Minutes Sept 2006

Minutes Sept 2006

Minutes of the Annual Meeting held on Monday 18th September 2006 at 7pm in the Main Hall at Birdham Village Hall

Present: Cllr Tilbury; Cllr Mrs Rees; Cllr Mrs Parks; Cllr Drew; Cllr Churchill

In attendance: County Cllr Daws-Chew; the Clerk; a member of the press and one member of the public.

49-06cl. Apologies: were received from Cllr Meynell; Cllr Mrs Baillieu; Cllr Ms Huskisson and Cllr Kyte.

50-06cl. Declaration of Interests None was declared.

51-06cl. Approve and sign the Minutes of the Meeting held on 17th July 2006

It was proposed by Cllr Drew and seconded by Cllr Mrs Rees RESOLVED that the minutes of 17th July 2006 be approved as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

52-06cl. Matters arising from the Minutes dated 17th July 2006

i) Min 40-06cl ii) Village Pond sign. The Clerk reported that she had written to the Insurers to explain about the water voles. They have replied that they understand, but wish to be informed at once if there are any problems with the pond. She has asked Knight Fencing to extend the fence at either end of the pond and the work will be done shortly.

ii) Minute 40-06cl iii) Trees along the Canal – the Clerk has written to the householders on whose land the trees stand. She has had several replies from these people who usually were going to ask a tree surgeon to look at their trees, although one resident was unsure whether he owned the trees as they are outside his garden – he was going to check with the Land Registry where his boundaries lie.

iii) Minute 40-06cl v) Facilities for young people – after the last meeting’s presentation, Councillors decided to discuss this further before the next budget is decided.

iv) Minute 40-06cl vi) Village Action Plan – The Clerk had sent out the leaflets to all councillors. Cllr Drew offered to set up a public meeting to try to set up a working party.

v) Minute 41-06cl Hospital Campaign – A letter had been sent and replies received, but as they were just addressed to the Clerk it was impossible to say for which Parish they were intended. This was noted.

vi) Minute 42-06cl vii) Cricket Club – the Clerk had written to the resident who had complained about the noise and copied it to the Cricket Club, who had replied to say that someone would visit the lady to see if the problem could be resolved.

53-06cl. Clerk’s Report including:

a) WSCC Reports, highways matters and correspondence

i) Booklets about West Sussex Food and Drink Festival 2006 had been sent and were available for councillors to take.

ii) Public footpath 56 – WSCC has had a request for a diversion of this path. The proposed diversion is very minor and would involve the path no longer crossing a private garden. After discussion it was decided not to comment.

b) CDC reports including correspondence

i) Mrs Roberts-Wood has written to say that as officer responsible for increasing the uptake of Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit, she is now holding “surgeries” at Selsey, Petworth and Midhurst as well as at CDC offices. The Selsey ones are on the 2nd Tuesday of the month from 10-12 at 53 High Street. This was noted and it was agreed that the Clerk should put the information on the notice boards.

ii) The Council has been informed that when it plans its budget for 2007-8 it will need to allow £1970 in case there is a contested election next April. Because of changes under the Electoral Administration Act 2006 the counts for both District and parish elections may now not take place until the next day. This was noted.

iii) CDC is planning a Microbiz event for October which will be for small businesses, home based businesses and anyone thinking of starting up a business. To publicise this they would like contact details of any local editors of magazines and newsletters. This was noted.

iv) CDC has produced a draft Statement of Principles on the Gambling Act which can be viewed on the web if the Council wishes to see it and to comment – comments are requested to arrive by 30th September. This was noted.

v) Graham Thrussell has written to clarify the letter the Council received at the last meeting about representation at Area Development Control Committees. The ward member can and does represent the parish and may speak at these meetings in respect of planning matters, but the area committee representative is actually on the Committee. This was noted.

vi) The Clerk has today received up-dated information on the Code of Conduct and the Standards Board. She feels it is very important for councillors so she has copied it for each of them.

c) Other related matters

i) Selsey Parish Map Group has written to ask whether Birdham would consider helping to support a Manhood Wildlife Project Officer. This would be a continuation of the work being done currently in Selsey (as explained at the June Peninsula Community Forum). After discussion it was decided that the wildlife is well served at the moment, and the Council would need to look at this when they do the budgeting in the winter.

ii) Encams has sent a booklet which is about improving your environment. The Clerk would like to keep this as she feels it is a very useful document. If councillors want information on one section she will copy it for them.

iii) Manhood Mobility has written to ask for the Council’s annual contribution to their funds and to give information about their AGM which will this year take place on Tuesday 10th October at Chichester Yacht Club at noon. It was agreed that Cllr Mrs Rees should attend for the Council.

iv) Action in Rural Sussex Annual Conference and SALC AGM will be held on Thursday 12th October at Ardingley. It was agreed that the Clerk would attend for the Council.

v) Chichester Harbour Conservancy has written to offer funding for any community-based projects within the AONB. After discussion it was decided that Cllr Tilbury and the Clerk would look into this.

vi) SEERA have sent a Partial Review of the South East Plan – Provision for Gypsy and Traveller Caravan Sites. Any comments need to be returned by 13th October 2006. It was agreed that Cllr Rees would respond for the Council.

vii) Age Concern has sent a copy of a Falls Prevention pack, and would like details of any coordinators of local groups working with older people in the parish so they can be sent packs to be distributed to the members. It was agreed to give it to MMVS.

viii) The new branch chairman of CPRE has written to introduce himself. He also asks for areas of the work done by CPRE to be prioritised. Cllr Huskisson undertook this for the Council.

ix) Owen Higby, the Council’s internal auditor has written to thank the Council for his honorarium. This was noted.

x) CAB will be holding their Annual Public Meeting on 5 October at 6pm. The Clerk will be attending, and Cllr Churchill agreed to attend for the Council.

54-06cl. Planning matters including CDC decisions

A paper detailing planning matters had been circulated to all councillors.

Plans received by the Council since the last meeting to be ratified:

BI/06/02973/ELD – Mrs AM Saker, Dinghy Pen, Lock Lane, Birdham – Use of the land for the storage of boats/dinghys – NO OBJECTION

BI/06/03191/REM and BI/06/03192/FUL – Mr Dew and Mrs Cook, Margherymore, Claytons Corner, Birdham – Erection of 1 no. single storey dwelling and carport.
Applications to build on this site have been the subject of previous applications and an Inspector’s Report. The Council raises NO OBJECTION to this application but would ask the planners to look carefully at the New Access. The first part of the access would be across a ditch and we are seriously concerned about the correct engineering of any culvert at this point. It is alleged that 70% of the surface water of the village passes through this ditch and on to the Village Pond and thence to Birdham Pool. Any culvert must be able to cope with large volumes of water at times in the winter. The second part of the access would involve breeching a hedge which is partly made up of mature trees. (The trees shown on the plan are merely emblematic) We would expect a way to be found of preserving the trees and the hedge at this point, partly as a screen to the house.

BI/06/03232 – Mr S Porti, Land south of Manhood End Farm, Birdham Road, Birdham PO20 7BX – Amendments to dwelling approved under BI/00/02704/REM, including re-siting, re-design and alterations to fenestration.
Our concern about this application is that the original permission appears to be out of time, unless the construction of the entrance onto the road was counted as beginning the project. We feel that times have changed since 2000 and that a more stringent view might now be taken of the construction of a non-essential building in the AONB and outside the Built UP Area for Birdham, especially as it extends building into formerly agricultural land. We would ask that these matters be taken into consideration. We note the repositioning of the building, the adjustment of the boundaries of the site and the elements of redesign and, other than the matters mentioned above, we raise NO OBJECTION.

BI/06/03208/DOM – Mr David Wylie, Manhood End Farm, Birdham Road, Birdham – PO20 7BX – Erection of a climbing frame
We are a little surprised to receive an application for what appears to be a temporary structure (a play area) and have NO OBJECTION to the application. However, we would not wish to see the site of this structure used for any other purpose in future, as it lies in the AONB and outside the Built Up Area for Birdham, and therefore suggest that permission might be given in the first instance for five years, when application could be made to renew it.

BI/06/03397/TPA - Mr RA Gammie, Beechway, Martins Lane, Birdham PO20 7AU – Crown reduce by 25% 1 no. oak tree (T2) subject to TPO/30/BI
On the advice of our Tree Warden we would register NO OBJECTION to this application subject to the following comments. We would recommend that the reduction should be no more than 20% as this is a tree with a beautiful shape and to cut it back more than necessary would be a loss to the landscape. We would also ask that the advice of the Tree Officer be sought and that a qualified tree surgeon be employed for the work.

BI/06/03176/FUL – Bank Machine Ltd, re Birdham Stores, Main Road, Birdham – Installation of an Automated Teller Machine (ATM) to South West elevation NO OBJECTION

BI/06/03523/DOM – Mr and Mrs A Hobbis, Loxworth, Main Road, Birdham PO20 7HX – Single storey rear extension and front and rear dormers in connection with loft conversion NO OBJECTION

BI/06/03644/DOM – Mr R Manning, 2 Bell Lane, Birdham – Remove existing garage and replace with new garage and workshop NO OBJECTION

BI/06/02736/DOM – Mr J Hamilton, 100, Crooked Lane, Birdham – Two storey rear extension
This is revision of a previous application to which we objected on the grounds that the proposed extension to number 100 would take away a great deal of the light from the first floor window of the adjoining house (number 98), especially in the afternoon and evening.
There is an anomaly in the new plan. The Block Plan shows that number 100 projects beyond the building line of number 98 by just over a metre already, but the Existing Ground Floor plan shows the two building lines as continuous. A three metre extension would clearly be a different proposition if built onto an existing projection. As a rule of thumb we would expect the window of number 98 to have at least a 60 degree angle of light. It would appear to us that, if the Block Plan is right and the Ground Floor plan wrong, this would be reduced to more like 45 degrees, but might be mitigated somewhat by the pitch of the roof of the extension.
Until this anomaly is clarified, we feel we must OBJECT to this application.

It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Rees and seconded by Cllr Mrs Parks RESOLVED to ratify the decisions made since the last meeting.
The Chairman had been contacted during August because of people camping in a field by Birdham Pool – they had been given permission by the farmer. There was also a question over possible misuse of a garage at Appleacre.
CDC Decisions:

BI/06/01967/DOM - The Willows, 8 St James Close, Birdham – PERMIT
BI/06/01971/DOM - Broomers Barn, Lock Lane Birdham – PERMIT
BI/06/02391/OUT – Tate House, Main Road, Birdham – REFUSE
BI/06/02505/DOM – The Calf Pen – PERMIT
BI/06/03208/DOM – Mr David Wylie, Manhood End Farm, Birdham Road, Birdham PO20 7BX – Erection of climbing frame - WITHDRAWN

55-06cl. Correspondence
Correspondence to be circulated includes:

Local Council Review – September 2006
Defra – Rural Services Review
CPRE – Catalogue
Chichester Harbour Management Plan Annual Progress Report 2005-6
Clerks and Councils Direct September 2006
Portsmouth Water Drought Update
CPRE Fieldwork 2006
CDC Annual Performance Plan 2006-7
Chichester Canal News Summer 2006
Solent News Summer 2006
Arun and Chichester Voice June 2006
Standards Committee Minutes 25th July 2006
WSCC Forward Plan of Key Decisions Aug – Nov 06; Sept – Dec 06; Oct – Jan 07

56-06cl. Reports:

i) Village Hall – the Vice-Chairman reported that the land adjacent to the Sandal Room is now vested in the Charity Commissioners and can be used by the Village Hall. On 27th August it was 6 months since the hall was handed over and the snagging was dealt with. We have received the last bill from the architects and expect the last bill from the builders, at which point we can claim some grant money from the District Council.

ii) Play Area and Playing Field – Cllr Churchill reported on the Rospa inspection and the state of the Play Area. The bridge was broken but seems to have been repaired, and there has been a rash of bottles which he has cleared up. The roundabout is now very noisy and goes up and down when it goes round. The Clerk to ask Foster Playscapes for their view of the safety of the roundabout and whether it conforms with current safety matters. If not, how much would it cost to take it out.

iii) Village Green and Pond – there was no report

iv) Neighbourhood Watch – the Clerk reported that Cmdr Clarke had given up as the coordinator for Birdham. This position was now held by Michael and Wendy Pitty. They report that there was a problem with youths in Martins Lane which was investigated at which point they ran away. There was a significant fly-tipping of asbestos sheeting in the car park at the churchyard.

v) Tree Wardens – there was no report.

vi) Other – Cllr Drew had been approached by a member of Earnley PC as to whether the council would be interested in joining them in their Speedwatch Campaign. This was noted.

57-06cl. Finance

A Financial Situation Report had been circulated to all Councillors.

Payments made since the last meeting to be ratified:

Clerk’s salary July and August 970.74

Mrs Geary – litter August 65.00

Adrian Dover – grass, July 84.00

Foster Playscapes – work on Play Area includes 7.82 VAT 52.52

Chichester District Council – grass cutting includes 42.82 VAT 287.50

Principal 1 – photocopier service contract includes 9.21 VAT 61.86

Payment to PWLB – mainly interest    8591.04

Receipts, current account, car boot sale rentals 60.00

Photocopies 5.85

Phone and copies 40.13

Part refund of phone bill 16.17

Phone and copies 13.49

Receipts, deposit account – nil

Receipts, Village Hall account – nil

Payments to be considered:

Mrs Geary – litter, September 65.00

CPRE – subscription 26.00

Chichester Ship Canal Trust – subscription and donation 50.00

Seaman Partnership – final payment includes 111.49 VAT 748.59

Manhood Mobility Volunteer Service – donation as agreed in May 150.00

Citizens’ Advice Bureau – donation as agreed at May meeting 50.00

Mrs S Heasman – Clerk’s back pay and expenses 183.93

Chichester District Council – cutting of field includes 28.55 VAT 191.67

Notes: Having checked the internet this morning the precept (£18377) has arrived in the account and will be available for use from tomorrow. Once the payments listed above have been made, the Clerk will move £10000 to the Village Hall account and the balance to the deposit account. The audit was sent off and has been received by Mazars who have telephoned with several questions already. At some point the audit will have to be paid for but not until they have finished checking it.

It was proposed by Cllr Tilbury and seconded by Cllr Churchill RESOLVED to approve the financial report.

58-06cl. Reports of meetings attended by councillors

Peninsula Community Forum – Cllr Tilbury reported that there had been an input on housing strategy, and affordable housing. There was also a talk on Emergency Planning. CDC is a category 1 responder. He offered to give assistance in updating the Emergency Plan. Cllr Mrs Parks will contact Ian Taylor to find out if there is any need for the parish to do anything about this. Street cleansing – hit squad now going out to clean up and seems to be appreciated. Under the new Act people are responsible for any waste which is fly-tipped. Annual litter pick is too dangerous.

59-06cl. Public Session

The newsletter is ready and councillors are being asked to deliver it.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 8.58pm