Minutes Nov 2003

Minutes Nov 2003

Minutes of the Meeting held on 17th November 2003 at 7.00pm at Birdham Village Hall

Present: Cllr Tilbury; Cllr Kyte; Cllr Drew; Cllr Mrs Baillieu; Cllr Ms Huskisson; Cllr Mrs Rees; Cllr Meynell; Cllr Churchill

In attendance: The Clerk, two members of the public, District Councillor Peter Jones and a member of the press.

71-03cl. Apologies for absence were received from: Cllr Mrs Parks (on holiday)

72-03cl. Approve and sign the Minutes of the Meeting held on 20th October 2003 It was proposed by Cllr Huskisson and seconded by Cllr Drew RESOLVED to approve the Minutes and that they be signed by the Chairman.

73-03cl. Matters arising from the Minutes dated 20th October 2003

i) Min 62-03cl Local Biodiversity Action Plan – Cllr Ms Huskisson and Cllr Drew reported on this Plan – there was not much in the document which applies to Birdham, just the reed bed on Chichester Canal. Concentrates on specific habitats within the County, reviewed on a five-year basis. May be relevant to planning applications.

ii) Min 63-03cl a I) Flyposting – the Chairman had written a paper which had been circulated to all councillors. After discussion it was decided to leave it on the table for next meeting

iii) Min 63-03cl b iii) Climate Change Strategy for Chichester District – Cllr Ms Huskisson reported that she had responded to this – it refers mainly to local ideas for councils to promote. Many initiatives but communicating it is another matter.

iv) Min 63-03cl b iv) Local Strategic Partnership – the Clerk reported that Cllr Churchill had asked for his name to be put forward as a nominee to represent the Peninsula Community Forum on this body, which she has done.

v) Min 63-03cl c vii) Dates of future meetings – the Clerk proposes the following dates for 2004: January 19th; February 9th; March 15th; April 19th; May 17th; June 21st. All are third Monday in month except February, to avoid half-term week. There are no other clashes with bank holidays next year.

vi) Min 63-03cl c viii) Notice board – the new notice board to go by the church has now arrived and Mr Talbot and the Chairman have installed it. It is very well made.

vii) Thanks to Bob Norris for his article about the barn dance.

viii) Trees overhanging footpath 37, ask arboriculturalist to look at them on boundary of Herongate and footpath.

74-03cl. Clerk’s Report including:

a) WSCC Reports, highways matters and correspondence:
There were none, except to report that the Clerk had had a complimentary e-mail on the state of the new footpath on Birdham Straight, but asking for it ot be cleared up. She has arranged for the County’s litter pickers to be contacted.

b) CDC Reports including correspondence:

i) Farmers’ Market Development Meeting will be held on Wednesday 26th November at Petworth House at 7.30 pm. This meeting is for Local food producers so it would be helpful if Councillors could notify any they are aware of who might wish to attend.

ii) Youth Gathering Consultation Event will be held at The Venue from 6-8.15pm on Monday 1st December 2003 to discuss problems about where young people gather etc. Cllr Kyte agreed to attend for the Council.

iii) Allowances for Parish Councillors – The Council has received a copy of the Report of the Parish Remuneration Panel and it makes interesting reading. Birdham decided not to pay allowances, but it would not be unreasonable to pay travelling costs to members when they travel distances on parish business, and the Clerk would wish that they consider this. The Council needs to display a notice in the Parish about the policy on allowances etc, and we have been sent a pro-forma for this purpose. It was proposed by Cllr Rees and seconded by Cllr Churchill RESOLVED to pay travel expenses at the standard rate for councillors attending authorised meetings outside a ten-mile radius of Birdham.

iv) The Clerk has received an update from the “Finding it hard to make ends meet?” project which as been holding Benefit Surgeries and those in Selsey will be held from January on 2nd Tuesday in every month at Selsey Area Office. This was noted.

v) The Council has been asked about access to online information from CDC and has responded to this.

c) Other related matters:

i) Notice of application for transfer of licence at The Spinnaker, Chichester Marina, which will be made on 11th December 2003 if the Council wishes to comment on this. It was noted.

ii) WaterVoice Southern have written about a meeting being held on Thursday 20th November at 2pm at Ramada/Jarvis Gatwick. This was noted.

iii) Regional Minerals Strategy : Consultation Draft – this has been sent for the Council’s comments which need to be returned by 5th December. Cllr Tilbury agreed to read it and write the comments for the Council.

iv) West Sussex Rural Forum will be holding a conference on Do Big Issues Create local Opportunities? On Monday 15th December at Haywards Heath from 9.30 to 4pm. As this is the date of the Council’s next meeting it may not be possible for a councillor to attend, although there is a large part of the conference on AONBs. Cllr Huskisson agreed to try to attend for the Council.

v) Manhood Mobility have written their Christmas letter thanking everyone who was involved in the purchase of the new vehicle. This will be placed in the Correspondence file.

75-03cl. Planning Matters including CDC decisions
A paper detailing planning matters had been circulated to all councillors.

Plans to be considered:

BI/03/02968/TPA – W Stirland Ltd, Redmoor Estate, Birdham PO20 7HT – English oaks at Plot 32 Walwyn Close numbers T1, T2, T3 – thin out lower branches by 10% on T2 and T3, remove lower branches overhanging garage diameter of branches less than 50mm on T1. It was proposed by Cllr Ms Huskisson and seconded by Cllr Drew RESOLVED NO OBJECTION as a small amount of trimming is fine as long as the arboriculturalist is present when it is done.

BI/03/03009/TPA – W. Stirland Ltd., Redmoor Estate, Birdham PO20 7HT – re Maple House, 22A Longmeadow Gardens, Birdham – T12, Black Poplar, fell because leans and could be unstable and T15 Black Poplar, remove 1 no branch overhanging roof of plot 32 to reduce risk of branch damaging the roof of plot 32. It was proposed by Cllr Meynell and seconded by Cllr Churchill RESOLVED that there is NO OBJECTION to T12, which we are in any case informed is a white poplar, but T15 should have only trimming to remove an immediate threat and under the guidance of the arboriculturalist.

BI/03/03029/TPA – Mr and Mrs A Grisdale, 31, Walwyn Close, Birdham PO20 7SR, - one oak, 30% reduction. It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Baillieu and seconded by Cllr Mrs Rees RESOLVED to ask for guidance with regard to the minimum amount of work consistent with balancing the tree, and that 30% seems excessive.

BI/03/03041/FUL – Mr and Mrs S Crossley, Birdham Fruit Farm, Lock Lane, Birdham, PO20 7AU – Demolition of existing dwelling and outbuildings, replacement dwelling, garaging and boatstore/stable. It was proposed by Cllr Meynell and seconded by Cllr Mrs Rees RESOLVED NO OBJECTION, but that with a view to possible future applications on the site the District arboriculturalist be asked to look at existing trees around the site and put TPOs on any which are worthy of it.

CDC Decision

BI/03/02535/FUL – Chichester Yacht Club, Chichester Marina – Rebuild of original clubhouse with accommodation within new pitched roof (alternative to BI/03/00699/FUL) - PERMIT

Decisions made by the Council since the last meeting to be ratified:

BI/03/02773/DOM – Mr and Mrs M Trice, Dyke Cottage, Lock Lane, Birdham PO20 7BB – Two storey side extension – Concern about massing effect of extended building in relation to Pool House next door because of no apparent visual separation from the latter. Request that architect be approached to produce true elevation of the two buildings from Birdham Pool, and that the Council see such an elevation before commenting.

BI/03/02873/FUL – Russells Garden Centre, Birdham – Erection of a poly tunnel – NO OBJECTION

It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Rees and seconded by Cllr Meynell RESOLVED to ratify the decisions taken since the last meeting.

76-03cl. Correspondence

Correspondence to be circulated includes:

· Manhood Mobility Christmas letter
· Clerks and Councils Direct November 2003
· Local Heritage Initiative News issue 1
· Fields Focus NPFA Autumn 2003
· Playtoday November/December 2003
· Local Council Review November 2003

77-03cl. Reports:

i) Village Hall – Cllr Tilbury reported on his papers which had been circulated. Councillors looked at the two possible timescales proposed by the architect and agreed to opt for B. It was proposed by Cllr Tilbury and seconded by Cllr Meynell RESOLVED that a sum of around £1600 from the £3000 set aside in this year’s budget for the village hall should be spent on the new doors and windows required.

ii) Play Area Report and Playing Field – the Clerk reported that the Inspection Report from Zurich has been received and the only criticisms were that the speed governor on the roundabout was not stopping it as soon as it should, and that some of the rubber tiles under the roundabout were coming adrift. She will ask Foster Playscapes to look at this as soon as possible. The Chairman reported that the existing goal posts were not in sufficiently good condition to justify them being re-painted, and proposed that they be replaced at a cost of around £700 plus VAT. It was agreed to look at this again next month. It was agreed that the Clerk contact Charles Hunt re use of pitch.

iii) Village Green and Pond – Adrian Dover has cleared out some of the weed in the pond. There is still some parrot weed at right hand end of pond.

iv) Footpaths and Bridleways – no report.

v) Neighbourhood Watch – coordinators have been warned that fake British Gas calls have been received telling people to go to the Village Hall so their houses are empty and may be burgled. During a rehearsal at the church on Saturday youths messed around in the church, may have caused malicious damage to a car.

78-03cl. Finance including first part of precept discussion – A Financial Situation Report had been circulated to all Councillors.

Payments made since the last meeting to be ratified:

Standing Order to Saskia Heasman (October salary) 377.30

Receipts, current account – VAT refund 1581.44

Receipts, Village Hall account None

Receipts, BRA account None

Payments to be considered:

Mrs Geary, litter, November 65.00
Principal 1 Ltd, photocopying quarterly charges, (inc 7.88 VAT) 52.88
Iain Grant, hedges and ditches, (includes 107.63 VAT) 722.63
CDC grass cutting, September (includes 13.13 VAT) 88.13
Action in Rural Sussex, Affordable housing conference, (inc. 6.70 VAT) 45.00
CDC, litter and dog bin emptying (includes 44.77 VAT) 300.61
Zurich Municipal, Engineering Inspection, (includes 48.13 VAT) 323.13
Citizens’ Advice Bureau, donation Sec 137 50.00
Clerk’s expenses, see separate sheet
Adrian Dover, grass and pond clearing, October 136.00
St James Church – contribution to upkeep of churchyard 300.00

In order to meet this month’s bills the Clerk has arranged for £1000 to be transferred from the BRA account to be available from today. Owen Higby has carried out the first internal audit and copies of his letter are available for Councillors to see.

It was proposed by Cllr Churchill and seconded by Cllr Rees RESOLVED to adopt the Financial Report.
After discussion it was proposed by Cllr Tilbury and seconded by Cllr Drew RESOLVED to agree the first part of the precept.

79-03cl. Reports of meetings attended by Councillors:

Cllr Tilbury on SALC/SRCC – interesting paper about Quality Councils – likely that District Councils and County Councils will be replaced by unitary authorities, and so parishes will need to take on further powers, and may lose their powers if we do not take up quality status. CDALC – Cllr Tilbury attended this meeting and it was a fairly interesting discussion.
Cllr Rees on Affordable Housing in Rural Sussex – to be taken at next meeting.

80-03cl. To consider any urgent matters which the Chairman may wish to lay before the Council None.

81-03cl. Public Session: Entrance to Greenacres – issue of rubbish on verge, nettles growing on top of it. Residents’ Association to be contacted.
Also there was a query about the voles in the pond. The Council stated that the pond is being managed to try to help the voles.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.13pm