Minutes June 2005

Minutes June 2005

Minutes of the Meeting held on 20th June 2005 at Birdham Village Hall at 7pm.

Present: Cllr Tilbury; Cllr Mrs Rees; Cllr Ms Huskisson; Cllr Mrs Parks; Cllr Kyte; Cllr Meynell; Cllr Drew; Cllr Baillieu; Cllr Churchill

In attendance: The Clerk, Cllr Davies and a member of the press.

27-05cl. Apologies - none were received

28-05cl. Declaration of Interest none was made.

29-05cl. Approve and sign the Minutes of the Meeting held on 16 th May 2005 It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Parks and seconded by Cllr Ms Huskisson RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 16 th May and that they be signed by the Chairman.

30-05cl. Matters arising from the Minutes dated 16 th May 2005

i) Min 14-05cl Election of Chairman – the Clerk reported that the Chairman had signed the Declaration of Office in her presence.

ii) Min 19-05cl I) Martlet Homes – Cllr Mrs Rees reported that Martlet Homes had not been able to sponsor the fete. She will reply to them.

iii) Min 19-05cl Notice board – the Clerk reported that the newly replaced plastic sheet has been damaged already, and she is suggesting that when the Village Hall refurbishment is completed the Council might consider placing it on an external wall of the hall whereit will be more overlooked to make it safer.

iv) Min 20-05cl a) iii) and b) iii) Documents on Community Involvement Cllr Mrs Rees and Cllr Mrs Baillieu reported on the documents they had looked at.

v) Min 23-05cl vi) Fete – Councillors who had been involved reported – thanks to Cllr Mrs Rees; Cllr Ms Huskisson who were involved with the planning, and to all the other councillors who helped. The Council made over £500, and the gross takings were over £4,500.

31-05cl. Clerk's Report including

a) WSCC Reports, highways matters and correspondence:

i) The Council has received an update on the Highways Works Programme for 2005-6, and the only works proposed are for drainage works at Crouchers Barn in 2006-7.

ii) Birdham Primary School wishes to erect a sign to indicate where the school is by the filling station at the junction of Main Road with Crooked Lane. Comments, if any, must be made before the end of the month. It was decided not to comment.

b) CDC reports including correspondence

i) The Council received notice of the Local Standards Board meeting held on 9 th June. It also includes a list of the travelling allowances paid to CDC members for those councils who have pegged their allowances to the CDC rate.

ii) The District Councillor who will represent Birdham's interests at the Area Development Control Committee will be Keith Smith for this year. This was noted.

c) Other related matters

i) The Council has received a copy of a Notice of Application for Transfer of Licence for the Bell Inn. This was noted.

ii) The Council's insurers have at last replied to the Council's letter about the public liability for the pond. The Clerk read out the relevant paragraphs. After discussion it was decided that Cllr Ms Huskisson and Cllr Mrs Rees should look at it on a regular basis.

iii) Principal who hold the contract for our photocopier has increased the price per copy from 1.5 pence to 1.666 pence. This only applies when more than 1000 copies are done in any month, and the council does not use so many copies, so it is only outside bodies which the Clerk always charges that bring it to these levels.

iv) The Environment Agency has written asking if the Council would like to be involved in the local Catchment Flood Management Plan. If so, the Clerk can ask for more details, or a councillor could attend a meeting on Thursday 23 rd June at Saxon House in Worthing from 10 to 3. After discussion it was decided that we would like to have copies of the information sent to the Vice-Chairman.

v) The Standards Board for England has written to thank the Council for their comments about the Code of Conduct Review. The results will appear on their web-site in July.

vi) Action in Rural Sussex has written to say that Carol Booker who was to speak to the Council about affordable housing at their next meeting has left and Rebecca Hair will take her place. The Clerk will liaise with her over the detail of the presentation.

vii) Defra has written with details of the effect of the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005. The Clerk has made copies for Councillors to read so it can be discussed at the next meeting.

viii) The Chairman has agreed that the Clerk should attend a training weekend at Dunford House on 16-17 July in order to help her prepare her Cilca qualification (formerly known as the AQA)

ix) The Council has been invited to the AGM of the CPRE which is to be held on 7 th July at Waltons Oak Barn, the English Wine Centre near Alfriston, East Sussex at 10.30 am and followed by a tutored wine tasting. It was decided not to send anyone.

32-05cl. Planning Matters including CDC decisions

A paper detailing planning matters had been circulated to all councillors.

Plans to be considered:

BI/05/02050/FUL – WR Back, Wophams Lane Nursery, Wophams Lane, Birdham – Relaxation of Condition No. 4 on BI/99/01314/FUL – cut and maintain levels of hedge along southern and western elevations of existing glasshouse. It was agreed to make a site visit before deciding on a comment.

BI/05/02084/LBC – Mr David S Wylie, Manhood End Farm, Birdham Road – Single storey rear extension and addition of a pitched roof to existing conservatory. It was proposed by Cllr Churchill and seconded by Cllr Kyte RESOLVED NO OBJECTION

BI/05/02251/FUL – Premier Business Park, Pinks Ltd, Birdham Road – Modifications to BI/05/00167/FUL – formation of vehicular access and hardstanding and part demolition of existing office building. It was proposed by Cllr Meynell and seconded by Cllr Ms Huskisson RESOLVED NO OBJECTION but the Council would like to suggest a time limit on planting the hedge with indigenous species and allow it to grow to 1½ metres.

CDC Decisions

BI/05/01708/DOM – Mr and Mrs RS Gubbins, Danesacre, Lock Lane, PO20 7BA – Two storey extension to rear of existing dwelling – PERMIT

BI/05/01439/COU – Mr and Mrs PJ O'Brien, Woodhorn Cottages, Sidlesham Lane Birdham PO20 7QL – Change of use of barn to storage - PERMIT

CDC Decisions

BI/05/01708/DOM – Mr and Mrs RS Gubbins, Danesacre, Lock Lane, PO20 7BA – Two storey extension to rear of existing dwelling – PERMIT

BI/05/01439/COU – Mr and Mrs PJ O'Brien, Woodhorn Cottages, Sidlesham Lane Birdham PO20 7QL – Change of use of barn to storage - PERMIT

BI/05/01708/DOM – Mr and Mrs RS Gubbins, Danesacre, Lock Lane, PO20 7BA – Two storey extension to rear of existing dwelling – PERMIT

BI/05/01439/COU – Mr and Mrs PJ O'Brien, Woodhorn Cottages, Sidlesham Lane Birdham PO20 7QL – Change of use of barn to storage - PERMIT

Decisions made by the Council since the last meeting to be ratified:

BI/05/01880/FUL – Andrew Robertson re Atea, Chichester Canal, Birdham PO20 7EJ – One no. two-storey houseboat to replace existing boat (amended proposal including reduction in height and amended design) The Council has carefully considered the implications of this new design especially with regard to its sensitive position and its design and materials. The immediate neighbours are satisfied that there will be no loss of amenity to them from this two-storey boat. The Council has NO OBJECTION to this application.

BI/05/01943/AGR – Mr and Mrs S Crossley, Birdham Fruit Farm, Martins Lane, Birdham PO20 7AU – Creation of agricultural farm track off existing access from Lock Lane – this was OBJECTED TO on grounds previously given for similar applications on this site.

BI/05/01973/DOM – Mr David S Wylie, Manhood End Farm, Birdham Road, Birdham PO20 7BX – Single storey rear extension and addition of pitched roof to existing conservatory – NO OBJECTION

It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Rees and seconded by Cllr Drew RESOLVED to ratify these decisions.

CDC Decisions:

BI/04/03641/COU – Moore Beautiful Ltd, Whitestone Farm Cottages, Main Road, Birdham PO20 7HU – Retrospective application for change of use from offices/light industrial B1 to beauty salon – PERMIT

BI/04/04199/FUL – Mr D Pick, Whitestone Farm Cottages, Main Raod, Birdham PO20 7HU – Change of use from a loading bay/platform to a car park reducing its height and increasing its size – PERMIT

BI/05/01101/TPA – Mr Neil Davey, Stumps Cottage, Crooked Lane, Birdham PO20 7HB – Crown reduction and deadwooding of Oak tree (T1) and crown reduction of Crab apple Tree (T2). Both trees subject to TPO/29/BI – GRANT CONSENT

BI/05/01259/DOM – F Hubbard, Mayfield, Crooked Lane, Birdham PO20 7ET – Renewal of unimplemented permission BI/00/00501/DOM – single storey rear extension – PERMIT

BI/05/01480/PLD – Mr and Mrs Lansley, Oakwood Cottage, Sidlesham Lane, Birdham PO20 7QL – Application for a Certificate of Lawfulness for a proposed use or operation (single storey extension – GRANTED

BI/05/00566/FUL – Westlands Cottages, Westlands Lane, PO20 7HH – Demolition of existing semi-detached houses and replacement (including re-siting) with two storey building comprising 2 no. flats - PERMIT

Request for further details and information

BI/05/01481/PNO – Mr and Mrs S Crossley, Birdham Fruit Farm, Martins Lane, Birdham PO20 7AU – CDC have asked for further information on this application.

Notice of Appeal

BI/04/00759/FUL – Mr and Mrs S Crossley, Birdham Fruit Farm – Change of use of vacant farmland to residential access and drive (using existing access) through field to residential curtilage and associated paddock known as Birdham Fruit Farm. The appeal will take place at 10 am on Wednesday 1 st June at Edes House.

The Chairman reported on the Planning Appeal re Birdham Fruit Farm's drive and that the appeal has been dismissed.

Some new trees have been planted in the field behind the pond in such a way as to indicate that planning permission may be sought in due course.

33-05cl. Correspondence

Correspondence to be circulated includes:

WSCC Procurement and Purchasing News Spring 2005

WSCC Rubbish to Resource Issue 3 March 2005

National Playing Fields Annual Report 2004-5 and papers for AGM

CPRE various booklets etc and Sussex Review Summer 2005

WSCC Forward Plan of Key Decisions June – September and July – October 2005

34-05cl. Reports:

i) Village Hall, including setting date for special meeting to approve tenders and agree audit. Cllr Tilbury reported that the work is out to tender at the moment. Tenders will be opened on Friday at 1pm by Ken Dean who is our Quantity Surveyor and Planning Supervisor. He will let us have the tender report by July 1 st .

It was proposed, seconded and agreed to hold a special meeting to approve the tender and to agree the audit on 6 th July

It was further agreed that the Clerk make enquiries about a venue in which to hold the Parish Council meetings during the time work is being done on the hall.

ii) Play Area Report and Playing Field. The Clerk reported that she had contacted Justin Jones and the grass had been cut as requested. The rope bridge is still broken and needs repair. The grass in the play area should be cut as often as the field.

iii) Village Green and Pond – the pond had been dealt with earlier in the meeting.

iv) Footpaths and bridleways – the footpath over Salterns Lock is now re-opened.

v) Neighbourhood Watch – Cmdr Clarke had reported that a youth was seen by the police riding his mini-bike on the Birdham Straight and has been run-in on 11 counts. A man riding a motor-bike on the playing field was dealt with by one of the CPSOs.

35-05cl. Finance

A financial situation report had been circulated to all councillors.

Payments made since the last meeting to be ratified:

Clerk's salary (May) 394.54

Seaman Partnership (Professional Services for Village Hall, includes

668.95 VAT) 4491.55

Grant Associates (Quantity Surveying re Village hall, includes 262.50 VAT) 1762.50

Receipts, current account (photocopies) 38.49

Receipts Village Hall account (donation) 100.00

Receipts, BRA (interest) 43.58

Payments to be considered:

Mrs Geary (litter, June) 65.00

Adrian Dover (grass, May) 96.00

Information Commissioner – renewal of Data Protection Act registration 35.00

Clerk's Expenses (see separate sheet, includes 1.47 VAT) 28.13


The audit is now being considered by our internal auditor. The bank has informed us that the cost incurred for being overdrawn (by accident) earlier this year will be £20.62 which will be debited to the account on 28 th June. In order to meet the accounts relating to the village hall, the Clerk transferred £6154.05 (the cost of the accounts minus the £100 donation which had initially been paid into the current account) from the Village Hall account on 14 th June.

Barclays has written to say that from August Business Reserve Accounts will be transformed into Stepsaver accounts. The principal difference seems to be that it will no longer be necessary to give a week's notice when withdrawing money from the account. The Clerk will monitor it and see if it would be better to place the money elsewhere.

36-05cl. Reports of meeting attended by councillors

Peninsula Community Forum – a written report had been previously circulated by the Clerk.

37-05cl. Public Session

Clerk to inform CPSOs of meeting dates etc.

The trailer advertising storage at Selsey has now been moved. The Chairman will check on Broomers Farm.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 8.30pm