Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on the 20th October 2014

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on the 20th October 2014

Birdham Parish Council

 Minutes of the

Meeting of the Parish Council

 held on Monday 20th October 2014

at 7pm in Birdham Village Hall

 Present:                     Cllr Barker, Cllr Hamilton, Cllr Pocock and Cllr Ayton.

Apologies:                   Cllr Cobbold and Cllr Finch.

In attendance:              The Clerk, Cllr Marshall (CDC) and 7 members of the public.

Absent:                        Cllr Churchill.

Prior to the commencement of the meeting the Clerk reported that he had received an email from Cllr Harker resigning from the Council with immediate effect. The reason for his resignation was cited as promotion within his employing company requiring a family move. The Clerk went on to say that an election for the position of Vice Chair which had been held by Cllr Harker would be carried out at the November meeting. Members expressed their thanks to Cllr Harker and commiserated with him on his enforced move.

59-14 Election of Chairman of the Council for the remainder of the Council Year.

              It was duly resolved that Cllr Pocock be elected as the Chairman for the remainder of the Council Year. After signing the Acceptance of Office Cllr Pocock took the Chair.

60-14 Public Question time in accordance with Standing Orders 1d -1l:

              The Chairman allowed a spokesman from Genesis Developments to address the Council and Residents present concerning their proposals to develop the property known as Ayton. The spokesperson suggested that conversations had been had with the planners at CDC who had suggested that the original number of five units should be reduced to four.

The Chairman said that members of the Council had been invited to a site visit by the developer which they had found to be useful to fully understand the proposal.

A resident asked if there would be any affordable housing. The answer was no. All units would be full market value housing.

Generally residents were concerned over the proximity of the exit from the development onto the busy round-about.

The Chairman said that there were a number of safety related issues and he would be looking to Highways to resolve them. He went on to suggest that should residents have further concerns to let the Council know.

A resident wished it be known that he and many others were grateful to the outgoing Chairman who they considered had been extremely proactive within the Council including the production of the newsletter and the intense amount of work on the Neighbourhood Plan.             

61-14 Declaration of Interests:

Cllrs Pocock and Ayton declared a personal and pecuniary interest in agenda item 7iv and would take no part in the decision making process.

62-14 Approve and sign the Minutes of the meeting held on the 15th September 2014:

It was resolved to adopt and sign the minutes of the 15th September 2014 as a true and accurate record.

63-14 Matters arising from the minutes of the 19th November 2012:

Minute 89-12 - Land Bequest. The Clerk said he had nothing to report at this stage.

64-14 Clerks’ Report:

i)       WSCC – There was nothing to report.

ii)      CDC – There was nothing to report.

iii)     Reports from Members of WSCC/CDC – Cllr Marshall said that he had looked at the Cabinet Papers and there appeared to be nothing of immediate importance. However, as most people had already heard complications had arisen at the position of the Local Plan which was being aggressively challenged by developers over the housing numbers. CDC Councillors had also expressed concerns at the possible response from the Southdown’s National Park Authority concerning housing numbers.

iv)     Other related matters – There were none.

65-14 Finance and Corporate:

i)    To receive and approve the financial report.

The Clerk presented the financial reports for the month of October (shown at annex a). The current balances for October are as follows;

Balances held at Bank £45342.87
Designated Funds £29654.17
Available Funds £15688.70
Creditors £  1204.76

The Clerk offered to answer any questions that Councillors may have.

It was resolved to adopt the Financial Report.

ii)   The Clerk said he had received notification from CDC concerning the New Homes Bonus (Parish Allocations) 2014/15 – Birdham Parish Council. He went on to say that two applications had been made and a total of £13265.00 had been granted to Birdham in two parts, subject to a resolution by Council of the conditions attached to each application. The first application which was for the supply and installation of sound, projection and communication equipment in the Village Hall for a total of £4765.00 had been granted in full.

The second application for improvements to the Village Playing Field has been agreed subject to the masterplanning being carried out at a cost of £1500.00 with the balance of £7000.00 being retained subject to evidence of the masterplanning being broadly in line with the original application.

It was resolved by Council to accept the conditions of the awards and to thank CDC accordingly.

iii)  To appoint a signatory to act on behalf of the Parish Council to deal with the NHB (Parish Allocations).

The Clerk said that it would be normal for the Clerk as the only Proper Officer of the Council to be the agreed signatory to the contractual arrangement’s when dealing with the implementation of the contracts.

It was resolved by Council that the Clerk should be the signatory to all aspects of the NHB (Parish Allocations).

iv)  To consider the application by the BVRA for a grant of £1500.00.

The Clerk said as there were only two Councillors able to deal with this application the Council was considered to be inquorate at this juncture, and that this item should be deferred to the next full meeting of the Council.

66-14 To receive an update on the Neighbourhood Plan.

The Chairman of the Steering Group had given her apologies but had let it be known the drafting of the Neighbourhood Plan Submission Document was in the final stages and would be ready for presentation to the Council on the 27th October 2014.

Some Councillors and residents felt that this was somewhat ambitious and felt that there was little time for the final document to be read and a decision made for the 27th October.

It was resolved that a Council Meeting should be held on the 27th October with a single item on the agenda, namely the Neighbourhood Plan.

Post Meeting Note. The Chairman of the Steering Group had contacted the Chairman of the Council to re-arrange the meeting for the 3rd November to ensure that all would be ready.

 67-14 Planning matters including applications and CDC delegated decisions:       

i)     To receive and approve the minutes of the Planning Committee of the 29th September 2014.

In the absence of sufficient members of the Planning Committee present it was resolved to defer the minutes to the next meeting of either the Planning Committee or Full Council, which ever came first.

ii)    Planning Applications to be Decided:

BI/14/03009/LBC - Hammonds Farm , Westlands Lane, Birdham

Proposed 2 no. dormer windows and 1 no. roof light in connection with a loft conversion.

The Council raised No Objection to the application.

BI/14/03187/LBC - Hammonds Farm , Westlands Lane, Birdham

Proposed demolition of existing conservatory and small single storey extension.  Single storey extension to rear.

The Council raised No Objection to the application

BI/14/03135/DOM - Field Cottage, Westlands Estate, Birdham

Demolition of existing conservatory and porch.  Single storey extensions: amendments to windows: conversion of garage to living accommodation with pitch roof.  Change of colour to external walls.  Addition to external walls of cladding (LAP) overlap - finish grey.

The Council raised No Objection to the application

It was resolved to authorise the Clerk to notify Councils decision to DC Planning.

 iii)    Delegated Decisions to be noted.

BI/14/02264/DOM Mr And Mrs Timothy Firmston Garden Corner Church Lane Birdham

Erection of single storey lean-to extension on west elevation, and replacement of existing conservatory with new rear of house. PERMIT

The delegated decisions were noted.

68-14 Correspondence – Not previously circulated:

            There was none

69-14 Reports:

i)      Play Area and Playing Field. – The Clerk said the Council was in receipt of an offer by the MPP & WSCC to provide a rain garden at no expense to the Parish Council.

A debate followed that highlighted the concern of some Councillors as to the viability of such a project and whether it would reduce the flooding in the area of the Scout Hut which had been suggested. It was therefore proposed and resolved that in principle the Council would grant permission for the work to go ahead subject to an explanation by the MPP on the overall cost of the project including, how it would impact on the drainage system, the long term costs and maintenance of the project.

ii)     Village Green and Pond – The Clerk reported that although he had written to Church Field Ltd concerning the extension of the Village pond and had received acknowledgement of his letter he had not yet received a response.

iii)    Condition of Village Ditch/Drain Network. – It was reported that a meeting had been held with Langmeads concerning the proposed purchase of land to provide a ditch to the rear of the properties of Walwyn Close. The land was now apparently owned by Mr Langmeads son who was considering the possibility.

Currently there are a number of companies who have been contacted to provide a costed quotation for the provision of a culvert should the Langmead proposals not happen.

Discussions had been held with the owners of Birdham Pool concerning the blockage at the causeway. It was proposed that a coffer dam be built to resolve the problem and clear the culverts.

Both the Parish Council and residents of Cherry Lane had submitted an Op Watershed application to clear the ditches.

iv)   Police and Neighbourhood Watch – There was nothing to report.

v)    Communication Working Groups – There was nothing to report.

vi)   Other - There was nothing to report.

70-14 Reports of meetings attended by Councillors;

          The Chairman reported that he had attended the last meeting of the Peninsula Forum which had been held in Birdham. One of the main topics of discussion had been concerned with footpaths in the area but did not spell out a strategic view. There had been talk of an East West path and one to Medmerry and North to Chichester. The Salterns Way path running from Chichester to the Witterings was certainly not suitable for wheel chairs.

Cllr Hamilton said that more footpaths were required within Birdham and especially along the Birdham Straight which remained extremely dangerous to walkers.

Cllr Hamilton went on to say that in her capacity as a District Councillor she had attended a meeting at which the H9 site in Crooked Lane was said to be not progressing as fast as expected due to legal problems with the access to the site. She also reported that with effect from the 1st November entrance to the District Museum would be free of charge.

71-14 Items for inclusion on the next agenda:

          Election of Vice Chairman of the Council.

BVRA Grant Application.

72-14 Date of Next Meeting:


17th November 2014 at 7pm in Birdham Village Hall

There being no further business to discuss the meeting was declared closed at 8.40pm


Signed ___________________________   Dated ____________________




Annex a

Birdham Parish Council
Financial Statement as at 20th October 2014


Bank Accounts as at 31st March 2014


Receipts to date


Expenditure to date




Represented by;
Current Account (Barclays Community A/c)


Deposit Account (Barclays Premium Business A/c)


National Savings




Reserve @ 50% of Precept


Loan Reserve for half year


Outstanding Cheque/s -


Available Funds



Clerk to the Council
20th October 2014
Payments to be considered
B Geary (Litter Picking)


Clerks Expenses (Telephone)


M H Kennedy & Son (Grass)


Southern Electric (Street Lighting)


Rather Good Productions Ltd (Web site)


Earnley Parish Council (Preperation to Traffic Report)


