Minutes Dec 2007

Minutes Dec 2007

Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 17th December 2007 at 7pm at Birdham Village Hall.Present: Cllr Tilbury; Cllr Howat; Cllr Mrs Parks; Cllr Ms Leach; Cllr Ms Huskisson; Cllr Meynell; Cllr Cobbold

In attendance: The Clerk; County Cllr Daws-Chew; District Cllr Jones; District Cllr Montyn and a member of the public

72-07cl. Apologies - none were received.

73-07cl. Declaration of Interests: Cllr Ms Leach declared a personal interest in planning item BI/07/05451/DOM.

74-07cl. Approve and sign the Minutes of the Meeting held on 19th November 2007 It was proposed by Cllr Ms Leach and seconded by Cllr Howat RESOLVED that the minutes be approved and signed by the Chairman.

75-07cl. Matters arising from the Minutes
i) Min 64-07cl ii) Dog bins. Richard Gill has reported to the Clerk that he and the Dog Warden have visited the site and they do not recommend the use of a dog bin at the proposed site. After discussion it was decided not to proceed with the idea.
ii) Min 64-07cl iv) Village sign - the Clerk has emailed Stebbings about the costs of these and a cast aluminium one would cost around £1975, hand-carved wood from £2000 to £3500, and pierced metal around £2000. After discussion it was decided to pursue the idea of a sign.
iii) Min 65-07cl iii) trees for shade - the tree wardens will report in January
iv) Min 68-07cl iii) Flooding at the end of Court Barn Lane - the Clerk reported that she has sent a letter to each of the land-owners concerned. She has received a reply from Mrs Alexander at Blackwood who says that they always keep their part of the ditch clear. She also asks if there is any way the Council can put pressure on the owners of the land opposite to have the hedge cut back as it is nearer to being a row of trees now. It was reported that the trees have now been cut back. Mrs Baker has also telephoned the Clerk with a new address - they now live in Aldwick.
v) Min 70-07cl Report of Espace and Manhood Peninsula Partnership meeting - Cllr Howat reported that it was largely a communication exercise. He summarised what was being said. There were high quality speakers, very few people there. It would be helpful to know which ditches are flowing and which are not. Cllr Ms Huskisson offered to bring this matter up at the Manhood Wildlife Group as a possible project for them.
vi) Section 106 - within the next year or two the Council will want to do major work on the playing field either to drain it to make the football field usable all the year round or to make it into more of a park with more facilities for all. There could possibly be a running track around the edge of the field.

76-07cl. Clerk's report including:
a) WSCC reports, highways matters and correspondence
i) County Cllr Christina Freeman has replied to the Clerk's letter about consultation with the Council over Canal matters. Houseboat owners are advised to contact Premier Marinas about their concerns, but she does say that there is an intention to hold one meeting a year for parishes to be updated and to ask questions. The Council was not happy with this reply. Cllr Daws-Chew will take this up with WSCC. This was noted.
ii) Chris Stark has replied to the Council's letter about a 20 mph zone in Birdham. He is not able to recommend a consultant to carry out the consultancy work, so the Council would have to find their own consultant if they choose to take that route. This will be pursued by the Chairman.
b) CDC reports including correspondence
i) The Council has been asked to put up an Improving Access Awards poster, which will be done as soon as possible.
ii) Espace has sent a copy of their final strategy report - this will be placed in the correspondence file for circulation.
iii) The Council has been asked if it would like to join The Greening Campaign to take action against climate change. After discussion it was decided to wait and see what happens.
iv) The Clerk had been asked to complete a questionnaire about crime in Birdham - she had contacted Wendy and Michael Pitty who had informed her as to which areas were a particular problem for the parish and completed the form based on their information. This was noted.
c) other related matters
i) The Red Cross has asked for a poster about Going Home with Support for Carers to be placed on our notice board. This will be done as soon as possible.
ii) Chichester Ship Canal Trust has written to thank the Council for their donation. This was noted.
iii) SLCC has sent details of their courses for next year. The regional ones near here take place on Tuesday 15th April at Bracknell and Wednesday 12th November at Uckfield. This was noted.
iv) Chichester in Partnership has sent an Autumn Information Report 2007, this will be placed in the correspondence file.
v) Southern Electric have written to the Council asking if they were proposing to have winter illuminations. The Clerk replied in the negative. She also asked if it would be possible to change over to a metered supply rather than the current unmetred one. She is still awaiting a reply.
vi) Christopher Bayley of the Manhood Parishes Road Safety Group has emailed to inform the Council that the next meeting of the group will be held on 28th January 2008 at Earnley Concourse at 7pm. Cllr Mrs Cobbold offered to attend for the parish.

77-07cl. Planning matters including CDC decisions
A paper detailing planning matters had been circulated to all councillors.

Plans to be considered:
BI/07/05640/FUL - Phillips Build, Longmeadow, Main Road, Birdham - erection of 28 no. dwellings, garages and ancillary roads comprising 5 no. detached houses, 9 no. affordable cottages and flats, 13 no. two or three bed attached cottages and 1 no. mews cottage. It was decided to hold a Village Meeting on Monday 7th January at 7.30pm and a special meeting of the Council on Monday 14th January at 6.30pm to make a decision on this.

BI/07/05421/DOM - 9, Longmeadow Gardens, Birdham PO20 7HP - Conservatory - It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Cobbold and seconded by Cllr Churchill RESOLVED NO OBJECTION

BI/07/05451/DOM - Tymewells, Westlands Estate, Birdham PO20 7HJ - 2 storey extensions to enlarge sitting room and bedroom, breakfast room, en suite, detached carport and store - It was proposed by Cllr Meynell and seconded by Cllr Howat RESOLVED NO OBJECTION.

BI/07/05739/DOM - Straight House, Church Lane, Birdham PO20 7AP - two storey side and rear extension and internal alterations to chalet bungalow. It was proposed by Cllr Howat and seconded by Cllr Ms Huskisson RESOLVED NO OBJECTION.

Plans considered since the last meeting to be ratified:

BI/07/ 05652/DOM - Mr A and Mrs M Pennycook, Locks End House, Lock Lane, Birdham - extension to dwelling
The Council has NO OBJECTION to this application

BI/07/05689/COU - Mr Back, Wophams Nursery, Wophams Lane, Birdham - part change of use from Horticultural Nursery to Garden Centre
The Council has NO OBJECTION to this application
It was proposed by Cllr Tilbury and seconded by Cllr Churchill RESOLVED to ratify the decisions made since the last meeting.

Substitute plans

BI/07/05006/FUL - Birdham Business Park - demolition of bungalow and creation of three no. BI units
The Council is glad to see that attention has been paid to its previous comments on screening and intrusion into the streetscape. We also ask that great attention be paid to the use of muted colours on these industrial-style buildings in close proximity to the AONB. We are disappointed that the planting will take an estimated five years to grow enough to screen the building up to half its height and the parked cars in front of it; we urge the Planning Officer to negotiate the use of mature trees and shrubs to accelerate the process. On the assumption that weight will be given to these comments the Council has NO OBJECTION to these substitute plans.

White Water,Lock Lane, Birdham
The Council has NO OBJECTION to this application.

Enforcement Notice
Land at Holt Place Farm, Shipton Green Lane, Itchenor - without planning permission, change of use to the repair and maintenance of motorcycles.

CDC Decisions:

BI/07/04475/FUL - Mr L Le Leu, Cluan Lodge, Westlands Lane, PO20 7HH - 1 no. replacement dwelling - PERMIT
BI/07/04863/DOM - Mr David Wylie, Manhood end Farm, Birdham Road, PO20 7BX - wooden climbing frame - PERMIT
BI/07/04815/FUL - Far end, 6, Burlow Close, Birdham, PO20 7ES - proposed first floor rear extension, dormer windows to front and rear and conversion of Far End into 2 no. self-contained semi-detached cottages - PERMIT
BI/07/04976/DOM and BI/07/04978/LBC- Well House, Lock Lane, PO20 7BB - Fenestration alterations and cladding reinstatement to painted joinery shiplap - PERMIT
BI/07/04892/DOM - The Old Rectory, Crooked Lane, PO20 7ET - Buttress support for wall on road side - PERMIT

78-07cl. Correspondence
Correspondence to be circulated includes

WSCC Forward Plan of Key Decisions January - April 2008
Fieldwork - December 2007
Icis News Winter 2007
The Local Column November 2007

79-07cl. Reports
i) Village Hall - the Chairman reported that things were quiet at present. The Clerk asked if he could ask the Village Hall Trustees if they could write a web page which could be linked to the Parish's own web-site, particularly withy details of how to book the hall, as she is now receiving large numbers of requests for bookings which she has to pass on to Mrs Geary.
ii) Play Area and Playing Field - Cllr Churchill reported that things are the same as before. The Clerk reported that Playsafe has contacted her and will be repairing the ground as soon as the weather is suitable. She has also received a letter from a company (J Thomas (Southern) Ltd) who are offering to inspect and advise on playing field drainage without any obligation -the Clerk has contacted them to try to obtain an approximate cost for draining the field. A member of their staff will be visiting tomorrow to give a report. Justin Jones of CDC has replied to the Clerk to say that a sign saying "No Golfing" will be sufficient. It was agreed to have this made (he suggested she contact a colleague at East Pallant House for suggested design and suppliers). He has said that charges for next year will be £185 per cut, £90 per strim and picking up the grass from the Play Area will cost £45 per occasion. No mention of picking up the grass from the whole field. After discussion it was decided to ask him for the additional information.
iii) Village green and pond - the Clerk has written to Mrs Francis about the possible moving of the willow tree by the pond to a site nearer the Church and is awaiting a reply.
iv) Neighbourhood Watch - Wendy Pitty had reported that there is nothing to report. However, PCSO Rose Bainbridge who had not been able to attend the meeting had sent the following:
1. Door to door salesman in Walwyn Close asking if anyone would like their knives sharpened.
2. Car fire at the electrical substation (which was not suspicious)
3. Deer hit by a car on the Birdham Straight
4. Break-in to vehicle at Allmans
5. Burglary to business (x2) at Wophams Lane Nursery.
She had also spoken recently to the Chairman about the Police Street Briefing held on 6th December. They hope to hold the next one early in the New Year at Florence Close. She and PCSO Bromley have passed details of the cars for sale on the Birdham Straight to Trading Standards who are looking at this more closely.
v) Tree Wardens - Clerk to write for permission for work on the TPO'd tree next to the playing field.
80-07cl. Finance including setting the level of the precept for 2008-9
A Financial Situation Report had been circulated to all councillors.

Payments made since the last meeting to be ratified:

Mrs Geary, litter, November 65.00
Clerk's salary, November 530.33

Receipts, current account (VAT reclaim) 603.64
Receipts, Village Hall account - nil
Receipts, deposit account (interest) 180.17

Payments to be considered

Mrs Geary, litter, December 65.00
Adrian Dover, grass, November 111.50
Iain Grant, hedges and ditches round field (includes 107.63 VAT) 722.63
Clerk's expenses (includes 17.74 VAT) 153.51
Birdham Village Hall (rental) 121.22
Notes - The Clerk did not have time to change her standing order for her increased pay for November, hence an element of her expenses this month is one month's back pay. The SO has now been changed with effect from December payment. In order to have sufficient money in the current account to pay this month's bills the Clerk has transferred £1000 from the deposit account.

It was proposed by Cllr Cobbold and seconded by Cllr Leach RESOLVED to approve the Financial Report. It was further proposed by Cllr Parks and seconded by Cllr Meynell RESOLVED to set the level of the precept at £36733.

81-07cl. Reports of meetings attended by councillors
i) Peninsula Community Forum - the Clerk circulated a written report.

11. Public session Nothing was raised.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 9.25pm