Planning Applications as at 26th March 2014

Planning Applications as at 26th March 2014


BI/14/00598/FUL - Case Officer: Vicki Colwell -Premier Marinas Former Chandlery Building  Chichester Marina Chichester West Sussex

Change of use of ground floor from retail (Use Class A1) and restaurant (Use Class A3) to create five self-contained two-bedroom residential units (Use Class C3).   Replacement of existing flat roof with pitched roof including dormer windows to create upper levels to the existing flats.

BI/14/00632/DOM - Case Officer: Anna Weir - Mr And Mrs Lawrence Pirie The Old Bird And Ham Main Road Birdham Chichester

Proposed replacement garden room, new tiled roof to store/utility. Refurbishment works to existing single storey tile roofs and 2 no. replacement windows to south-east elevation.

BI/14/00633/LBC - Case Officer: Anna Weir Mr And Mrs Lawrence Pirie The Old Bird And Ham Main Road Birdham Chichester

Proposed replacement garden room, new tiled roof to store/utility, refurbishment works to existing single storey tile roofs and 2 no. replacement windows to south-east elevation.