Planning Applications 5th July 2012

Planning Applications 5th July 2012

BI/12/02101/OUT Mr Robin Stirland 4 The Triangle Westlands Lane Birdham

Residential 1 no. dwelling house and garage.

O.S. Grid Ref. 482278/100314

To view the application use the following link;


BI/12/02351/DOM Mr Hugh Jefferson Cotswold House 6 St James Close Birdham

Proposed single storey side rear extension, first floor side extension, new garage and internal alterations to the house.

O.S. Grid Ref. 482182/100283

To view the application use the following link;


BI/12/02635/TPA Mr Richard Wheeler 23 Longmeadow Gardens Birdham

Fell 1 no. Black Poplar tree (T5) subject to BI/97/00036/TPO.

O.S. Grid Ref. 482286/99886

To view the application use the following link;