Planning Applications for the 3rd October 2012
BI/12/02769/DOM Mr Graham Hornsby Saxons Martins Lane Birdham
Retain present two single storey garden sheds. One in recess at side of house behind front garden west side, the other in the far corner of rear garden east side.
O.S. Grid Ref. 482678/100285
To view the application use the following link;
BI/12/03403/FUL Mr Graham Hornsby Saxons Martins Lane Birdham
To vary condition 2 of planning permission BI/07/04227/FUL to allow retention of two windows in their current form.
O.S. Grid Ref. 482678/100285
To view the application use the following link;
BI/12/03671/FUL D K Friesen & P K Friesen Land East Of Mile Cottage Birdham Road Birdham
Erection of 5no. houses with access road, children's play area and associated landscaping.
O.S. Grid Ref. 482887/100194
To view the application use the following link;
BI/12/03763/TPA Mr Robert Borthwick Rowan Nursery Bell Lane Birdham
Reduce east stem to below cavity and reduce west stem to corresponding length and trim to shape on 1 no. Oak tree within Group, G2 subject to BI/83/00023/TPO.
O.S. Grid Ref. 481782/99298
To view the application use the following link;