Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on the 16th September 2013

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on the 16th September 2013


Birdham Parish Council


Minutes of the

Meeting of the Parish Council

 held on Monday 16th September 2013

at 7pm in Birdham Village Hall


Present:                     Cllr Finch (Chairman), Cllr Barker, Cllr Hamilton, Cllr Churchill & Cllr Ayton

 Apologies:                   Cllr Cobbold (Vice Chairman), Cllr Grafham.

 Absent:                        Cllr Churchill

 In attendance:              The Clerk, Cllr Montyn (WSCC &CDC), Cllr Marshall (CDC) and 50 members of the public.

 41-13 Presentation by Mr McCadden – Headteacher of Birdham CE Primary School:

              Mr McCadden introduced himself and went on to say he had now been in charge of the school for a full school year. He was still working on the various plans and policies left to him by his predecessor and would continue to do so in his second year. The Nursery school was almost complete and most of the children had taken up their places. The school had received a good report by OFSTED in May. His aims for the coming year were to improve the communications between the school and the catchment area, to make the school an eco-school, to update and finalise the school travel plan and to encourage the ‘Walk to School’ initiative. He was pleased to say he had no immediate planning issues. He went on to say the school was now full. Mr McCadden then asked if there were any questions.

              He was asked what he was doing about the parking in Pescotts Close, a private road. Residents had been subjected to abuse by parents and minor damage had been sustained. The Head responded that he would bring to the attention of the parents they should not be parking in Pescotts Close and discuss the abuse issues with the children who would probably have more effect on their parents than anyone else but, at the end of the day he had no legal powers to carry out enforcement.

              Another question was raised about parking in the school which was rejected by the Head as unworkable and potentially dangerous.

              A resident asked about the enforcement of those who continue to park within the school no parking zone. The Clerk suggested that if this was seen it could be reported via https://www.operationcrackdown.org.This subject was also to be discussed later in the agenda.

              Many residents asked about the numbers of children in relation to the proposed planning developments which were in the process of being decided and would the school be able to cope with admitting any more children as a consequence of these applications. The Head re-iterated that all year classes are full, therefore no other children would or could be accepted into the school.

 42-13 Public Question time in accordance with Standing Orders 1d -1l:

              A resident said in her opinion the road surface patching that had been carried out in Green Lane and Wophams Lane was a waste of public money.

              A resident asked who had initiated the TRO at the school and why? This was to be discussed at agenda item 9iii).

              A resident asked when the work on the pond would be carried out. The Clerk said that this was to be discussed at agenda item 11ii).

              A Resident asked if the Council would write to the owners of the land subject to the planning application in Church Lane and request them to cut the weeds down as the seeds were landing in his garden, another resident asked the same question about a field at the top of Court Barn Lane. The Clerk undertook to write the letters if he could be provided with the names and addresses of the land owners.    

 43-13 Declaration of Interests:

There were no declarations of interest.

 44-13 Approve and sign the Minutes of the meeting held on the 15th July 2013:

              It was resolved to adopt the minutes of the 15th July 2013 as a true and accurate record.

 45-13 Matters arising from the minutes of the 19th November 2012:

Minute 89-12 - Land Bequest.The Clerk reported that he was still awaiting the acceptance of the previously reported arrangements by the third parties involved

46-13 Clerks’ Report:

i)    WSCC – Nothing had been received from WSCC

ii)   CDC 

a) The Clerk reported he had received a copy of a section 215 notice (Planning Enforcement) against the owners of the land at Little Oak Farm in Sidlesham Lane.

b) The Clerk reminded members he had been asked to write to the Planning Department of CDC to request a Screening Opinion in relation to the various planning applications that were blighting the village. The Clerk then read out his letter to CDC and the response to that letter both from the Planning Policy Manager and the Assistant Director of Development Management who both agreed that the Screening Opinion was included as the opinions formed part of the evidence base included in the draft Local Plan.

c) The Clerk reminded members of the CDC proposal to abolish the automatic referral to the Planning Committee of a DOM suffix planning application, should it be objected to by a Parish Council. He had received a letter from the Assistant Director of Development Management outlining the new processes to be implemented.

d) The Clerk reported the matters regarding Old Common Close were to be heard by the CDC Planning Committee on the 16th September. He urged those with an interest to attend this meeting.

iii)  Other related matters - The Clerk reported he had been approached by an Officer of WSCC to sign a funding application form under the Operation Watershed banner for funding to carry out repairs to deal with the problems associated with culverts at Church Lane/Walwyn Close and adjacent roads. Total funding requested was in the order of £11000.00. The application was to be considered today but as yet the Clerk had received no further information.

iv)Reports from Members of WSCC/CDC – Prior to passing the floor to Cllrs Montyn and Marshal the Chairman said she would like to thank Cllr Montyn for the time and trouble he had gone too in presenting the case for the Village against the Church Lane planning application. She felt that had Cllr Montyn not carried out the research he so obviously had then the outcome would most likely have been considerable different.

Cllr Montyn (WSCC & CDC) thanked the Chairman for her kind words and said he felt very strongly the AONB should be protected. He then went on to say the questions the residents and the school were asking were common throughout the County and the District who had to manage the same problems. He was pleased to hear the Park & Stride initiative by the school was progressing and the proposed 20mph speed limit would help however, he felt that yellow lines were not always the answer to the problems.

Concerning the upcoming budgeting process Cllr Montyn said that budgets had been cut by 14–15% over the last few years and that more and larger cuts were likely over the next four years.

Cllr Marshall said that he was prepared to assist the Parish Council in the Red Card system should it be required for him to do so but, he reserved the right to expect that he would be supported by a physical presence from the Parish Council should it come to a CDC Planning meeting.

 47-13 To receive and approve a financial report:

i)    The Clerk presented the financial report for the month (shown at annex a) which showed the following balances;


Balances held at Bank


Designated Funds


Available Funds





£  2052.92



The Clerk said the increase in finances was due to receipt of the final tranche of the precept of £19752.00, plus a receipt from Coles for the hire of the playing field of £600.00 and to the receipt of £6209.00 from the Community Development Fund. He offered to answer any questions that Councillors may have.

 It was resolved to adopt the Financial Report.

 48-13  Neighbourhood Planning – Chairman to report.

The Chairman reported the response to the Parish Questionnaire had been good. The group had received the draft report which would now form the basis of the policies upon which consultation would take place. She went on to say that another open day would be held in November.

The first meeting with the Planning Support Officer had been held which proved to be very informative and useful.

 49-13 Planning matters including applications and CDC delegated decisions:

 i)  To approve and sign the minutes of the Planning Meeting held on the 29th July 2013:

It was resolved to adopt the minutes of the 29th July 2013 as a true and accurate record.

ii)New Homes Bonus – To decide on the approach to be taken by the Parish Council.

The Clerk reminded Members of the basis upon which the Bonus was to be made and for the use to which the monies could be used. He re-iterated that it was to be community led but overseen and submitted by the Parish Council. To date no projects had come forward. One or two were suggested during the course of the meeting but it was felt that time was not available to work up a proposal to meet the deadline for submission of the 1st October 2013.

iii)To comment upon the proposed new TRO at Birdham CE Primary School.

The Clerk said that he had been contacted by an Officer of WSCC concerning this TRO, which was to be introduced as part of the Safer Routes to School project, seeking support from the Parish Council. The Clerk had confirmed the reason for the TRO was that the existing ‘Schools Keep Clear’ zigzag markings were not legally enforceable.

After a short debate it was resolved that the Council would support the new TRO and the Clerk be authorised to inform WSCC of the Councils decision.

iv)   Planning Applications to be Decided

 BI/13/02449/DOM Oaklands Place, Sidlesham Lane, Birdham

This is an application to install a porch on the eastern side of the property and to insert a door, with canopy, into the outer wall of the kitchen on the western side of the property and to increase the internal door openings to accommodate wheelchair access.

Whilst the size of the porch initially seems somewhat incongruous to the size of the property it is accepted that this is required for the wheelchair access ramp.

Birdham Parish Council raises no objection to the application.

BI/13/02573/DOM Springfield Close Birdham

This is an application to demolish an existing concrete panel double garage and replace with a brick and timber building of a slightly larger size to include a garden store, removing the existing garden shed and installing a vegetable patch in its place.

The building is to be constructed on a brick plinth with black painted timber cladding to match the existing house dormer windows. The doors will be finished in white and the velux windows will be of white uPVC to match the existing house. The roof is to be a hipped and bonneted roof tiled with plain clay tiles to match the existing house.

Whilst this is a two car garage, bay 2 at 3.3mtrs seems to be considerable smaller for anything other than something in the order of a Smart car or its equivalent.

The roof height is some 4mtrs as opposed to the existing 2.4mtrs and may cause concern to the neighbouring property especially as there are two velux windows that will overlook the rear garden of the neighbour’s property.

Whilst Birdham Parish Council raises no objection to this application it would suggest that consideration is given to removing the velux windows on the south side and installing on the northern side of the building or at the very least must contain obscure glass. The Council would also like to see a condition imposed that would prevent occupation of the building, or the building being sold separately from the main house.

BI/113/02560/TPA South Bell House Bell Lane

This is an application to fell a willow tree adjacent to the conservatory of the annex to the main house.

Birdham Parish Council is content to follow the decision of the District Councils Tree Officer.

BI/13/02599/TPA 7 Longmeadow gardens Birdham

This is an application to crown reduce the height and width of an oak tree – subject to a TPO - by 2 mtrs and carry out 10% pruning/thinning.

Birdham Parish Council has no objection to this application provided the work is carried out by a suitably qualified tree surgeon and overseen by the District Councils Tree Officer.

BI/13/02795/FUL Electricity Sub-Station North of Greyroof, Alandale Road Birdham

This is an application to convert an existing disused electrical sub-station into habitable accommodation which would be ancillary to the main existing dwelling known as the Old Poorhouse.

Whilst the Parish Council could see no reason to object to this application per se, there was concern over the long term future of the building and any future disposal of the property and its impact on its neighbours. The Parish Council would therefore ask that stringent conditions be imposed to prevent the property being disposed of as an independent dwelling and that due consideration regarding noise etc. should be given to its neighbour – Greyroof – which is only 10mtrs from the application site.

 BI/13/02803/EXT Jones and Cam Birdham Business Park Birdham Road

This is an extension to an existing planning application previously granted. Whilst Birdham Parish Council would prefer to see this application built, it is appreciated that the current financial situation may be detrimental to the success of the project.

The Parish Council raises no objection to the extension requested.

It was resolved to instruct the Clerk to forward the decisions of Birdham Parish Council to DC Planning

 i)    Delegated Decisions to be noted

 BI/13/00849/LBC Mr and Mrs Murphy Well House Lock Lane Birdham

Strip and replace existing roof and re-roof porch. Replace existing plastic gutters with cast iron gutters. Repoint chimney.  Replace existing solar panels with improved recessed panels.  Demolish existing lean-to shed like for like, with slate roof.  Demolish existing garage and leave hard standing for parking. PERMIT

BI/13/01550/DOM Mr Alan Parker 7 Alandale Road Birdham

Change from hipped roof to gabled roof to include new window. PERMIT       

BI/13/01630/DOM Mr & Mrs Murphy Well House Lock Lane Birdham

Replacement lean-to shed, replacement solar panels and repair and maintenance works. PERMIT 

BI/13/01880/TPA Mrs Shirley Fraschetti Church Farm House Church Lane Birdham   

Reduce south sector by 2m and lift crown base by 2m (4m lift above ground level) on 1 no. Horse Chestnut tree (T5) subject to BI/04/00041/TPO. PERMIT 

It was resolved to note the delegated decisions

50-13 Correspondence – Not previously circulated:

i) The Clerk reported that he had received an email from a resident complaining about the advertisements appearing on the village green and on posts etc in Court Barn Lane and Church Lane. Also notices had appeared on the village pump. The Clerk reminded members and residents that the Village Pump was listed and that to deface a listed building was a criminal offence.

ii) An email had been received informing the Parish Council of the date of the Harvest Festival – 28th September – and the various activities that would take place. 

51-13 Reports:

i)      Play Area and Playing Field. – There was nothing to report on the playing field. The Clerk reported that the RoSPA inspection had finally been carried out and a clean bill of health had been received however, just a short time after the inspection more vandalism occurred. The repair work has been initiated.

ii)                  ii)     Village Green and Pond – The Clerk reported that he had received a quotation of £3250 to deal with de-silting of the pond. It was proposed that the work be undertaken with the £2500  already in the current budget and the balance coming from the capital reserve.

It was resolved to authorise the Clerk to have the required work carried out.

iii)                 iii) Condition of Village Ditch/Drain Network. – Members and residents were reminded there was to be a meeting in the Sandel Room on the 17th September at 7:00pm

iv)   Police and Neighbourhood Watch – There was nothing to report.

v)    Communication Working Groups – The newsletter has been printed and delivery is well under way.

vi)   Other - The next tea party is to take place on the 1st October and from then on the first Tuesday in every month.

52-13 Reports of meetings attended by Councillors;

          Cllrs Finch and Barker had attended the last meeting of the Peninsula Forum in Sidlesham Village Hall. It had been decided that a further letter to Southern Water was required for them to improve the progress of dealing with the problems associated with flooding.

          Cllr Grafham said he had attended a meeting of the Village Hall Trustees.

53-13 Date of Next Meeting:


21st October 2013 at 7pm in Birdham Village Hall


There being no further business to discuss the meeting was declared closed at 20:50pm






                        Signed ___________________________   Dated ____________________




Annex A

Birdham Parish Council

Financial Statement as at 16th September 2013


Bank Accounts as at 31st March 2013


Receipts to date


Expenditure to date




Represented by;

Current Account (Barclays Community A/c)


Deposit Account (Barclays Premium Business A/c)


National Savings





Reserve @ 50% of Precept


Loan Reserve for half year


Outstanding Cheque/s -



Available Funds



Clerk to the Council

16th September 2013

Payments to be considered

The Design & Digital Print Centre


B Geary (Litter Picking)


Clerks Expenses


M H Kennedy & Son


Thomas Eggar (Land Registration)


Playsafety (RoSPA)


Information Commisioner


A Dover (Village Green/Bus Stops)


The Chichester Ship Canal Trust






