Planning Matters April 2007

Planning Matters April 2007

Plans considered since the last meeting to be ratified:


Hilland Farmhouse, Batchmere Road, Birdham

The Council raises NO OBJECTION to this application


No2 Allman House, Birdham

The Council raises NO OBJECTION to the main application but notes that the outline permission granted in 2003 (BI/03/00526/OUT) shows a line of car park spaces along the south-west boundary of the site. This area is at present grass and adjacent a ditch and to the drive of Cowdry Farm, next door. We feel it would be a pity to lose the rural nature of this boundary area and hope that the applicant would consider using some form of greencrete material of the car parking spaces must go there and that the serried row of car park spaces might be broken up by some form of shrub planting at intervals. We would also have concerns about flooding from run-off from hard-standing if the ditch were removed.

BI/07/01489/DOM – Mr Paul Davies, Combers Barn Farm, Birdham Road, PO20 7BX – erect single storey oak-framed utility room and erect single storey oak framed sun room with balcony over.

CDC Decisions

BI/07/00089/DOM – Mr and Mrs Boarer, Appleacre, Church Lane, Birdham PO20 7AT – proposed extension to rear and alterations – PERMIT

BI/07/00341/DOM – Mr and Mrs A Bird, Ham Lodge, Westlands Lane, Birdham PO20 7HH – creation of new entrance porch under existing projecting first floor or balcony - PERMIT

Notification of Planning Appeal

BI/06/05879/FUL – Tate House, Main Road, Birdham PO20 7BY – demolition of Widdicombe and erection of 11 no. residential dwellings with an affordable provision – an appeal will be decided on the basis of written statements and a site visit by a DCLG inspector. Written representations must be sent to The Planning Inspectorate by 1st May 2007.