Planning Matters 14th September 2016

Planning Matters 14th September 2016


BI/16/02905/DOM - Mr & Mrs Slatter Brightwater  14 Greenacres Birdham PO20 7HL

Variation of condition 2 from planning permission BI/16/00495/DOM. To reference amended plans to show the removal of the over-sailing roof to the north and siting of garage 2.5m north of approved location to avoid main sewer line.


BI/16/01456/FUL Mr J Morley Land South West Of Premier Business Park  Birdham Road Appledram West Sussex

Erection of L-shaped stable block comprising stables, tack room and hay store along with associated hardstanding for parking and turning. Resubmission of BI/16/00480/FUL.  REFUSE

BI/16/02380/DOM Mr Steve Edwards 3 Greenacres Birdham PO20 7HL

Erection of outbuilding and the re-siting of front porch. PERMIT