Planning Applications received 28th November 2012

Planning Applications received 28th November 2012

BI/12/03306/FUL Mr Nick Garrett Lockfield Lock Lane Birdham Chichester

Sea wall replacement.

O.S. Grid Ref. 482618/101122

To view the application use the following link;

BI/12/04368/DOM Mr D Segel Chaffinches Farm Main Road Birdham Chichester

Single storey rear extension.

O.S. Grid Ref. 481539/99513

To view the application use the following link;

BI/12/04371/LBC Mr D Segel Chaffinches Farm Main Road Birdham Chichester

Single storey rear extension, porch over rear door and internal alterations.

O.S. Grid Ref. 481539/99513

To view the application use the following link;

BI/12/04416/DOM Mr Steven Relf 9 Bell Lane Birdham Chichester PO20 7HX

Single storey rear extension and raising of window sill on front elevation.

O.S. Grid Ref. 481844/99356

To view the application use the following link;