Agenda for an Extra Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council to be held on 3rd November 2014

Agenda for an Extra Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council to be held on 3rd November 2014


Birdham Parish Council

28 Langdale Avenue, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 8JQ

Tel : 01243 790402

Email : Website :

Clerk to the Council : David J Siggs



Members are hereby summoned to attend an Extra Ordinary Meeting of Birdham Parish Council to be held at 7pm on Monday the 3rd November 2014 in the Main Hall at Birdham Village Hall, Birdham.

David J Siggs - Clerk to the Council



1. Declaration of interests and granting of dispensations if any.

2. To receive a presentation of the Neighbourhood Plan by the Steering Group.

3. Residents questions relative to the Neighbourhood Plan.

4. To determine the Parish Councils response to the proposed Neighbourhood Plan.

5. Date of Next Ordinary Meeting Monday the 17th November 2014.


































Agenda for the Council Meeting to be held on the 20th October 2014


Birdham Parish Council

28 Langdale Avenue, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 8JQ

Tel : 01243 790402

Email : Website :

Clerk to the Council : David J Siggs


 Members are hereby summoned to attend a Meeting of Birdham Parish Council to be held at 7pm on Monday the 20th October 2014 in the Main Hall at Birdham Village Hall, Birdham.

David J Siggs - Clerk to the Council


 1. Election of Chairman for the remainder of the Council year

2. Public Question Time: (In accordance with Standing Orders 1d – 1l)

3. Declaration of interests and granting of dispensations if any

4. Approve and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 15th September 2014

5. Matters Arising

i) Land bequest to the Council

6. Clerks Report including:

i) WSCC Reports, highways matters and correspondence

ii) CDC Reports including correspondence

iii) To receive reports from Division Members of WSCC and Ward Members of CDC as appropriate.

iv) Other related matters

7. Finance and corporate:

i) To receive and approve a financial report.

ii) To acknowledge and accept the CDC Contracts for the award of the NHB (Parish Allocations).

iii) To appoint a signatory to act on behalf of the Parish to deal with the NHB (Parish Allocations).

iv) To consider the application by the BVRA for a grant of £1500.00.

8. To receive an update on the position of the Neighbourhood Plan

9. Planning matters including applications and CDC delegated decisions.

i) To receive and approve the Minutes of the Planning Committee of the 29th September 2014.

ii) Planning Applications to be decided.

BI/14/03009/LBC - Hammonds Farm , Westlands Lane, Birdham

Proposed 2 no. dormer windows and 1 no. roof light in connection with a loft conversion.

BI/14/03187/LBC - Hammonds Farm , Westlands Lane, Birdham

Proposed demolition of existing conservatory and small single storey extension.  Single storey extension to rear.

BI/14/03135/DOM - Field Cottage, Westlands Estate, Birdham

Demolition of existing conservatory and porch.  Single storey extensions: amendments to windows: conversion of garage to living accommodation with pitch roof.  Change of colour to external walls.  Addition to external walls of cladding (LAP) overlap - finish grey.

iii) Delegated Decisions to be noted.

BI/14/02264/DOM Mr And Mrs Timothy Firmston Garden Corner Church Lane Birdham

Erection of single storey lean-to extension on west elevation, and replacement of existing conservatory with new rear of house. PERMIT

10. Correspondence - Not previously circulated to be noted.

11. Reports

i)  Play area and playing field –

a) To consider the offer made by WSCC & MPP to provide a rain garden at their expense in an area of the playing field allocated by the Parish Council.

ii) Village Green and pond

iii) Condition of Village Drain/Ditch Network

iv) Police & Neighbourhood Watch

v) Communication Working Group

vi) Other -

12. Reports of meetings attended by Councillors

13. Items for inclusion on next agenda.

14. Date of Next Meeting Monday the 17th November 2014








Annex A


Rain Gardens Project


The Manhood Peninsula is situated south of Chichester. Geographically it forms the Western Streams section of the Arun & Western Streams Catchment area, though it is not officially part of the Arun & Western Streams Catchment Partnership.

The Manhood Peninsula Partnership is exploring projects that satisfy the partners’ aims in the area of flood and surface water management. This is because the peninsula is particularly prone to flooding, and both the Environment Agency and West Sussex County Council are heavily involved in local schemes/plans to mitigate the effects of flooding.

Rain gardens and similar initiatives, such as green roofs and living walls, fit neatly into a project doing just that. Funding is available for local flood mitigation initiatives, and rain gardens are one of the more imaginative solutions proposed.

There are a number of approaches to creating a Rain Garden:

  • Bio-retention pond, also known simply and more attractively as a Rain Garden. This is the option the Rain Gardens Project will explore.
  • Green walls and vertical gardens
  • Green roofs
  • Storm-water planters
  • Permeable paving
  1. What is the Rain Gardens Project?

Recent flooding across England and Wales has highlighted the need to think around our rainy reality. Gardens play an important role in absorbing water and providing channels for rainwater to infiltrate back into the earth, however more frequent and intense downpours make their job more difficult. We need to find a more imaginative response to get the most out of gardens and public places in this respect. Hard surfaces are the main culprit, but slow draining soil and a high water table can have a very similar effect, and are a widespread issue on the Manhood Peninsula.

The Rain Gardens Project looks at dealing with excess water by using a ‘soft engineering’ approach. Porous sandy soils help water penetrate the ground initially, where it is retained until it dissipates naturally. Using suitable plants tolerant to varying moisture levels (UK natives Purple Loosestrife and Bog Iris are lovely examples) has a number of benefits.  Plants are important aids to water dissipation by transpiration and evaporation through their leaves. They add to the biodiversity and wildlife interest of a garden, as well as being beautiful in their own right.

Project aims:

  1. To create two (or more) Rain Gardens, one on either side of the Manhood Peninsula, to offset existing drainage problems at each site. The gardens will be created using professional, but local, expertise and volunteer groups guided by Dusty Gedge, rain garden expert and co-author of the UK Rain Garden Guide.
  2. To offer 4 workshops showing people across the peninsula how to do similar at home. Workshops to be guided by Dusty Gedge.

Project outputs. The project will aid the development of a stronger community by:

  • Providing two public rain gardens accessible to people across the Manhood Peninsula.
  • Providing solutions to water pooling after heavy rain in two public locations.
  • Increasing community capacity across the Manhood Peninsula to deal with locations prone to repeated small scale flooding.
  • Increasing awareness across the Manhood Peninsula of how and why vegetation is so important in mitigating the effects of heavy rainfall seen as a result of climate change.
  • Enabling individual residents to implement small, but important, rain water mitigation measures at home.
  1. What is a Rain Garden?


Rain gardens can be a simple depression in the ground filled with sandy soil, or pockets on a vertical wall. The function is the same in both instances, to act as a sink to retain rain water for a substantial period of time after heavy rainfall, while allowing it to diffuse slowly away. Excess water that can’t be absorbed on a temporary basis also has an egress point leading from the rain garden to the normal drainage system. The aim is to reduce the run off from hard surfaces that overload the more frequently used engineered alternatives.

Rain gardens can be considered the ‘soft engineering’ alternative to SuDS (Sustainable Drainage Systems). The technical term for a rain garden is a ‘bio-retention pond’. In this instance it is misleading because the objective is make a ‘water sink’ using fast draining soil, not create an open water area. The garden will retain water and allow it to dissipate in its own time, in the same way that many non-flowing ditches on the peninsula do at present.

Planting a Rain Garden

Plants should reflect the sunny or shady conditions in which the garden is located. Best practise is to plant in a sunny area with perhaps some shade, but not in an overcast position. This will maximise the opportunity for your rain garden to lose excess rainwater by evaporation as well as by slow infiltration into the soil. A fast-draining soil mix, ie sandy or loose textured soil, is required to encourage water to sink in and ensure lush plant growth. Soil containing a great deal of clay will have to be mixed with a sandy substrate to create the best texture.

Gardens on level ground should be situated at least 3metres (10 feet) from a house/building and its foundations. A slight slope is preferred to ensure water drains away from where it isn’t wanted, and into your rain garden. A slight berm or bank is needed to account for the slope and keep the water in one place.

The garden should be planted in an area that dries out quickly, rather than in a low-lying saturated spot. When we talk about the plants suitable for this purpose, species that tolerate wet conditions should go in the center, surrounded by those that are tolerate occasional standing water, while the plants that prefer ­drier soil should be placed at the furthermost edges.

Green Walls and Vertical Gardens

An alternative for a small area is a ‘green wall’ or vertical garden. These fulfil a similar function, but instead of being flat the plant containers form a wall of vegetation. Vertical gardens can be located anywhere, but the wall to which they are fixed needs to be protected from water either by a membrane or by ensuring a suitable space is left between the plant carriers and the walls themselves. The ability of the vertical wall to retain water can be improved by installing a flat, vertical tank behind the display of plants and foliage.

In both cases the garden needs access to the conventional drainage system if built close to buildings. This is because it may not be possible to completely offset the torrential downpours occurring with increasing frequency in the UK.

Solutions for a small garden include combining vertical garden panels with a green roof on the garden shed, with perhaps a large container adjacent the shed to catch excess water from the green roof.

Rain Gardens on the MPP Website:

Project aims:

  • To create two (or more) Rain Gardens, one on either side of the Manhood Peninsula, to offset existing drainage problems at each site. The gardens will be created by local contractors and planted using local volunteer groups guided by Dusty Gedge. This will require funding for:
    • Consultation fees for Dusty Gedge rain garden expert and co-author of the UK Rain Garden Guide, who is also undertaking a similar project with the RSPB run project Arun & Rother Connections (ARC)
    • Groundworks by a local contractor to excavate the garden and 4 drainage channels.
    • Backfill with gravel or other porous medium, and soil
    • Suitable water tolerant plants
    • Tools
  • Matched funding will be provided in volunteer time for the following:
    • Planting
    • Maintenance
  • To offer 4 workshops showing people on both sides of the peninsula how to do similar at home. Workshops to be guided by Dusty Gedge. This will require funding for:
    • Consultation fees for Dusty Gedge
    • Materials
    • Refreshments
  • Matched funding will be provided in volunteer time by the parishes for the following:
    • Hosting the workshops

Project outputs:

  • Provide two public rain gardens – useful and beautiful.
  • Providing solutions to water pooling after heavy rain in two public locations.
  • Increased community capacity to deal with locations prone to repeated small scale flooding.
  • Increased local awareness of how and why vegetation is so important in mitigating the effects of heavy rainfall seen as a result of climate change.
  • Enabling individual residents to implement small, but important, rain water mitigation measures at home.

Minutes of the Planning Committee held on the 29th September 2014

Birdham Parish Council

Minutes of the Planning Committee

 held on Monday 29th September 2014

at 7pm in Birdham Village Hall


Present:                     Cllr Barker, Cllr Cobbold, Cllr Churchill and Cllr Finch

Apologies:                 Cllr Ayton, Cllr Harker

In attendance:           The Clerk

P6-14 Election of Chairman.

In the absence of Cllr Harker it was resolved that Cllr Cobbold be elected as Chairman for the meeting.

P7-14 Declaration of Interests.

There were none.

P8-14 Correspondence relevant to Planning, if any.

The Clerk reported that he had received notification from CDC that an appeal has been lodged against the refusal of planning application BI/14/01361/DOM and BI/14/01362/LBC Hammonds Farm. The appeal will be decided on the basis of an exchange of written statements.

P9-14 Planning applications to be decided

i) BI/14/03035/DOM - Mr & Mrs Wright Fir Trees Shipton Green Lane Itchenor

Alterations and extensions. . NO OBJECTION

ii) BI/14/03037/LBC - Mr & Mrs Wright Fir Trees Shipton Green Lane Itchenor

Alterations and extensions. Alterations and extensions.

Whilst no objection was made to the DOM Application it was felt that the increase in size to original building would significantly alter the appearance of this listed building to the extent that the Council feels it must OBJECT.

iii) BI/14/02973/DOM - Mr M Chapple 1 Alandale Road Birdham

Retrospective application for - Erection of two storey extension. NO OBJECTION.

iv) BI/14/03048/DOM - Mr & Mrs M Cole Westlands Lodge Westlands Estate Birdham

Demolition of existing conservatory and accommodation annex.  Construction of new replacement single storey annex. Construction of single storey rear and side extensions. Construction of new dormers to the existing upper rooms. New bay unit to the west elevation.

The Council raised NO OBJECTION to this application but request that a condition is applied to prevent any disposal of the annex separate from the main dwelling.

v) BI/14/03008/DOM - Mr & Mrs N Von Schirnding Hammonds Farm  Westlands Lane Birdham

Proposed 2 no. dormer windows and 1 no. roof light in connection with a loft conversion.

At the date of the Councils Planning Meeting no LBC Application had been received. The Council has therefore made its decision based purely on the DOM Application and whilst NO OBJECTION was raised a great deal of concern was felt at the proposed head room of 1.8mtr over a very limited space.

P10-14  Delegated Decisions were noted.

i) BI/14/02512/DOM Mrs Russell The Hundred House Hundredsteddle Lane Birdham

Conversion of double garage to granny annexe. PERMIT

ii) BI/14/02513/LBC The Hundred House Hundredsteddle Lane Birdham

Alterations to existing double garage to allow use as granny annexe. PERMIT

P11-13 Date of next meeting – TBA


There being no further business to discuss the meeting closed at 8.15pm


Signed ___________________________   Dated ____________________


Minutes of the Council Meeting held on the 15th September

Birdham Parish Council

 Minutes of the

Meeting of the Parish Council

 held on Monday 15th September 2014

at 7pm in Birdham Village Hall


Present:                     Cllr Finch (Chairman), Cllr Harker (Vice Chairman), Cllr Cobbold, Cllr Barker,

Cllr Hamilton and Cllr Ayton.

Apologies:                   Cllr Pocock and Cllr Marshall (CDC)

In attendance:              The Clerk, Cllr Montyn (WSCC & CDC) and 13 members of the public.

Absent:                        Cllr Churchill.

46-14 Public Question time in accordance with Standing Orders 1d -1l:

              A member of the public asked when the 20mph speed limit was due to be introduced.

Although the Clerk had been previously told by Officers of WSCC that the work to indicate the speed restriction was due to be in place during 2015, Cllr Montyn said that this was not the case. To introduce the speed limit required a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) which was not yet in place. Cllr Montyn said that he was due to attend a meeting later on during the week at which point he may well have more information.              

47-14 Declaration of Interests:

There were no declarations of interest.

48-14 Approve and sign the Minutes of the meeting held on the 21st July 2014:

            It was resolved to adopt and sign the minutes of the 21st July 2014 as a true and accurate record.

49-14 Matters arising from the minutes of the 19th November 2012:

Minute 89-12 - Land Bequest. The Clerk said he had received notification from the Councils Solicitors to say that with the exception of the actual registration of the land all was now in place.

50-14 Clerks’ Report:

i)       WSCC – There was nothing to report.

ii)      CDC – The Clerk said he had received the following information;

a)     Confirmation notification of a TPO placed on 3 of Monterey pine trees on land at Moorings, Westlands Estate, Birdham PO20 7HJ.

b)    Notification of the second tranche of the precept being deposited in the Councils bank account.

c)     Correspondence from CDC Members Services on How to Become a Councillor.

iii)     Reports from Members of WSCC/CDC – Cllr Montyn spoke further about a meeting that he attended today concerning the 20mph speed limit and how he was not satisfied with what had been said. He re-iterated his earlier comment about having further meetings on the subject and would feed back the information in due course.

Cllr Montyn went on to talk about the WSCC Budget which was due to take place in February 2015, and whilst little was known at the moment it could be assumed that the revenue support grant, paid by Government, would be reduced yet again, and whilst WSCC is not entirely dependent on the revenue support grant to balance its books it is likely that costs will go up. The Chancellor has made it abundantly clear that debt reduction will be achieved by cutting grants, not raising taxes. It will be tough and will get tougher. A public debate will take place on the budget situation.

iv)     Other related matters – There were none.

51-14 Finance and Corporate:

i)    To receive and approve the financial report.

The Clerk presented the financial reports for the month of September (shown at annex a). The current balances for July are as follows;

Balances held at Bank £49868.33
Designated Funds £29654.17
Available Funds £20214.16
Creditors £  3191.92

The Clerk offered to answer any questions that Councillors may have.

It was resolved to adopt the Financial Report.

ii)   The Clerk went to say that he had received the report of the External Auditor which showed no concerns and all proper practices had been complied with.

It was resolved to accept the report of the External Auditors.

iii)  To consider the request for a financial contribution towards the rule 6 appeal of the Clappers Lane planning application.

This request came about from the briefing by Cllr Martin of Earnley Parish Council - minuted at 40-14i) – at which Cllr Martin asked for support from all Councils on the Manhood to support a Consortium of Councils in producing a transport assessment plan which could be used during the appeal and subsequently by Parishes as they saw fit. At the time of the briefing the costs of the Transport Consult were unknown but have subsequently come in which has resulted in a pro rata payment request from Birdham of £1500.00 by the Consortium.

A resident considered that this was rather high as no grant was made to the BVRA when they were making their rule 6 appeal concerning Church Lane.

Councillors considered that this was rather different in that an amount of money was being used to help fund a consultant’s study into traffic conditions experienced on the Manhood which could be used by Birdham Parish Council when determining future planning applications.

After a fairly short debate it was resolved that Birdham Parish Council pledge a maximum of £1500.00 towards the traffic study to be organised by Earnley Parish Council on behalf of the Western Manhood Consortium.

iv)  To consider the quotations for ditch clearance around the playing field.

The Clerk said that although he had asked a number of companies to quote for the work only two had responded. Quotations ranged from £4498.00 to £7750.00.

It was resolved that an application should be made to OP Watershed.

v)   To consider and agree the amendment to SO’s to properly reflect the Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014.

The amendment having previously been circulated it was resolved to amend SO’s accordingly.

52-14 To receive an update on the Neighbourhood Plan.

The Chairman said the Neighbourhood Plan Document was in the final wording stages with an additional two documents and should be submitted for adoption by the Parish Council at the October meeting.

53-14 Planning matters including applications and CDC delegated decisions:

i)     Planning Applications to be Decided:

BI/14/02543/COU – Tawny Nurseries

The Council considered that the application was worthy of support and raised NO OBJECTION to the application. However, concern was raised over the potential impact of wildlife in the area and requested that conditions are both put in place and enforced to protect the bats that are known to be present in the area.

BI/14/02264/DOM – Garden Corner, Church Lane

The Council raised NO OBJECTION to this application and considered that the application had been well thought out to protect the Village environment whilst at the same time achieving the aims of the owners.

BI/14/02698/ADV – Premier Marinas.

The area covered by this application is considered to be sensitive from a number of issues. The Council were therefore pleased to see that the advertising boards would be modest in size, unlit and set back from the road, as such the Council raised NO OBJECTION.

It was resolved to authorise the Clerk to notify Councils decision to DC Planning.

ii)      Delegated Decisions to be noted.

BI/14/01731/DOM Mr Nick Judd Rickyard Cottage Birdham Road Birdham

Single storey side extension. PERMIT

BI/14/01781/DOM Mr Grahame Morgan-Watson Field Cottage Westlands Estate Birdham

Demolition of existing conservatory and porch; single storey extensions; amendments to windows; conversion of garage to living accommodation. PERMIT

The delegated decisions were noted.

54-14 Correspondence – Not previously circulated:

            The Clerk reported the receipt of the following correspondence;

i)    Notification of the AGM of Airs on the 9th October 2014.

ii)   A letter from 4Sight acknowledging receipt of the £100.00 grant.

iii)  A letter from the Arun & Chichester CAB acknowledging receipt of the £100.00 grant.

55-14 Reports:

i)      Play Area and Playing Field. – The Clerk said he had nothing to report at this time.

ii)     Village Green and Pond – The Clerk reminded Council that he had written a letter to the owners of the Church Field. He was pleased to say that he had now received a response which had raised a number of questions. He proposed that with Councils consent he would again write to the Secretary of Birdham Church Field Ltd with the answers that had been suggested.

iii)    Condition of Village Ditch/Drain Network. – Mr Barrington reported that an inspection of the Walwyn Close gardens had now been carried out which had resulted in a shock. The variances of levels and work done by owners of the houses concerned had resulted in a meeting with Officers to determine if there could be an option of using the Langmead land with their permission.

Cllr Montyn said that using the Langmead option if it was possible may well be a capital investment for which Op Watershed was not designed.

There had been a suggestion that the Parish Council could purchase the land but various other options and ideas were being discussed.

Mr Barrington went on to talk about the ditch network and other ditches that may be the subject of an Op Watershed application. The ditch work in Florence Close and the pond is due to be cleared together with the ditch running along the Main Road from the junction with Farne Lane to the Birdham Stores.

Westlands have been subject to a considerable amount of work to the ditches and to the ponds.

Birdham Pool Marina has invited Mr Barrington to a meeting to discuss work at the Marina.

A 20 point plan has been agreed with WSCC once the ditches have been cleared.

The Old Common Close culvert ownership is still in dispute.

Cllr Finch said that a considerable amount of work had been carried out by the Flood Action Group.

Cllr Cobbold raised concerns that during the development of the various properties to the south of the village the various conditions imposed should be properly enforced and checked.

Cllr Montyn (WSCC & CDC) said that he was working with Cllr Barrett (CDC) to ensure that planning conditions would be met

A resident thank the various organisations for the incredible amount of work that was being carried out in order to protect the village.

iv)   Police and Neighbourhood Watch – PCSO Ollie Broad was in attendance and gave the following report;

11/09/14 - Suspicious males were reported looking into properties and knocking on doors in Longmeadow Gardens.  The males mentioned Roof Insulation but their I.D. Badges were too small to be seen.  An area search was carried out by an Officer but the males could not be located.

09/09/14 - Road Traffic Collision (RTC), Northleigh Farm, Main Road, Birdham, Car V Building.  Elderly Driver - No Injuries.

07/09/14 - Burglary (Other than a dwelling), (OTD) - Itchenor Green.  Garage broken in to and three high value Bikes and Tools were stolen from Holiday Home.  No CCTV.  No Witnesses.  Nothing for forensics.

03/09/14 - Burglary OTD, Itchenor Road, Itchenor.  Shed broken in to and Tools taken.  No witnesses.  No CCTV.  Nothing for Forensics.

31/08/14 - Dinghy stolen from harbour, Westlands Estate, Birdham.  Long time frame when Dinghy could have been stolen between.  Believed CCTV may have covered the incident.  Informant advised to call Police if he found CCTV which showed Dinghy being stolen.

30/08/14 - Sus male reported in Westlands Lane.  The male walked in to back garden of a property and with a very poor quality aerial photo of Informants property.  Officer visited address in question.  No CCTV of incident and no sign of sus male.

24/07/14 - Travellers reported to Police as attempting to gain access to the village green next to the Scout Hall.  Officer attended and found a group of people playing football.  The Officer did not believe that members of the Travelling Community were going to arrive at this location.

v)    Communication Working Groups – The next Newsletter would be out very soon.

vi)   Other -

a)   To consider providing a water butt at the Bird & Ham bus stop. It was decided that this could wait to the 2015 budget.

b)   To consider providing a dog waste bin at the junction of Greenacres and Westlands Farm. The Clerk was asked in the first instance to contact the Harbour Conservancy to determine if they could provide a bin.

c)   To consider providing a general waste bin at the Bird & Ham bus stop. The Clerk was authorised to spend up to £100.00 to provide such a bin. The residents at the Bird & Ham had volunteered to ensure that bin was emptied on a regular basis.

56-14 Reports of meetings attended by Councillors;

          There were none

57-14 Items for inclusion on the next agenda:

58-14 Date of Next Meeting:


20th October 2014 at 7pm in Birdham Village Hall


There being no further business to discuss the meeting was declared closed at 9.08pm


Signed ___________________________   Dated ____________________




Annex a

Birdham Parish Council
Financial Statement as at 15th September 2014


Bank Accounts as at 31st March 2014


Receipts to date


Expenditure to date




Represented by;
Current Account (Barclays Community A/c)


Deposit Account (Barclays Premium Business A/c)


National Savings




Reserve @ 50% of Precept


Loan Reserve for half year


Outstanding Cheque/s -


Available Funds


            Signed              Clerk to the Council     15th September 2014           Payments to be considered    B Geary (Litter Picking)


Clerks Expenses (Telephone/Postage/Salary Inc)


A Dover (Grass/Bus Stops)


M H Kennedy & Son (Grass)


SSALC Limited (Chairman’s Networking Day)


Information Commissioners (Data Protection registration)


Broker Network (Parish Council Insurance)


CPRE (Subscription)


PKF Littlejohn (External Auditor)


