Minutes Oct 2005

Minutes Oct 2005

Minutes of the Meeting of 17th October 2005 held at the Conference Room, Chichester Marina, at 7pm.

Present: Cllr Ms Huskisson; Cllr Tilbury; Cllr Meynell; Cllr Mrs Parks; Cllr Mrs Baillieu; Cllr Churchill; Cllr Mrs Rees; Cllr Drew

In attendance: The Clerk; District Cllr Peter Jones; A member of the press and 10 members of the public.

67-05cl.Apologies were received from Cllr Kyte.

68-05cl.Declaration of Interests: Cllr Mrs Baillieu declared an interest in Item 6 and Cllr Mrs Parks in Item 4 (vi).

69-05cl.Approve and sign the Minutes of the Meeting held on 19th September 2005 It was proposed by Cllr Ms Huskisson and seconded by Cllr Mrs Baillieu RESOLVED to approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on 19th September 2005 and that they be signed by the Chairman.

70-05cl. Matters arising from the Minutes dated 19th September 2005
i) Min 59-05cl i) Affordable Housing. The Clerk reported that she had been in contact with both Rebecca Hair and Austin Wade since the last meeting. Rebecca has now left Action in Rural Sussex, and is unlikely to be replaced very soon. Austin has sent a version of the questionnaire which he would like the Council to send out when it sends out the next newsletter. It was agreed to go ahead on this basis.
ii) Min 59-05cl ii) Village Pond Insurance. The clerk reported that she had again contacted our insurers who said there would not be a need for a sign at the pond if Rospa specifically stated that a sign was not necessary. She has therefore written to them asking for a decision. Having had occasion to speak to Shona Archer about this when speaking to her on another matter, CDC would wish to be consulted about the size and design of any proposed sign before deciding whether it would need planning permission.
iii) Min 59-05cl iv) Canal water level - Cllr Ms Huskisson reported that it seems to be fine at the moment. There will be a meeting of the Canal Steering Group next week after which more will be known.
iv) Min 60-05cl a) i) West Sussex Transport Plan - Cllr Tilbury reported that it is a broad brush approach, further details will come later.
v) Min 60-05cl a) v) Manhole cover on Birdham Straight - Cllr Tilbury reported that he has reported it to Steve Hodd.
vi) Min 60-05cl b) i) Local Development Framework - Cllr Tilbury introduced the discussion and had tabled a draft response to the document. The meeting was adjourned to let the public speak about the Long Meadow site. Their concerns are about the possibility of all the traffic coming from the proposed site through Long Meadow Gardens. It was suggested that some parishes are saying no development should take place at any level below 5 metres above sea level. This was agreed. The draft response will be placed on the Church notice board and the signs directing people to it there and on the web-site will be on all the notice boards.
vii) Min 61-05cl Trees on the Canal - the Clerk reported that she had received an email from Glyn Davies explaining that WSCC were now involved and would be deciding about the work needed on the trees.

71-05cl. Clerk's Report including:
a) WSCC Reports, highways matters and correspondence
i) The Council has received notification of the proposed new speed limits, copies of the official notices and the plans. Any comments are required by 20th October. This was noted.
ii) The latest edition of the West Sussex Community Transport Directory has been received and is being kept by the Clerk.
iii) WSCC has written to say that the charge for the street lighting maintenance was incorrectly sent, and in fact Birdham has paid double what it should have done. The Clerk discussed this with the relevant department who have told her they will refund the over-payment as the charges are expected to rise significantly next year to around £19 per column. In Farne Close there is about to be a new car-parking area with no lighting. The Clerk was asked to enquire as to the cost of providing a new light there.

b) CDC Reports including correspondence
i) A letter has been received from Austin Wade. This was dealt with under matters arising.

c) Other related matters
i) Action in Rural Sussex has written about a new scheme whereby defra is offering new funding for parish action plans. If the Council would like to make use of this offer they would need to apply before the middle of March 2006. It was decided that the Clerk should write to say that the Council is interested.
ii) The Environment Agency has run a Flood Risk Roadshow with the Fire Service on Friday 14th October at Selsey Fire Station. The Clerk notified the Chairman and Vice-Chairman, and put up a notice about it on one of the notice boards.
iii) Action in Rural Sussex has sent a mailing about Village Halls, including details of a conference being held on Saturday 5th November at Plumpton Green Village Hall at a cost of £11.75 inc VAT. It was agreed to pass the information to the Chairman of the Village Hall Charity for his attention..
iv) Farming and Wildlife Advisory Group Ltd (FWAG) have written asking the Council to consider subscribing to them at a cost of £35. It was decided to discuss this next May.
v) Manhood Mobility has written to thank the Council for its generous donation.
vi) The final Zurich Play Area Inspection has been carried out. This overlaps with the Rospa one for this year, as they were on an annual contract, and had already been paid for when we had to start the Rospa inspections in order to be covered for the pond.
vii) The Clerk had attended a seminar on Play Areas and had circulated a report she had written.
viii) The Clerk is trying to complete her portfolio for her Cilca award, and needs a list of community organisations in Birdham She has asked Sallie Drew who is trying to make a list of those related to the Church, but she would appreciate any others which councillors could let her have as she needs up to 30 organisations on the list.
ix) West Sussex Parenting Project would like to compile a county-wide directory of parenting services - and would like to hear of any non-statutory ones in the area. There do not appear to be any in Birdham.
x) SALC has sent the information about its AGM and advance notice of a Clerks' Information Day on 30th November which she would like to attend. She will ask West Itchenor to pay a third of the cost. It was agreed that she could do this.
xi) A parent whose child attends Birdham School has contacted the Clerk to complain about a large dog which messes outside the school before the school day starts, and whose owner does not clear up after it. If any councillor who is in the area before school could identify the culprit, CDC's Dog Wardens will visit them. They are aware of the problem and are checking to see that the relevant signs are visible.
xii) The posts at Claytons Corner have all been taken out of the ground - the Chairman will investigate this.
xiii) The Clerk has received an email about the costs of electricity and possible savings if WSCC negotiates on our behalf. It was agreed to go ahead with this.

72-05cl. Planning matters including CDC decisions

A Planning report had been circulated to all councillors.
Plans still to be considered:

BI/05/03704/DOM - Mr and Mrs Holben, Shady Oak, Cherry Lane, Birdham PO20 7AR - Alterations and extension to existing bungalow

Decisions made by the Council since the last meeting to be ratified:

BI/05/03348/DOM - Ms Sheila Leach, Ling Cottage, Martins Lane, Birdham PO20 7AU - Conservatory - The Council has NO OBJECTION to this application

BI/05/03606/FUL - Mr and Mrs Barber, Little Dyers, 2, Longmeadow Gardens, Birdham PO20 7HP - Replacement attached garage - The Council has NO OBJECTION to this application

BI/05/03634/ADV - Quay sites Ltd, re Chichester Marina, Birdham PO20 7EJ - 12 no. internally illuminated hoarding signs - OBJECT on the grounds that it is totally6 unsuitable in the AONB, but that the plans will probably be withdrawn.

1 Burlow Close, Birdham - The Council has NO OBJECTION to this application

Barn north of Martins Cottage, Birdham

The Council has NO OBJECTION to the extension of the drive and the car parking spaces using grass block finish but OBJECTS to the patio sitting out area which is new to this application. Paragraph 159 of the 1999 Local Plan interprets Policy RE14 when it refers to "the creation of domestic gardens from what were previously farmyards and this brings an air of suburban character to the rural area". We say that this barn stands in what was formerly the paddock behind Martins Cottage and we wish to resist the suburbanisation of the countryside, even to this extent by the provision of a patio, at this site which is inside the AONB and outside the SPA.

CDC Decisions:

BI/05/02734/FUL - Mr and Mrs D Pick, Holt Place Farm, Shipton Green Lane, Itchenor, PO20 7BZ - Extension to existing livestock building - PERMIT

BI/05/02930/FUL - Mr and Mrs S Crossley and Mr and Mrs D Sercombe, Birdham Fruit Farm, Martins Lane, Birdham PO20 7AU - Creation of access using existing access from Lock Lane - REFUSE

BI/05/02881/COU - SC and SL Strange, re Hundredsteddle Farm, Hundredsteddle Lane, Birdham, PO20 7BL - Change of use of agricultural machinery storage to B1/B8 use (business/industrial storage/distribution) - REFUSE

BI/05/03003/FUL - Premier Marinas Ltd - Reconfigure pontoon to include relocation of driven piles to suit new pontoon arrangement - PERMIT

BI/05/03024/DOM - Fosgrove, 1 Burlow Close - Demolition of existing garage/ensuite and utility and erection of 1.5 storey extension and loft conversion - PERMIT

BI/05/03357/DOM - Haere Mai, 4, St James Close - Amendment to dormer from previous planning consent BI/04/03501/DOM - PERMIT

It was proposed by Cllr Drew and seconded by Cllr Mrs Rees RESOLVED to approve the decisions made by the Council since the last meeting.

Correspondence to be circulated includes:

Playtoday September/October 2005
Martlet Homes - Martlet Echo and The Phoenix
Chichester Harbour Annual Progress Report 2004-5
CPRE Countryside Voice Autumn 2005
Partnership News - October 2005
Standards Committee - Notice of Meeting
Countryside Access Forum for West Sussex Annual Report 2004-5

i) Village Hall - the Chairman reported that the roof will be going on later this month, and then the inside can be fitted out. The Council has received a grant from CDC for £25,000. Cllr Ms Huskisson has been looking into the use of wind power at the hall, but the current initiative runs out at the end of this month, and the replacement one has not yet been set up, but it could be possible in the slightly longer term.
ii) Play Area Report and Playing Field - the Clerk reported that she has spoken with Joe Ricci from Knight Fencing and the work on the corner of Farne Lane and Crooked Lane will begin on 7th November. She will be meeting him on site at 8.30am and the Chairman may join them. She has spoken to Foster Playscapes who assure her that the bridge was replaced last week. One of the gate posts at the Farne Lane end needs replacement - Clerk to arrange repair of this. 13 empty beer cans were picked up on Sunday in the Play Area along with broken bottles. Cllr Churchill made some suggestions - need to try to put a non-slip surface on the bars of the bridge.
iii) Village Green and Pond - the pond insurance is mentioned above under item 4.
iv) Footpaths and bridleways - Footpath 37 - a dead tree has been been cut up and left on this path - refer to Kathy Eeles
v) Neighbourhood Watch - there had been no report.

75-05cl. Finance A financial situation report had been circulated to all councillors
Payments made since the last meeting to be ratified

Clerk's salary (September) 394.54

Receipts, current account (precept) 16899.00
Contribution to phone bill and photocopies Apuldram 6.12
Fete 1916.22

Receipts Village Hall account - interest 329.89

Receipts deposit account - nil

Payments to be considered

Mrs Geary, (litter October) 65.00
Adrian Dover, grass, September 99.25
Southern Electric, street lighting electricity (includes 4.69 VAT) 98.49
CDC grass September (includes 13.97 VAT) 93.77
CDC Building Control Inspection fee (includes 178.40 VAT) 1197.80
EA Chiverton Ltd building works (includes 6943.83 VAT) 46,622.83
Clerk's expenses (includes 13.18 VAT) 109.05

Notes: On receipt of the precept the Clerk transferred £6935 to the deposit account and £9416.22 to the Village Hall account, being the amount set aside for this purpose minus some amounts which would otherwise have had to be transferred. She has also re-claimed VAT from May to September of £3828.85, and once it is received she will transfer the part relating to the village hall to that account. WSCC have also sent a cheque for £334.76 being for overpayment of street light maintenance for this year, but that cost is liable to rise quite considerably next year. The Clerk has also enquired of the bank whether she can set up on-line banking facilities, mainly to check balances and to balance the accounts, and the papers for this are being sent out shortly.

It was proposed by Cllr Tilbury and seconded by Cllr Churchill RESOLVED to approve the financial report.

76-05cl.Reports of meetings attended by councillors

Annual Meeting with the parishes - the Clerk had circulated a written report.
County Local Committee - the Chairman gave a brief report.
Cllr Churchill attended the CAB Annual meeting. Types of cases have not changed. Shortage of funding is continuous. Fundraiser is leaving, will need replacing.

77-05cl.Public Session

Concern was expressed about the level of vandalism etc going on around the Farne Lane/Crooked Lane area and around the village hall, and asking for the Council's help. The Parish Council does not have any police powers, but can draw these matters to the attention of the police. The Clerk and Chairman will draft a letter to the police and to Martlet Homes about this.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 9.33pm