Minutes March 2004

Minutes March 2004

Minutes of the Meeting held on 15th March 2004 at 7pm in Birdham Village Hall

Present: Cllr Tilbury; Cllr Mrs Parks; Cllr Mrs Rees; Cllr Mrs Baillieu; Cllr Drew; Cllr Churchill

In attendance: The Clerk; a member of the press; Peter Johnson

115-03cl. Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Meynell; Cllr Ms Huskisson and Cllr Kyte.

116-03cl. Approve and sign the Minutes of the Meeting held on 9th February 2004 The minutes which had been circulated had been incorrectly headed as 9th March. The copy to be signed by the Chairman was correctly headed. With this correction it was proposed by Cllr Mrs Baillieu and seconded by Cllr Drew RESOLVED to approve the minutes and that they be signed by the Chairman.

117-03cl. Matters arising from the Minutes dated 9th February 2004
i) 106-03cl vii) Canal matters and Fire Brigade response times – the Chairman reported on correspondence he has had and that the response time for Birdham is 20 minutes. He has also been in touch with Glyn Davies at the Marina and they have said that the boats are at least 3 metres apart. The burnt-out hull was successfully raised and will be replaced eventually. No reflection was intended on the skill and dedication of the fire-fighters.
ii) The Clerk reported on a letter she has received from the Chichester Canal Wildlife Protection Society with a copy of a petition they have completed. There is a court case going on between them and the Canal Trust and the Council would be wrong to take sides in a civil dispute. The existence of the petition was noted.
iii) The Vice Chairman had had a meeting with Andrew Monnington who farms the land which includes the part of Footpath 37 which was the subject of comments at the February meeting, and he will try to level it as much as possible.

118-03cl. Birdham School and youth matters Peter Johnson spoke about the School – he gave more information about moves to overcome traffic problems related to children at the C of E School. All schools are trying to make travel plans with regard to Health and Safety and children’s health. Catchment is very large, ranging from Donnington, Earnley, Itchenor as well as Birdham and the Witterings. School bus from Itchenor arrives at 8.10 when school starts at 8.50 am. Questionnaire sent out which gave 68% return. Concerns include danger of parked cars, illegal parking in front of drives and on yellow hatched areas. He has set up a voluntary one-way system of parking with all cars on school side of Crooked Lane. Cycling proficiency will be offered for the first time to year 5 this year. Can only work with goodwill, as Mr Johnson cannot have any control of what goes on outside the school gates. Trying to get Highways Dept to look at entrance to school and possibly create a small lay-by for a dropping-off zone. Some parents car-share and the school would like to encourage this. Walking bus has been considered but too many concerns about safety for it to work. Parish Council being asked if there is anything they can do to reduce the risk to children in Birdham. The Chairman thanked Mr Johnson for his well-presented paper and his input. The Council will continue to pester the highways authority about the narrow stretch in Church Lane. We could consider approaching the Highways Authority about some possible changes to the Bell Lane junction to make access to bus stops better. The Council could also write to the Highways Authority to support any proposals the school puts in.

119-03cl. Clerk’s Report including:

a) WSCC Reports, highways matters and correspondence

i) The Fire Service has written about their Draft Integrated Management Plan asking for comments – as the final date for comments has passed this was noted.
ii) A copy of a letter to John Fitzmaurice about street lighting in Church Lane had been sent to the Chairman who is aware of the problem.
iii) Urban grass cutting – the Council has been asked if it would like any extra cuts when the grass is cut by the County. It was decided not to take up this offer.
iv) The Council has received a letter offering a grant up to 50% of the cost of a new or replacement non-advertising bus shelter. This was noted.
b) CDC reports including correspondence
i) Information has been sent about Chichester Green District Awards – this was noted.
ii) A letter has been received about the Code of Conduct Register of Interests relating to members who are Freemasons and members who are members of a political party council association must now declare these in their register of interests.
iii) The Parish Flood Survey must be returned by 31st March and Cllr Mrs Rees would return it.
iv) Parking Strategy for Chichester District – the Council has been thanked for their reply re Farne Lane and told that their comments will be considered by the Rural Parking Forum.
v) Street naming and numbering service review – a questionnaire has been sent – Clerk agreed to complete this for the Council.
vi) A parcel of brochures was received from CDC “for our reception desk”!
vii) CDC is undertaking a review of its procurement and purchasing policy and seeking to find out the views of local people and businesses. A meeting will be held on Thursday 18th March at Leconfield Hall, Market Square, Petworth at 2pm to investigate this issue. This was noted.
viii) Councillors who have said they will attend the Planning training on Thursday 25th march are reminded that it will run from 6pm and a buffet meal will be provided in the Council Chamber on arrival.

c) Other related matters

i) From SEERA – Proposed Alterations to Regional Planning Guidance South East – Regional Minerals Strategy and ii) Regional Waste Planning Strategy – comments are invited by 24th May 2004. Cllr Tilbury agreed to read the Minerals Strategy and Cllr Ms Huskisson would be asked to read the Waste Management Strategy for the Council.
iii) Sussex County Training Partnership – held a meeting for Clerks to find out about training for Quality Parish status today – the Clerk would have liked to attend but had to take her husband to hospital so could not.
iv) SALC – Advanced Councillors’ Course 16-18 April 2004 – This was noted.
v) Standards Board for England and Office of the Deputy Prime Minister have sent joint consultation papers out. The Clerk agreed to read these for the Council.
vi) The Boundary Committee for England has asked for comments on the proposed changes to the County seat boundaries which may be downloaded from the web-site. The Chairman reported on the new boundaries for the Division which includes Birdham.
viii) Ron Green has e-mailed the Clerk again about litter on Birdham Straight – the Clerk will let him know that it is being considered.
ix) The next meeting of CDALC will be on Wednesday 28th July at Sidlesham. This will be the Annual meeting so if anyone wishes to stand for election or to nominate somebody their secretary would like to know in advance.
x) SALC – County Circular includes questions on fly-posting and Legal updates and Vital Villages documents. These will be placed in the Correspondence file.
xi) Manhood Mobility have written with advance notice of their AGM on 22nd April at 12 noon at Itchenor Sailing Club, followed by lunch at 1.20 at a cost of £6.50 per head. Cllr Mrs Rees agreed to attend for the Council

120-03cl. Planning matters including CDC Decisions:
A paper detailing planning matters had been circulated to all councillors.

Plans to be considered by the Council:

BI/04/00506/DOM – C Claridge, 3 Springfield Close, Birdham PO20 7HS – rear extensions to a chalet bungalow – It was proposed by Cllr Drew and seconded by Cllr Churchill RESOLVED NO OBJECTION

BI/03/02306/DOM – Amending Letter re Harbour Meadow, Court Barn Lane PO20 7BQ – replacement of existing derelict summerhouse reinstate original curved roof screen – It was proposed by Cllr Tilbury and seconded by Cllr Mrs Rees RESOLVED NO OBJECTION

BI/04/00735/LBC and BI/04/00742/DOM – Mr and Mrs Finnamore, Broomer Farm, Lock Lane, Birdham PO20 7AX – Two storey residential extension to existing farm house.

BI/04/00746/FUL – E Allman and Co Ltd, Main Road, Birdham PO20 7BT – amendment to approved scheme, replacement of sub-standard industrial unit approved as BI/99/01190/FUL

BI/04/00759/FUL – Mr and Mrs S Crossley, Birdham Fruit Farm, Martins Lane, Birdham PO20 7AV – Change of use from vacant farmland to residential access and drive (using existing access) through field to residential curtilage and associated paddock known as Birdham Fruit Farm.

It was decided to leave these to the planning committee to decide.

Decisions made by the Council to be ratified:

BI/04/00605/TPA – Mr Clive Barrington, 35, Walwyn Close, Birdham PO20 7SR – Crown reduce by 25% 1 no. Poplar tree (T18) and height reduction on 3 no. Poplar trees (T19 to T21) all four trees subject to TPO/27/BI - WITHDRAWN

CDC Decisions:

BI/03/03116/LBC and BI/03/03115/DOM – Mr and Mrs G Tiffin, The Red House, Lock Lane, Birdham PO20 7BB – Balcony extensions and internal alterations – PERMIT

BI/04/00056/DOM – Mr and Mrs R Meynell, Broomfield Studio, Lock Lane, Birdham – Single storey rear extension and garage – PERMIT

BI/04/00049/FUL – Mr and Mrs S Crossley, Birdham Fruit Farm, Martins Lane, Birdham PO20 7AU – Demolition of existing dwelling and outbuildings. Replacement dwelling, garaging, boat store and stable – PERMIT

BI/04/00034/FUL – CEA Settlement Trust, Birdham Road, Chichester PO20 7BT – Change of use to offices – REFUSE

BI/04/00199/TPA – Mr RA Gammie, Beechway, Martins Lane, Birdham PO20 7AU – Crown raise up to 5.2.metres over road (including removal of 1 no. damaged branch) thin by 10-15% and crown reduce 1 no. hornbeam (T1) subject to TPO/30/BI – GRANT CONSENT

BI/04/00126/DOM – John Slatter re Shearwater, 30 Greenacres Birdham PO20 7HL – Addition of side entrance porch, “open” front and back, with refuse bin and garden store cupboards – PERMIT

BI/04/00133/DOM – Mr and Mrs Arthur Newton, Cedars, Church Lane, Birdham PO20 7AT – demolition of existing conservatory and erection of new conservatory - PERMIT

Trees at Walwyn Close were lopped without supervision and were overdone – Mr Whitby assumes it has been done properly unless he hears anything. Another tree was taken down but did not have a TPO on it. Clearly the District Council arboriculturalist did not attend when these trees were trimmed. The Council needs to appoint a new tree warden for the Parish.

121-03cl. Correspondence

Correspondence to be circulated includes:

SALC County Circular etc March 2004 plus Vital Villages update
NHS and WSCC – information on Single Assessment Process
Local Council Review March 2004
WaterVoice Southern leaflets
West Sussex Health and Social Care – Spotlight February 2004
WSCC – Forward plan of Key Decisions March – June 2004
Children Now – 5 copies
Playtoday March/April 2004

122-03cl. Reports:

i) Village Hall – the Chairman reported that Graham Perkins has produced some new ideas about the inside and the roof all of which will be replaced. He and the Vice Chairman have met with the nursery group who have been asked for their ideas. Would like to have some plans for the next meeting in April.

ii) Play Area Report and Playing Field – Cllr Churchill reported that the Play Area is satisfactory.

iii) Village Green and Pond – the Chairman reported that he and Cllr Meynell had measured the pond. Measured drawings have been submitted to our solicitor and we are awaiting a reply.

iv) Footpaths and bridleways – no report other than that taken earlier.

v) Neighbourhood Watch – On 13th February a garage belonging to a bungalow in Martins Lane was broken into and a lawnmower taken, and on 28th February Swallow Cottage on Crooked Lane was broken into and a thousand pounds worth of property was taken. Neighbourhood Watch coordinators will be meeting on 21st March at noon at Cmdr Clarke’s house.

123-03cl. Finance A Financial Situation Report had been circulated to all Councillors.

Payments made since the last meeting to be ratified:

Standing order to Saskia Heasman ( February Salary) 377.30
Receipts, current account (photocopies) 3.25
Receipts, Village Hall account – none
Receipts, BRA account – none

Payments to be considered

Mrs Geary, litter, March 65.00
Clive Loseby, renewal of web domain address 22.50
Mrs S Heasman, Clerk’s expenses 24.73
Samaritans (Section 103, donation) 50.00

Notes: Payment of £93.52 is due to be made on 1st April for the quarterly payment on the photocopier. The Clerk has arranged for £500 to be transferred from the BRA account from today to pay any outstanding bills until the first tranche of the precept arrives.

It was proposed by Cllr Tilbury and seconded by Cllr Mrs Parks RESOLVED to accept the Financial Report. Cllr Mrs Rees was asked to try to find out why the cheque sponsoring the Race Night had not been paid in yet.

124-03cl. Reports of meeting attended by Councillors

Peninsula Community Forum – a written report was tabled by the Clerk. Cllr Ms Huskisson had attended a meeting about a possible fete which is not going to be viable for this year. Cllr Churchill had attended the meeting on Safer, Quieter Rural Roads and had a report to go into the correspondence.

125-03cl. To consider any urgent matters which the Chairman may wish to lay before the Council

i) War memorial – Council had been willing to underwrite the cleaning of this but the money was raised elsewhere and it has now been cleaned.
ii) Churchyard – spoil which does not go back into graves when they are dug is filling up the graveyard. All soil taken from churchyards has to be sieved so any bones etc can be removed before it can be taken away.
iii) Corner of Farne Lane fencing – we should consult the residents and need pictures.

126-03cl. Public Session There was nothing to report.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.25pm