Agenda for the Parish Council Meeting to be held on the 20th July 2015

Agenda for the Parish Council Meeting to be held on the 20th July 2015

Birdham Parish Council
28 Langdale Avenue, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 8JQ
Tel : 01243 790402
Email : Website :

Clerk to the Council : David J Siggs
Members are hereby summoned to attend the Meeting of Birdham Parish Council to be held at 7pm on Monday the 20th July 2015 in the Main Hall at Birdham Village Hall, Birdham.

David J Siggs - Clerk to the Council

1. Public Question Time: (In accordance with Standing Orders 1d – 1l)
2. Declaration of interests and granting of dispensations if any.
3. Co-Option of Mr Mike Wells to the Council.
4. Approve and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 15th June 2015.
5. Clerks Report including:
i) WSCC Reports, highways matters and correspondence
ii) CDC Reports including correspondence
iii) To receive reports from Division Members of WSCC and Ward Members of CDC as appropriate.
iv) Other related matters
6. Finance and corporate:
i) To receive and approve a financial report.
ii) To determine the NHB applications
7. Correspondence - Not previously circulated to be noted.
8. Reports
i) Play area and playing field
ii) Village Green and pond
iii) Condition of Village Drain/Ditch Network – To include an update on current work.
iv) Police & Neighbourhood Watch
v) Communication Working Group
vi) Other
i) To determine the support and way forward to reducing the A286 speed limit. – Cllr Campbell
9. Reports of meetings attended by Councillors
10. Planning matters including applications and CDC delegated decisions.
i) Planning Applications to be decided.
BI/15/01749/FUL - High Seats Ltd Premier Business Park 4 Birdham Road Appledram Change of use of existing marine retail/storage/light industrial unit to new destination retail unit incorporating new shopfront, entrance and side fire escape.

BI/15/02033/DOM - Mr & Mrs Andrew Hobbis Loxworth Main Road Birdham
Demolition of existing conservatory and erection of new extension.

BI/15/02101/TCA - Mrs Pauline Russell The Hundred House Hundredsteddle Lane Birdham Notification of intention to fell 1 no. Horse Chestnut tree.

BI/15/01992/FUL - Bell Inn, Bell Lane, Birdham, West Sussex, PO20 7HY
Renovation and extension of existing public house to improve existing restaurant and bar areas including the provision of tourist accommodation. Construction of 4 no. detached chalet bungalows and associated works within the grounds of the Bell Inn.

ii) Delegated Decisions to be noted.
BI/15/00914/FUL Mr Christopher Doherty Houseboat Norana Chichester Marina Birdham
Level off pitched roof of existing utility room. PERMIT

BI/15/01313/DOM Mr & Mrs Andrew Hobbis Loxworth Main Road Birdham
Demolition of existing conservatory and the erection of a new extension. WITHDRAWN

BI/15/01287/FUL Mr Joe Smith Birdham Road Birdham
Proposed single pitch site including the provision of a utility building for settled gypsy accommodation together with existing stables. REFUSE

BI/15/01288/FUL Mr Bill Hughes Birdham Road Birdham
Proposed single pitch site including the provision of a utility building for settled gypsy accommodation together with existing stables. REFUSE

11. Items for inclusion on next agenda.
12. Date of Next Meeting Monday 21st September 2015