Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on the 19th November 2012

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on the 19th November 2012

Birdham Parish Council


Minutes of the Meeting of the Council

 held on Monday 19th November 2012

at 7pm in Birdham Village Hall


Present:                     Cllr Parks, Cllr Finch (Chairman), Cllr Tilbury, Cllr Grafham and Cllr Barker.

Apologies:                 Cllr Cobbold, Cllr Montyn (WSCC & CDC) and PCSO R Bainbridge

In attendance:           The Clerk, Cllr Marshall (CDC) and 26 members of the public.

86-12   Public Question Time in accordance with SO’s 1d -1l:

            A resident suggested that additional security against the incursion by travellers could be obtained by using height restriction barriers. The Chairman remarked that all areas of security were being examined to determine both the best and the most economic.

A resident asked what had been done about the overgrown hedges across the pavements creating problems to disabled users, and that blocked ditches were causing concern in the light of the recent flooding.

Cllr Tilbury said that the hedges and the ditches were the responsibility of the owners and little could be done by the Parish Council to enforce the action required.

A resident who lived in Cherry Lane said that the ditches had been cleared but had then had rubbish fly tipped into them.

A resident asked if there was a code of conduct that villagers should sign up to.

A resident said that the Old Common Close site did have a condition concerning an arrangement for contractor’s vehicles to be parked on site however, contractors were still parking in Walwyn Close causing disruption to residents and leaving large quantities of mud on the roads and paths. He went on to say that CDC Enforcement had been contacted who had then issued a seven day notice to the developer to implement the conditions reference contractor parking.

Cllr Tilbury said that although conditions were in place on the application to control contractor parking, he felt that whilst the contractors vehicles where properly taxed and insured very little could be done to stop them parking on the public highway. He also said that he had been in talks with the contractors – Belway – in an attempt to find a solution to the problem and had suggested the possibility of parking on the Birdham Parish Council owned land behind the Village Hall. So far nothing more had been heard from Belway on the subject.

A resident asked if there had been any movement on the flooding situation in Old Common Close. Apparently a new drainage plan had been submitted.

Cllr Tilbury said that he was aware of the new plan and had looked at it as best he could but he was not confident that it would meet the needs of the site. He said that he had spoken to officers at CDC who were not yet prepared to discharge condition 9 and who thought that Belway would come up with yet another scheme. He was aware that work was continuing and while this was not illegal if all conditions are not met and signed off it would make selling the properties at best difficult and at worst impossible. In the meantime decisions are awaited from CDC Planning officers on the outcome.

87-12               Declaration of Interests:

There were no declarations of interest.

88-12               Approve and sign the Minutes of the meeting held on the 15th October 2012:

It was resolved that the minutes of the 15th October 2012 be signed as a true and accurate record.

 89-12               Land Bequeathed to the council:

The Clerk reported that there was nothing further to report at this time.

 90-12               Clerks’ Report:

i)              WSCC – The Clerk reported on a new smart phone application – Love West Sussex – which was downloadable from the WSCC website. The application can be used by residents to report problems associated with roads directly from their ‘phones to the WSCC contractors thus speeding up response time to necessary repairs.

ii)             CDC – The Clerk reported that he had received the latest full version of the Electoral Register.

He had also received confirmation that the Parish Council could co-opt a new Councillor to fill the position left by the resignation of Mrs Leach.

iii)            Other related matters – The Clerk reported that he had received the confirmation of the Councils registration from the Information Commissioners Office.

iv)           Reports from Members of WSCC/CDC – There was nothing to report at this point.

91-12To receive and approve a financial report:

i)              The Clerk presented the financial statement for the 19th November which showed the following figures and offered to answer questions.

Balances held at Bank: £36343.78
Designated Funds: £27054.24
Available Funds: £  9269.52
Creditors: £    709.22


It was resolved to accept the financial report.

ii)             The Clerk reminded members that they had deferred a request for S137 grant funding from Lifecentre for further information. The required information had now been received and was deemed as a charity that was both worthwhile and could be supported.

It was resolved that a grant of £100.00 under S137 be awarded to the Charity Lifecentre.

iii)            A further request for grant funding had been received from the West Downs (NHW) Search Team, an organisation trained by the Sussex Police and who are used in the search for vulnerable persons, young and old as well as specific evidence search related tasks.

It was resolved that a grant of £50.00 under S137 be awarded to the West Downs (NHW) Search Team.

92-12   Neighbourhood Planning – Chairman to report.

The Chairman said that she was going to hand this subject to the Chairman of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Mr Terry Claughton.

Mr Claughton said that the Neighbourhood Plan Open Day held on Saturday 17th November had been a resounding success. Over 150 households had attended and had the opportunity to ask questions about the ‘plan’ and what was involved.

He went on to say that everyone in the Parish is included and would have the opportunity to have their say in what was put into the ‘plan’. Currently the various teams were working on the responses they had received from the open day which would then form the basis of a questionnaire which would go out in the New Year. At first glance it seemed that the subject of flooding was the major concern.

Mr Claughton went on to raise the subject of funding to complete the ‘plan’- which had been estimated at approximately £10000.00 – and where this money would come from. He said that CDC had openly said that they would not be able to help in actual cash, although ‘in kind’ help may well be available and if so the steering group will make sure it is used.

Resourcing in terms of more people needed was highlighted as was the managing the expectations of the Parish.

He said that alignment to the emerging Local Plan was of paramount importance and the lack of alignment and audit trail seemed to be the major cause of some of the ‘front runners’ failing to get their ‘plans’ accepted.

Returning to the questionnaire Mr Claughton said that it was imperative that a better than good response was needed. In the meantime the Forums that had been formed were already making headway in gathering data and were starting to develop themes. There was a need to look outside of Birdham and work with other Parishes which would then put the ‘plan’ in a stronger position to be adopted.

Currently the number one priority is to produce a flood risk assessment and to open up a dialogue with CDC.

A question had been raised concerning the housing numbers and what new applications could be counted upon to meet the CDC housing numbers requirement.

Cllr Tilbury said that all applications granted since the 1st April 2011 count towards the housing numbers requirement as given by CDC.

93-12   Planning matters including applications and CDC delegated decisions:

            Prior to the debate taking place it was resolved that application BI/12/04147/OUT Tawny Nursery should be deferred to an open meeting to be held on the 29th November.

i)              Applications to be decided.

 BI/12/03383/ADV Longmeadow, Main Road Birdham

This is an application to erect advertising material in connection with the development at Longmeadow (Old Common Close). The site lies within the Birdham SPA but also within the Chichester Harbour Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. As far as we are aware it is also an Area of Special Control of Advertisements.

In many areas of advertising there is deemed consent but special rules apply in Areas of Special Control of Advertisements and in the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. The application to erect two flagpoles (even though it appears to be retrospective) cannot be permitted as it is specifically banned under Class 7 of the code on advertising.

The smaller fascia signs appear to be of a size which may be allowed. Since no scale is given on the drawings it is not certain that they conform to the special rules on size of features of the design and height of the boards specified under Class 3 of the code.

Fascia board BH2, at 5.28m2, may be in breach of the code on size and distance from the highway. Two of these boards are in place at the moment.

We do not believe that the placing of the smaller fascia boards will be so distracting as to create hazard to people taking reasonable care when passing the site. The amount of information on the larger one may well be distracting.

The Council therefore OBJECTS to the flagpoles and the larger fascia board (BH2) but has NO OBJECTION to the smaller fascia boards (BH3).

BI/12/03507/DOM Middle Cottage, The Barn, Crooked Lane, Birdham

This is an application to build a rear extension to the middle cottage of three, converted from the former farmhouse on this site. The site lies within the Birdham SPA and the Chichester Harbour Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. It is not a listed building.

The adjoining cottage to the north (Bartons) has a single storey extension although this is not clearly shown on the location plan and the block plan. There is also an extension to Middle Cottage. The proposed extension will project almost 1.5 metres beyond the present building line of the extensions to the two cottages.

This seems a modest proposal and has the agreement of the neighbour to the south who will be the only one affected by the extension beyond the present building line and there is no loss of amenity from windows.

The Council has NO OBJECTION to this application.

 BI/12/02769/DOM Saxons, Martins Lane, Birdham

 Further to our previous response to this application, after a further inspection of the property the Council wishes to register NO OBJECTION to this application to retain the sheds in the garden.

It was resolved to instruct the Clerk to forward the decisions of Birdham Parish Council to CDC Planning.

ii)             Delegated Decisions to be noted

BI/12/02739/FUL Mr And Mrs Oliver Moorings Westlands Estate Birdham

Replacement house, garage and associated landscaping.  Amendments to design approved under BI/12/01918/FUL. PERMIT

BI/12/02941/FUL Mr R Dale Broomfield Lock Lane Birdham

Demolition of two storey detached house with garage and erection of a five bedroom chalet style house with integral garage. PERMIT

BI/12/02826/COU Jones and Cam 1 Birdham Business Park Birdham Road Birdham

Change of use from use class B1 business to use class B2 general industrial. PERMIT

BI/12/02934/COU Bea Holdings Ltd 20 Birdham Business Park Birdham Road Birdham

Proposed use of land for the storage of dinghy's. PERMIT

BI/12/02921/ADV Mr Alex Shattock Birdham Service Station Main Road Birdham

Various advertisements in accordance with new Shell corporate branding. Revised scheme from BI/12/01902/ADV. PERMIT

BI/12/03593/TPA Mrs Carol Panteny Rowan Nursery Bell Lane Birdham

Crown reduce (height and width) back down to old wound points on 1 no. Oak tree (quoted as T2) within Group, G2 subject to BI/83/00023/TPO. PERMIT

BI/12/01931/DOM Mr Lee Stephenson Glen Iris Bell Lane Birdham

Two storey side and single storey side and second storey rear extension. PERMIT

BI/12/03080/DOM Mr J Ireland Dragonsfield Westlands Estate Birdham

Proposed two bay timber framed carport. PERMIT

             It was resolved to note the delegated decisions made by CDC Planning

94-12   Correspondence – Not previously circulated:

The Clerk reported that he received the following;

i)              A letter from 4Sight thanking the Council for its donation.

ii)             The latest copy of the CPRE Winter edition of Sussex Review

iii)            The latest copy of the CPRE Winter 2012 edition of Countryside Voice.

95-12 Reports:

i)      Play area and playing field – There was nothing to report.

ii)      Village Green and Pond – There was nothing to report.

iii)     Police and Neighbourhood Watch – In giving her apologies PCSO Bainbridge asked that her emailed report be read out which was done and for completeness is included as annex a to these minutes.

iv)     Communications/Parish Newsletter/Website – Cllr Finch said a meeting would be held soon to produce a newsletter which would go out prior to Christmas.

v)      Other – A resident asked if the Clerk was aware of the directional finger post being damaged at the junction of Crooked Lane and Westlands Lane. The Clerk responded that he had not been aware, but thought that if damage had been done then the repair would need to be funded by the Parish Council.

96-12   Reports from Councillors attending meetings:

Cllr Tilbury reported that he and members of the Council, including the Clerk, had met with Rydon Homes the developers of Tawny Nursery. He stressed the information given to Rydon Homes was factual and was what the Parish Council would examine once the application was submitted. He was disappointed that Rydon Homes had refused to adopt the advice of the Council in suggesting that an open meeting with the Parish be entered into, in the same way that Seawards had over the Church Lane site.

Cllr Tilbury then went on to report that WSCC had appeared on site and had pressure washed the culvert that ran from Church Lane to Cherry Lane after which the level of water reduced and then stopped. He then met with an Officer from CDC and walked across the Langmeads Field to try and find the problem without success. It was felt that the weir that had been built illegally in the school grounds may still be causing a problem and that they would investigate further.

Cllr Grafham said that he, Cllr Barker and two members of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group had attended a very interesting day at a Neighbourhood Plan Workshop Event. Together they had completed two exercises and had spoken with the Chairman of Ringmer Parish who are in the ‘vanguard’ of parishes undertaking a neighbourhood plan. All in all a very interesting and worthwhile day from which he felt they had all benefitted.

Cllr Finch said that she along with Cllrs Cobbold and Barton had attended meeting in East Wittering concerning the Community Wardens

Cllr Finch said that she had also attended the WSCC Community Action Plan Meeting which was putting forward plans and ideas which would better enable us to help ourselves. She had also attended a Community Resilience Meeting in Horsham and had attended the WSCC South CLC Meeting at which it was announced that the 20’s plenty lobby had been successful and would be implemented in Chichester.

97-12   Items for inclusion in the next meeting: 

The budget for 2013-2014

98-12   Dates of Next Meeting:


17th December 2012 at 7pm in Birdham Village Hall

There being no further business to discuss the meeting closed at 8.35pm

Signed ___________________________   Dated ____________________



 Annex A


Report by PCSO R Bainbridge as presented to the Parish Council Meeting of the 19th November 2012


Please accept my apologies for Monday's Birdham Parish Council Meeting.  It is unfortunate that once again I am on a rest day and unable to attend.


Many thanks for your reply regarding the request from Birdham youths to enter the football league.  It is understood that changing facilities would be required, which of course they don't have, and I have passed this message on.

We did not hold a joint Operation Fender with WSFB and CDC in the Manhood Peninsula this year which was an arrangement agreed last year.  Police patrols were conducted however and I am pleased to say no reports of anti-social behaviour were received or any other incidents of note relating to Halloween or Firework Night.


We have had several calls from residents in Walwyn Close regarding parking of builder's vehicles in their road, particularly on the corner of Walwyn Close and the A286.  On one occasion, we visited Bellway Homes to request vehicles were removed and consideration be afforded to this road.  There have been no parking offences.


Our main concern in Birdham at this time is that of burglary.  Several businesses and homes have been targetted, both night and day time and mainly off the A286 and towards Shipton Green.  Police patrols have been increased as a result.  Our web site, Community Messaging and other media facilities encourage residents to lock their property and improve their security where possible.  All suspicious activity should be reported immediately on 101 or 999 if necessary.  We are always available and happy to talk to residents and help with any issues or concerns.

Rose Bainbridge
Manhood NPT
Tel: 101   Ext 19516 Mobile: 07881754535
