Minutes 21st July 2008

Minutes 21st July 2008

Present: Cllr Tilbury; Cllr Mrs Cobbold; Cllr Ms Leach; Cllr Meynell (for items 1-4 and 6); Cllr Howat; Cllr ChurchillIn attendance: County Cllr Daws-Chew; the Clerk; District Cllr Montyn; 3 members of the public

37-08cl. Apologies none were received.

38-08cl. Declarations of Interest Cllr Meynell declared a personal interest on planning.

39-08cl. Minutes of the Meeting of 16th June 2008 It was proposed by Cllr Ms Leach and seconded by Cllr Tilbury RESOLVED to approve the Minutes of the Meeting of 16th June 2008 and that they be signed by the Chairman.

40-08cl. Matters arising from the Minutes dated 16th June 2008
i) Min 29-08cl ii) Village sign - Cllr Mrs Parks was not present so the item was left to the next meeting.
ii) Min 29-08cl iv) Play England - Cllr Churchill had nothing further to report.
iii) Min 29-08cl vi) Canal - the Clerk reported that she had tried to obtain a speaker for this meeting but had been unable to do so. Tony Bathmaker hopes to be available for the October meeting. The Chairman had met with the manager of Premier Marinas and there is not likely to be a serious problem for the house boats. Salterns Lock will be repaired in the autumn.
iv) Min 29-08cl vii) Lay-bys - Cllr Howat reported that we have a lot of material about selling cars in lay-bys, trading standards laws etc, but none can prevent single cars being sold in lay-bys. CDC may consider a by-law on this. Various possibilities will be followed up.
v) Min 30-08cl c) iv) Scouts using field - the Clerk reported that because rain was forecast the Scouts had cancelled their event, so had not paid for the use of the field. They may wish to use it at some future date instead.
vi) Min 30-08cl c) v) Bo Sierra Leone project - the Chairman reported on his correspondence with this project. It was proposed by Cllr Howat and seconded by Cllr Churchill agreed we should take it further.
vii) Min 29-08cl v) Rural Enabling Officer - the chairman reported that he had had another meeting with Sam Irving and Austin Wade. They want to talk to the Council about housing need in Birdham and possible sites. They have identified three possible sites in Birdham. The Chairman will invite Sam Irving to attend the September meeting.
At this point it was agreed to suspend standing orders and take the planning item so that Cllr Meynell who had to leave for another meeting could be present for it. The meeting then continued without Cllr Meynell.
viii) Parish maps - the Clerk has signed the licence for these and will chase them in September. This was noted.

41-08cl. Clerk's Report including:
a) WSCC Reports, highways matters and correspondence
i) The Clerk has received a copy of a letter from the Traffic Signs section of Highways to say that the direction sign for the Falconry Centre is to be removed as the Centre is now closed to the public. This was noted.
ii) Safer routes to school - the Chairman reported that Cllr Mrs Parks is a governor of Birdham School. He has seen a copy of the letter sent to the school about the withdrawal of the proposal of a possible pavement in Church Lane. It stated that the PC was not in favour of this, but the Council has never decided on this matter. This was noted.
iii) Car nuisance at school - the Chairman reported that he had heard from a resident of Crooked Lane who was incensed by the behaviour of parents delivering children to school and the danger of this. He has been referred to Highways and to the headteacher, but it will not solve the problem in the long term.
b) CDC reports including correspondence
i) The District council is setting up "District Watch" to help with the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act of 2005. The Council has received information from their officer, Lloyd Harris who wishes to work with parishes on such areas as litter, fly-tipping etc. After discussion it was agreed that the clerk would make initial contact with and mention the problem of selling cars in lay-bys.
c) other related matters
i) Letters of thanks for donations have been received from CAB, The Samaritans, RNLI, 4Sight, Victim Support and Manhood Mobility.
ii) The Chairman has received a letter from the new secretary to the Parochial Church Council (Dr SJ Monks) about moving the tree planted in memory of Mr Francis. The church has to ask the permission of the Diocesan Advisory Committee to make changes to the land and they will contact the Council when this has been done. This was noted.
iii) The Clerk informed the Council that she would be away on holiday from 30th July to 13th August inclusive. This was noted.

42-08cl. Planning matters including CDC decisions
A paper detailing planning matters had been circulated to all councillors
Plans to be considered:

BI/08/02707/DOM - Shalford, Lock Lane, PO20 7AX - proposed alterations and extensions to existing garage. It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Cobbold and seconded by Cllr Ms Leach RESOLVED NO OBJECTION

BI/08/02698/FUL - Birdham CE Primary School, Crooked Lane, PO20 7HB - Arch-shaped frame structure to cover school's swimming pool. It was proposed by Cllr Meynell and seconded by Cllr Howat RESOLVED NO OBJECTION

CDC Decisions:

BI/08/01690/FUL - Kellys Nursery, Bell Lane, PO20 7HY - Farm Shop - PERMIT

BI/08/01359/COU - Premier Business Park, Birdham Road, PO20 7BU - Change of use to classic car showroom - PERMIT

BI/08/02109/DOM - Cornerways, 15, Greenacres, PO20 7HL - Two storey side extension -
The Clerk reported that the appeal against the refusal at Holt Place Farm had been withdrawn.

43-08cl. Correspondence

The following have been circulated to all councillors by email:
20/6 Updated IRMP meeting schedule; 25/6 Manhood Parishes Road Safety Group - cancelled meeting; 30/6 Chichester Harbour Newsletter; 1/7 Chichester Harbour Press Release; 1/7 Chichester Harbour Events July; 10/7 Chichester Harbour Conservancy Supports Coastal Defence Strategy; 16/7 Chichester District Commander's Quarterly update; 16/7 WSCC Trading Standards note; 19/7 Fit for the Future E Bulleting 34

Correspondence to be circulated includes:

Countryside Voice 2008
Local Works information
Boundary Committee for England - Draft recommendations
ICIS leaflets and News
Partnership News July 2008
Action in Rural Sussex July 2008
CDC Initiatives summer 2008
NALC LCR July 2008
CDC Standards Committee Minutes 12th June 2008
NHS South East Coast - Healthier People, Excellent Care
Clerks and Councils Direct July 2008
WSCC Forward Plan of Key Decisions July-October 2008 and August-November 2008

44-08cl. Reports
i) Village Hall - the Chairman reported that the amendments to the constitution of the Village Hall is soon to be approved by the Charity Commission. It was agreed no longer to have this as a regular item on the agenda - it can be reported on as "other reports" when needed.
ii) Playing Field and Play Area - Cllr Churchill reported that the brambles on Crooked Lane have not been cut back yet, there is also some dog mess in the litter bins. The Clerk will refer this to the Clean Neighbourhoods Officer. The Clerk reported that she had received the Rospa report for this year and copied it to Cllr Tilbury and Cllr Churchill for their comments. There has been a phone call from a grandmother in Crooked Lane who is concerned about the nettles in the play area. The Clerk will chase up the contractors on this point.
iii) Village Green and Pond - the ditch by the pond is full of weed which needs clearing at the end of pond where water leaves the pond. The Clerk will ask Adrian Dover to do this.
iv) Neighbourhood Watch - Ownership of floodlight - the Council needs to find out who owns it so the timing on it can be altered. Wendy Pitty had had nothing to report.
v) Tree Wardens - no report

45-08cl. Finance
A financial situation report had been circulated to all councillors.
Payments made since the last meeting to be ratified:

Clerk's salary June 543.24
Adrian Dover - grass 143.00
Chichester District Council grass ( includes 61.99 VAT) 416.19
SALC - Governance and Accountability book includes 2.98 VAT 20.00
Southern Electric - Streetlight electricity includes 7.63 VAT 160.24
Action In Rural Sussex - model hire agreement 8.00

Receipts, current account
VAT refund 647.95
Photocopies 10.56

Receipts, Village Hall account - interest 19.50

Receipts, deposit account - interest 107.95

Payments to be considered:

Mrs Geary - litter July 65.00
Playsafety Ltd - Rospa report, includes 11.55 VAT 77.55
Clerk's expenses including 7.67 VAT 63.07
Adrian Dover grass 136.75
CDC grass includes 28.19 VAT 189.29

Notes: The next payment of the PWLB loan is due on the 8th August - the Clerk has transferred £8591.04 from the Village Hall account to the current account to cover this. She has also transferred £2000 from the deposit account to the current account to pay bills for the next month or two.
The audit was found to be slightly incorrect and has now been altered by us and returned to the external auditors.

It was proposed by Cllr Churchill, seconded by Cllr Ms Leach and RESOLVED to accept the Financial Report.

49-08cl. Reports of meetings attended by Councillors
i) Going Dutch II - Cllr Mrs Cobbold reported that this was brought about by the Manhood Peninsula Partnership. It was our response to the local district council's responsibility to manage the coastline etc. There is unlikely to be any government money to pay for coastal protection. There were various options put forward including one to look at what would happen if all funding stopped. A report is being written and will be on a website so it can be down-loaded. Any coastal management should be on a "no-regrets" basis - nothing should be done which cannot be undone. Have to plan the whole process thoroughly. Tourism and agriculture are main industries and should remain so. It could make the area a much more upmarket destination.

50-08cl. Public session no comments were made.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 8.59pm