Minutes October 2007

Minutes October 2007

Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 15th October 2007

Present: Cllr Tilbury; Cllr Howat; Cllr Mrs Parks; Cllr Mrs Cobbold; Cllr Churchill

In attendance: The Clerk; 2 members of the public; Sarah Hughes; 1 tree warden; District Cllr Montyn

49-07cl. Apologies were received from Cllr Meynell, Cllr Ms Leach

50-07cl. Declaration of interest Cllr Mrs Cobbold declared an interest in planning BI/07/04658/DOM.

51-07cl. Approve and sign the Minutes of the Meeting held on 17th September it was proposed by Cllr Mrs Parks and seconded by Cllr Churchill RESOLVED to approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on 17th September 2007 and that they be signed by the Chairman.

52-07cl. Matters arising from the Minutes
i) Min 42-07cl ii) Japanese knotweed – the Clerk has written to Steve Johnson as was decided by the last meeting and is awaiting a reply.
ii) Min 42-07cl iv) Gypsy and Traveller caravan sites – Cllr Mrs Parks reported that she had not dealt with this.
iii) Min 42-07cl biii) Cllr Howat had been unable to attend this meeting. Cllr Mrs Cobbold had attended, the vote was unanimously for Option B, but there was a feeling that one community should not be put against another.
iv) Min 42-07cl c ix) Dog bins – Cllr Howat reported that the best point would be half-way between Westlands and Greenacres. The chairman will consult the chairmen of the residents in Westlands and Greenacres before the Council do anything.
Sarah Hughes (Manhood Wildlife Project Officer) then gave a short presentation about global warming and wildlife in the Manhood.

53-07cl. Clerk’s report including:
a) WSCC reports, highways matters and correspondence
i) The Council has received a letter from WSCC about the Minerals and Waste Development Framework. The decisions about the core strategy will now be put back to next year, and therefore the consultation intended for this autumn will not now take place until next year. This was noted.
b) CDC reports including correspondence
i) The Council has been asked to complete a parish flood survey for this winter and to return it to CDC by 31st March 2008. Cllr Ms Cobbold agreed to complete this for the Council.
ii) The Council has been asked to give its opinion on the Consultation on the Draft Statement of Licensing Policy for 2008-2011. This can only be accessed on-line, so it would be best if a councillor looking at it has broadband. Cllr Tilbury agreed to look at this for the Council.
iii) CDC has sent information about Local Character Enhancement grants available for up to £1500 (match funding) for restoring locally important and distinctive features. After discussion it was decided to think about a sign for the village. It will be discussed at the next meeting.
c) other related matters
i) The Anti-Bullying Alliance has sent information about Anti-Bullying Week from 19 to 23 November. This was noted.
ii) Manhood Mobility sent a notice of their General Meeting on 9th October which arrived too late for the Clerk to pass it to Cllr Ms Leach. This was noted.
iii) Defra has sent a booklet on ways to tackle Climate Change. This will be placed in the correspondence file.
iv) SALC has sent a notice of subscriptions for 2008-9. The SALC and NALC elements together will be 26.93 pence per elector, based on the new electoral register which will come in in December. Based on the current electoral roll, this will cost the Council £322.35, compared with this year’s £306.17 (excluding the cost of The Local Council Review). This was noted.
v) SALC and SLCC will be holding their Annual Meetings on Friday 9th November at the South of England Showground, Ardingley. Nobody wished to attend for the Council.

54-07cl. Possible footpath in Church Lane The Chairman introduced this item. He will be seeing the road traffic engineer shortly about this and also about speed limits – possibly reducing all roads north of Birdham Straight to 20mph. Agreed that we should press for the reduction of the speed limit as a solution to the problem. A grass-crete path along the edge of the ditch would be a fall-back position.

55-07cl. Planning matters including CDC decisions a paper detailing planning matters had been circulated to all councillors.

Plans to be considered by the Council:

BI/07/04863/DOM – Mr David Wylie – Manhood End Farm, Birdham Road, Birdham – Wooden climbing frame. It was proposed by Cllr Tilbury and seconded by Cllr Mrs Cobbold RESOLVED NO OBJECTION.