the lack of ability of the foul water system to cope with the load that it has now without adding to it.
There is distrust within the community that CDC drainage officers will be capable of enforcing the necessary conditions required to ensure that flooding will not once again become the bane of people’s lives by homes becoming flooded with raw sewage.
Residents said that a number of them were living with extreme stress brought about by the potential to be flooded yet again.
If things do go wrong it may well result in legal action being taken.
Many residents considered that the building line was too close to the road resulting in a potentially hazardous situation with speeding traffic and poor parking facilities in Bell Lane.
There should be some form of additional crossing, either a bridge or pedestrian controlled crossing point.

After all residents had had the opportunity to speak, the Chairman asked Councillors for their comments.

Most Councillors agreed with the comments already made by the residents but added the following points.

The building designs and treatments are not particularly inspiring with the cramming of the units resulting in small units.
Whilst it is accepted that the refuse vehicles can get through the ‘spine road’ it seemed unlikely that emergency vehicles would manage.
The terraces should be broken up to reflect a more rural design, lower the density and increase the size.
The developer should be asked to contribute to the improvement of waste water treatment.
The development is too large and ambitious for the site.
All paving used should be permeable.

Cllr Barrett (CDC) suggested that the Council should meet with the CDC Planners to talk through and discuss their concerns.

It was resolved to object to the application for the reasons stated above.

ii) BI/15/02033/DOM - Other Dev - Householder Developments - Loxworth Main Road Birdham
Demolition of existing conservatory and erection of new extension.
This application had been decided on the 27th July.

P5-15 Delegated Decisions (if any) to be noted.
i) BI/15/00915/ELD Mr Paul Knappett Kellys Farm Bell Lane Birdham
Used as an office for over 10 years. PERMIT

ii) BI/15/01570/DOM Mr David Thompson Copper Beech Church Lane Birdham
Changes to approved application BI/15/00003/DOM. Re-site ground floor extension. PERMIT

iii) BI/15/01749/FUL High Seats Ltd Premier Business Park 4 Birdham Road Appledram
Change of use of existing marine retail/storage/light industrial unit to new destination retail unit incorporating new shopfront, entrance and side fire escape. REFUSE

iv) BI/15/02101/TCA Mrs Pauline Russell The Hundred House Hundredsteddle Lane Birdham
Notification of intention to fell 1 no. Horse Chestnut tree.

P6-15 Date of next meeting – TBA

There being no further business to discuss the meeting closed at 8.15pm

Signed ___________________________ Dated ____________________