Minutes September 2008

Minutes September 2008

Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 15th September 2008 at 7pm in Birdham Village Hall.

Present: Cllr Tilbury; Cllr Meynell; Cllr Howat; Cllr Mrs Parks; Cllr Churchill

In attendance: The Clerk; Sam Irvine, Rural Enabling Officer; 1 member of the public; PCSO Anne Bromley

51-08cl. Apologies were received from Cllr Ms Leach and Cllr Mrs Cobbold.

52-08cl. Declaration of Interest: Cllr Howat for a planning item

53-08cl. Minutes of the Meeting held on 21st July 2008 It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Parks and seconded by Cllr Meynell RESOLVED that the Minutes be approved and signed by the Chairman.

54-08cl. Matters arising from the Minutes dated 21st July 2008
i) Min 40-08cl i) Village Sign – it was agreed to defer this item until October
ii) Min 40-08cl iii) Canal – the Clerk reported that she had contacted Tony Bathmaker to see if he would be available for the October meeting. She was awaiting a reply.
iii) Min 40-08cl vii) Rural Enabling Officer – at this point Sam Irving spoke to the meeting. He spoke about his job which is to provide affordable housing in the rural areas of CDC. He is working with Hyde Martlet to provide 125,000 houses in the DC area. He handed out copies of slides from his presentation.
iv) Min 40-08cl vi) Circus – the chairman is in contact with the organiser of this.
v) Footpath at Birdham Stores – WSCC has been contacted about this and nothing has happened – this will be chased up.

55-08cl. Clerk’s Report including:
a) WSCC Reports, highways matters and correspondence
i) Information has been received on food waste and how to deal with it – this was noted.
ii) There will be another Minerals and Waste Development Forum at the Assembly Rooms on Thursday 16th October at 7pm. No-one was available to attend for the Council.
iii) We have received leaflets asking for views on the proposed new visitor centre at Pagham Harbour for councillors and residents to complete and send in. This was noted.
b) CDC reports including correspondence
i) The Council has been asked if it wished to nominate a “Volunteer of the Year” but the closing date was 8th September so it is now too late.
ii) The Council is being asked to take part in the Big Tidy Up which is more than a simple spring clean. It would also deal with cars in lay-bys, fly-tipping etc. After discussion it was decided not to take part.
iii) Lisa Rumbold, the Play Development Officer for Chichester District has written to introduce herself and has sent a questionnaire to be returned by 1st October about play facilities in Birdham. She is also happy to meet anyone to discuss play issues, but she only works on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Clerk agreed to complete the questionnaire.
iv) The Council has received a flood survey for the coming winter. Cllr Tilbury agreed to complete it as appropriate.
v) Mike Kelley has sent a large number of documents about the changes to the Code of Conduct. The Clerk forwarded them to all councillors and has printed off one copy which she will lend if it returns to her but not otherwise as it is too many pages for frequent printing. This was noted,
c) other related matters
i) Portsmouth Water has sent their Draft Business Plan which has been placed in the correspondence file.
ii) Action in Rural Sussex has sent information about their AGM on Friday 7th November at Ardingly. No councillor was available to attend for the Council.
iii) Chichester Harbour Conservancy has sent their “Management Plan 2004-2009 Year Four Annual Progress Report” which has been placed in the correspondence file.
iv) The Ship Canal Trust has written to thank the Council for their donation. They have also written to inform the Council of their Extraordinary General Meeting to be held on Tuesday 23rd September at 7.30 at County Hall (Committee Room 3). No councillor was available to attend for the Council and it was agreed to vote for the Special Resolution to replace the objects of the Trust.
v) The CAB has written to give notice that their Annual Meeting will be on Tuesday 7th October at The Richmond Room, Edes House at 6pm. Cllr Churchill agreed to attend for the Council.
vi) SEERA has sent a “Partial Review of the South East Plan: Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Needs”. Comments if any are to be made before 21st November 2008. This was noted.
vii) The Clerk has asked Mark Jenning when the maps will be available and he has replied that the plotter is currently off-site being repaired and when it returns he will be able to produce the maps.
viii) The Clerk has heard that some parishes have been asked for their risk assessment with their audit, even when they are not having the 5% extra intensive audit. She is hoping to obtain a copy of the one prepared by Donnington and will draft something based on that for either the October or November meeting to look at. She will also need a copy of the Village Hall’s risk assessment to addend to the Council’s one, This was noted.
ix) West Sussex NHS Primary Care Trust has sent copies of their summary constitution document and if comments are to be made they must be in by 17th October. This was noted.

56-08cl. Planning matters including CDC decisions
A paper detailing planning matters had been circulated to all councillors.

Plans to be considered:
BI/08/03167/DOM – 2 Springfield Close, Birdham PO20 7AS – Two storey rear extension. It was proposed by Cllr Howat and seconded by Cllr Churchill RESOLVED NO OBJECTION although the Council would hope that the Velux windows on the NE and SW elevations would not be of a height to overlook the neighbours.

BI/08/03594/DOM – Kinderhook, Court Barn Lane, Birdham PO20 7BQ – Erection of a timber-framed and timber clad double garage with slate roof over. It was proposed by Cllr Tilbury and seconded by Cllr Howat RESOLVED NO OBJECTION.

BI/08/03443/DOM – Micklegard, Martins Lane, Birdham – insertion of Velux window, insertion of sky tube and addition of ground floor patio doors. It was proposed by Cllr Churchill and seconded by Cllr Mrs Parks RESOLVED NO OBJECTION

Additional Information:
BI/08/03023/OUT – Erection of 4 no. 2 and 3 bedroom semi-detached 1½ storey dwellings, Land to rear of Sarnia Main Road, Birdham PO20 7BY.

CDC Decision:

BI/08/02108/DOM – Locks End House, Lock Lane, PO20 7BB – Extension to dwelling comprising double garage and garden store with studio above - PERMIT

Plans considered since the last meeting to be ratified:

BI/08/02998/DOM – Longstone, Greenacres, Birdham PO20 7HL – demolish front entrance and erect new entry hall, extend existing dining room to accommodate kitchen and new bedroom above. Remove existing roof and pvc windows. Add high performance membrane roof and timber clad windows. Convert lean-to to garage – NO OBJECTION

BI/08/03165/PLD – Martins Lea, Martins Lane, Birdham – provision of access -
This application appears to be a thinly disguised attempt to revive the application BI/04/00759/FUL by Mrs S. Crossley of Birdham Fruit Farm, which went to Appeal and was dismissed by the Inspector, David Nicholson, on the 17th June 2005. The Appeal Reference is APP/L3815/A/04/1152346.

The grounds for dismissal were (in summary):
1) However closely controlled by conditions, the proposed drive would extend the limit of residential development from the present SPA boundary into the countryside of the AONB and would harm the rural character of the AONB, conflicting with Local Plan policies RE1, RE2 and RE4.
2) The curving line of the drive would have a more residential feel and harm the appearance of the AONB.
3) The benefit of improved access would not outweigh the harm to the AONB.

The Parish Council concurs with the Inspector on all these points.

The Applicant’s Agent makes great play with the decision of an Inspector in Staffordshire and particularly ground C of that judgement and the textual analysis of Schedule 2, Part 2, Class B of the Town and Country Planning (General Development) Order 1995, especially as regards the words “ required in connection with a development permitted by any Class of this Schedule”. We would defer to expert opinion on this but we are unaware of any “development” for which permission has been given at the Applicant’s property at Martins Lea, which already has a shared driveway with Birdham Fruit Farm, referred to in the Inspector’s Report above. The only development of which we are aware is at Birdham Fruit Farm and the Inspector’s Report dismissed the application for a driveway in connection with that. The Staffordshire judgement therefore appears to us to be irrelevant in the Birdham context.

The Council therefore OBJECTS to this application.

BI/08/03024/DOM – Glenbryn, Longmeadow Gardens, PO20 7HE – single storey side extension to existing bungalow - The Council raises NO OBJECTION to this application

BI/08/03243/TPA – Garden House, 2, The Saltings, Birdham PO20 7JA – Reduce crown by 30% and remove damaged limb as inspected (White Poplar) subject to TPO BI/90/00028/TPO - The Council raises NO OBJECTION to the application provided that the work is carried out by a qualified tree surgeon and that the reduction in growth is to previous pruning points.

BI/08/03023/OUT – Land to rear of Sarnia, Main Road, Birdham – Erection of 4 no. 2 and 3 bedroom semi-detached 1½ storey dwellings

This is clearly an outline application and we question the FUL suffix. For an FUL application we would expect to see plans and elevations of the intended work.

This application must be seen alongside the approved application for the adjacent land at Tate House. The questions raised over the second attempt at that application were largely to do with exit onto the Bell Lane roundabout, provision for extra traffic on that roundabout and the necessary parking spaces within the development. We would raise the same questions again. Is there any doubling-up of parking spaces between these two applications? Are WSCC Highways content with the eight extra cars to be added to the traffic flow onto the roundabout and along Birdham Straight?

The Council raises NO OBJECTION to this application as an Outline but will want to see answers to the above questions in addition to plans and elevations on the FUL application.

BI/08/03258/FUL – Lockfield, Lock Lane, Birdham – demolition of existing two-storey detached dwelling and erection of new detached dwelling (two storey and loft storey)

The Design and Access statement claims that this will be a “progressive design that is energy efficient and appropriate for the twenty-first century lifestyle”. The Council is disappointed that the design does not live up to its claims. At Appendix B it shows that it has been possible to make interesting architectural statements on iconic sites of great scenic value (for example the 1935 Harbour Meadow and the 2008 Huf Haus at Greenacres). What we are offered is a “refreshed traditional style” which is essentially a compromise rather than a “progressive design”. Whether it is energy efficient or not cannot be ascertained from these plans.

However, in planning terms we can find little to fault in the proposal. The increase in footprint can be accommodated easily by the site. Attention has been paid to the provision of non-reflective glass facing the Harbour. The mass of the house will increase because of the lack of articulation on the east wing but it will not be excessive. We are disappointed that an opportunity has been missed but we have NO OBJECTION to the application.
It was proposed by Cllr Churchill and seconded by Cllr Mrs Parks RESOLVED to ratify the decisions taken since the last meeting

CDC Decisions

BI/08/02707/DOM – Shalford, Lock Lane, Birdham PO20 7AX – Proposed alterations and extension to existing garage - PERMIT

BI/08/02698/FUL – Birdham C of E Primary School, Crooked Lane, Birdham PO20 7HB – Installation of an arched shaped frame structure to cover the school’s swimming pool - PERMIT

BI/08/02108/DOM – Locks End House, Lock Lane, PO20 7BB – Extension to dwelling comprising double garage and garden store with studio above - PERMIT

57-08cl. Correspondence
Emails circulated to Councillors since the last meeting:
23/7 Chichester Harbour Conservancy Maritime Recycling; 23/7 Chichester Harbour Press Release; 24/7 Referral to Secretary of State for Health; 25/7 Langstone Fairway Pile; 28/7 Mobile Skate Park – news update; 14/8 RYA Sailability Regatta 2008; 14/8 Chichester Harbour Events, August; 14/8 Fit for the Future E-Bulletin 35; 14/8 Local Notice to Mariners no.14; 14/8 Local Notice to Mariners no.15; 14/8 Coastal Ways, Chichester Harbour; 14/8 Members’ Code of Conduct; 14/8 Vibrant Villages; 18/8 – Children helped to GET AFLOAT; 20/8 Electric blanket testing sessions; 20/8 Portuguese Men o’ War; 21/8 The Big Tidy Up; 2/9 Chichester Harbour Events, September and amendments; 4/9 Local Notice to Mariners no 16; 8/9 School Governors’ Newsletter; 11/9 MCS Beachwatch

Correspondence to be circulated:
WSCC – Forward Plan of Key Decisions September – December 2008
Play Today August 2008
LCR September 2008
Chichester Canal News Summer 2008
Chichester Harbour Management Plan Annual Progress Report 2007-8
Clerks and Councils Direct September 2008
CDC Standards Committee Minutes July 2008

58-08cl. Reports:
i) Playing field and Play Area – the Clerk reported that she has had Knight Fencing give a quote for replacing the damaged gate post (£80 plus VAT) and she has asked them to do the work. She has also written to Arbortech (Mr and Mrs Hayes) to ask when they will be carrying out the work on the trees on the field and the village green and is awaiting a reply. She has checked with Playsafe Playgrounds as to when they will be able to carry out the work requested in July and they will be sending a quotation. The meeting agreed that the Clerk could ask for the work to be done on receipt of the quotation as it was deemed “essential” by the Rospa report. The grass cutting complaints have been followed up and the grass is looking quite well-cut now. However, the contractors cut the drainpipes on the field side of the Village Hall – Justin has said he will get them repaired. Cllr Churchill reported that he had been in touch with the dog wardens who had put notices on all the dog bins. The light at the playing field is not going off until 1.30 in the morning and it seems impossible to find out who owns it. After discussion it was decided to look at this again.
ii) Village Green and Pond – The Clerk has asked Adrian Dover to clear the ditch at the pond as mentioned in the July minutes.
iii) Neighbourhood Watch – Wendy Petty has told the Clerk that she has had no reports of problems since the last meeting. PCSO Anne Bromley spoke about the young people hanging around the play area and also the problem of the cars for sale.
iv) Tree Wardens – the Clerk had a phone call from a resident on Sidlesham Lane about a horse chestnut with problems. She contacted Marianne Strong who said she would speak to the lady and refer the matter to Henry Whitby if appropriate.

59-08cl. Finance
A Financial Situation Report had been circulated to all councillors.

Payments made since the last meeting to be ratified:

Clerk’s salary July 543.24
Principal I Ltd – photocopier contract, includes 10.29 VAT 69.11
Public Works Loan Board – loan repayment 8591.04
Mrs Geary litter, August 65.00
Clerk’s salary August 543.24
Adrian Dover, grass 93.00
Chichester Canal Trust subscription and donation 100.00
Chichester District Council grass, includes 42.29 VAT 283.94

Receipts, current account (Apuldram, copies and phone) 8.19

Receipts, Village Hall account – nil

Receipts, Deposit account (interest) 193.11

Payments to be considered:

Mrs Geary, litter 65.00
Clerk’s expenses – includes £6.96 VAT 65.81
CDC, grass, includes 28.19 VAT 189.29

Notes: The Clerk has transferred £1000 from the deposit account to the current account to cover expenses until the next payment of the precept is paid. As soon as it is received she will transfer it to the Village Hall and the deposit accounts so as much interest as possible may be earned.

The audit had a number of problems which have now (hopefully) been resolved, and the invoice for that should arrive soon.

It was proposed by Cllr Tilbury and seconded by Cllr Mrs Parks RESOLVED to approve the financial report.

60-08cl. Reports of Meetings attended by Councillors
i) Peninsula Community Forum – the Clerk had circulated a written report of this meeting.
ii) South Chichester Local Committee – Cllr Tilbury reported on this.
iii) Emergency planning – Cllr Mrs Parks reported that we need an emergency plan – she will look at this with Cllr Tilbury

61-08cl. Public Session No matters were raised.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 9.15pm