Delegated decisions 22nd May 2014

Delegated decisions 22nd May 2014


BI/14/00959/DOM Mr Paul Simmons Broomers Barn  Lock Lane Birdham

Relocation of rear garden gate and boat parking. PERMIT

BI/14/01012/FUL St James Parochial Church Council St James Church Church Lane Birdham

Two storey linked annexe. PERMIT

Planning Applications 22nd May 2014


BI/14/01361/DOM - Case Officer: - Natalie McKellar - Other Dev - Householder Developments

Mr & Mrs N Von Schirnding Hammonds Farm  Westlands Lane Birdham

Single storey rear extension and conservatory and associated works, new bedroom and bathroom in roof space with 2 new dormer windows and associated works, demolition of small extension and existing conservatory, reduced ground levels as shown on the plan with levels. Closing up of existing pedestrian access onto Westlands Lane.

O.S. Grid Ref. 482104/100363

BI/14/01362/LBC - Case Officer: - Natalie McKellar - Other Dev - LBC's Alter/Extend

Mr & Mrs N Von Schirnding Hammonds Farm  Westlands Lane Birdham

Single storey rear extension and conservatory and associated works, new bedroom and bathroom in roof space with 2 new dormer windows and associated works, demolition of small extension and existing conservatory, reduced ground levels as shown on the plan with levels. Closing up of existing pedestrian access onto Westlands Lane.

O.S. Grid Ref. 482104/100363

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on the 22nd April 2014


Birdham Parish Council


Minutes of the

Meeting of the Parish Council

 held on Tuesday 22nd April 2014

at 7pm in Birdham Village Hall


Present:                     Cllr Finch (Chairman), Cllr Cobbold (Vice Chairman), Cllr Barker, Cllr Hamilton and

                                                Cllr Ayton, from item 127-13 Cllr Pocock and Cllr Harker


 In attendance:             The Clerk, Cllr Montyn (WSCC & CDC), Cllr Marshall (CDC) and 14 members of the public.

 Prior to the commencement of the meeting the Clerk read out a letter from Cllr Grafham tendering his resignation due to work commitments and family life. The Chairman, the Clerk and the Council expressed disappointment with Cllr Grafhams decision but understood the reasons for it. He was thanked for his contribution to the life and work of the Council who also wished him well.

 123-13 Public Question time in accordance with Standing Orders 1d -1l:

              A resident asked if it was possible for some of the monies available from the NH Bonus could be used to enhance the conference facilities at the Village Hall which would also include a Wi-Fi system.

              The Clerk said if this was a project supported by the community in Birdham then it may well stand a chance.

              A resident asked if the Council would also make comments concerning the A286 when responding to planning applications. The Chairman said this was already being carried out where appropriate.

              124-13 Declaration of Interests:

There were none.

 125-13 Approve and sign the Minutes of the meeting held on the 17th March 2014:

            It was resolved to adopt and sign the minutes of the 17th March 2014 as a true and accurate record.

 126-13 Co-option of new Councillors:

Cllr Barker introduced this item saying for some considerable time the Council had been operating with a reduced number of Councillors. She went on to say the Council had recently received two applications to be co-opted and after a very brief interview she was pleased to propose that Mr J Harker and Mr L Pocock be co-opted onto Birdham Parish Council.

It was resolved that Mr Harker and Mr Pocock be co-opted onto Birdham Parish Council as Councillors.

Cllrs Harker and Pocock having been asked to come to the table both signed their Declarations of Office as Co-opted Councillors and were welcomed by the Chairman.

 127-13 Matters arising from the minutes of the 19th November 2012:

Minute 89-12 - Land Bequest.The Clerk said there appeared to be some movement on the transfer insomuch as the AS1 document was found to be inaccurate and was now going back to the Executors for amendment.

128-13 Clerks’ Report:

i)     WSCC – The Clerk said that he nothing to report at this time

ii)    CDC – The Clerk said that he had nothing to report at this time.

iii)     Reports from Members of WSCC/CDC – Cllr Marshall (CDC) said that the Local Plan was due to come forward to the next meeting of Council however the Government had increased the housing numbers which may impact on the draft plan.

Cllr Montyn (WSCC) said the planning application for the transit site for Gypsies and Travellers would be taken at the next planning meeting and was likely to be adopted.

He went on to say the Highway Department were not happy with the Clappers Lane application and was likely to oppose it.

A further £1m had been allocated to the Op Watershed fund and talks would be underway soon to resolve the Walwyn Close/Church Lane flooding.

Cllr Ayton asked what was to happen to the spoil resulting from the hole to measure the water table. Cllr Montyn said that he presumed that this would be dealt with once a decision had been made on the upcoming talks.

Cllr Cobbold said that she was not happy with the way that housing numbers could change after the completion of the Public Consultation had taken place.

iv)     Other related matters – The CIL draft policy was again debated and generally accepted with the exception of the paragraph dealing with land allocation rather than financial payment. The Clerk was asked to bring this matter to the attention of the CDC.

129-13 Finance and Corporate:

i)    To receive and approve the financial report.

The Clerk presented the financial reports for the months of April (shown at annex a). The current balances for April are;

Balances held at Bank


Designated Funds


Available Funds





£    845.46

The Clerk offered to answer any questions that Councillors may have.

It was resolved to adopt the Financial Report.

ii)   The Clerk again referred to the New Homes Bonus value of £13056.00 and the benefits that could be obtained for the community should a project supported by the community come forward. He urged all to give it some serious thought rather than lose the opportunity and of course the funding.

130-13 To receive an update on the Neighbourhood Plan –

The Chairman said that very little had changed since the last meeting but that Cllr Ayton would be giving a more detailed update at the Annual Meeting of the Parish.

131-13Planning matters including applications and CDC delegated decisions:

 i)     Planning Applications to be Decided

BI/14/00598/FUL Premier Marinas Former Chandlery Building Chichester Marina

Change of use of ground floor from retail (Use Class A1) and restaurant (Use Class A3) to create five self-contained two-bedroom residential units (Use Class C3).   Replacement of existing flat roof with pitched roof including dormer windows to create upper levels to the existing flats. Withdrawn

BI/14/00632/DOM Mr and Mrs Lawrence Pirie the Old Bird and Ham Main Road Birdham

Proposed replacement garden room, new tiled roof to store/utility. Refurbishment works to existing single storey tile roofs and 2 no. replacement windows to south-east elevation.

No Objection but would request a condition is raised to protect the architectural elements such as the hitching rings and sash windows are retained.

BI/14/00633/LBC Mr and Mrs Lawrence Pirie the Old Bird and Ham Main Road Birdham

Proposed replacement garden room, new tiled roof to store/utility, refurbishment works to existing single storey tile roofs and 2 no. replacement windows to south-east elevation.

No Objection but would request a condition is raised to protect the architectural elements such as the hitching rings and sash windows are retained.

BI/14/00959/DOM Broomers Barn, Lock Lane, Birdham,  

Relocation of rear garden gate and boat parking. No Objection.

BI/14/01062/LBC Well House, Lock Lane, Birdham

Re-build unstable chimney 'like for like'. No Objection.

It was resolved to authorise the Clerk to notify CDC of the Councils decisions.

ii) Delegated Decisions to be noted.

BI/14/00123/DOM Mr Lee Stephenson Glen Iris Bell Lane Birdham

New side dormer to roof. PERMIT

BI/14/00036/DOM Mr and Mrs R Phillips Hundred Steddles House Hundredsteddle Lane Birdham

Demolition of existing garden store/garage and erection of new garden store/garage. PERMIT

 The delegated decisions were noted.

 132-13 Correspondence – Not previously circulated: Nil   

133-13 Reports:

i)      Play Area and Playing Field. – The Clerk gave an update on the situation with the car park extension and the height restriction barriers.

ii)     Village Green and Pond – The Clerk said that he was waiting for a report that was to be published shorty by the Wetlands Officer, Tony Burnand.

Mr Barrington said that a meeting was to be held on the 30th April at which it was hoped the report mention by the Clerk would be available. He went on to suggest that an idea was being put forward that the pond should be extended to create both a destination for residents and also to act as an additional reservoir to hold flood waters. Considerable work had yet to be done including authority from the owners of the adjacent field.

iii)    Condition of Village Ditch/Drain Network. – Mr Barrington said the ditches in Walwyn Close had now been cleared but the ditches from Walwyn Close to the bus stop were in need of work. Under the auspices of the Birdham and Earnley Flood Prevention Group he was preparing to contact the riparian owners to get work done prior to the onset of winter.

iv)   Police and Neighbourhood Watch – There was nothing to report.

v)    Communication Working Groups – The Chairman said the newsletter was in the process of being delivered but she did need more people to help with the delivery. Any volunteers would be much appreciated.

vi)   Other -             Nil

 134-13 Reports of meetings attended by Councillors;

          Cllr Churchill said he had attended a meeting of the Village Hall Trustees where the main slant of the discussion was how to increase the use of the hall and by doing so its revenue income. At the AGM the accounts had been presented and appeared to be very healthy.

 135-13 Items for inclusion on the next agenda: Nil 

136-13 Date of Next Meeting:


19th May 2014 (Annual Meeting of the Council) at 7pm in Birdham Village Hall


There being no further business to discuss the meeting was declared closed at 8.22pm






                        Signed ___________________________   Dated ____________________








Annex a

Birdham Parish Council

Financial Statement as at 21st April 2014


Bank Accounts as at 31st March 2014


Receipts to date


Expenditure to date




Represented by;

Current Account (Barclays Community A/c)


Deposit Account (Barclays Premium Business A/c)


National Savings





Reserve @ 50% of Precept


Loan Reserve for half year


Outstanding Cheque/s -



Available Funds



Clerk to the Council

21st April 2014

Payments to be considered

B Geary (Litter Picking)


Clerks Expenses (Telephone etc.)


WSALC Ltd (SALC & NALC Subscription)


Southern Electric (Village Lighting)





Agenda for the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council on the 19th May 2014


Birdham Parish Council

28 Langdale Avenue, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 8JQ

Tel : 01243 790402  Fax : 01243 784478

Email : Website :


Clerk to the Council : David J Siggs






I hereby give you notice that the Annual Meeting of Birdham Parish Council is to be held on Monday 19th May 2014 in the Main Hall at Birdham Village Hall at 7pm and all members of the Council are hereby summoned to attend

David J Siggs - Clerk to the Councill


1. Election of Chairman

2. Election of Vice-Chairman

3. Public Question Time. In accordance with Standing Orders 1d – 1l

4. Declaration of interests

5. Approve and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 22nd April 2014

6. Matters arising

            i) Land bequeathed to the Council

7. To appoint Members to outside bodies;

  i) Civil Protection Emergency/Resilience Planning

  ii) Village Hall Trustees

 iii) Manhood Mobility Volunteer Service

  v) Peninsula Community Forum

8. Clerk’s Report including:

            i) WSCC Reports, highways matters and correspondence

            ii) CDC reports including correspondence

            iii) Reports from Members of WSCC/CDC if appropriate

            v) Other related matters

9. To consider and approve Councillor Membership of the following committees and working groups.(see Annex A)

            i) Staffing Committee

            ii) Communications Working Group

iii) Resilience/Emergency Planning Working Group

iv) Play Park & Playing Field

10. Finance

i) To receive and approve a financial report

ii) To receive and approve the report of the Internal Auditor

iii) To approve and sign the External Audit Report

11. To receive a report on the Neighbourhood Plan

12. Planning matters including applications and CDC decisions


BI/14/00760/DOM - Mr James Grant Coppice Barn Church Lane Birdham

Replacement of outbuilding with new studio and games room at Coppice Barn. To extend the east by 1.3 metres from original accepted plan.

 BI/14/01095/DOM - Gillian Asling and Michael Parker Fairlight  Crooked Lane Birdham

Rear extension and loft conversion.

                BI/14/01213/FUL - Mrs Holly Junak Houseboat Eloise  Chichester Canal Birdham Chichester

Split level floating home replacing an existing houseboat.

 Decisions – If any to be noted

 BI/13/03967/FUL Mr R Felton Harbour House 22 Greenacres Birdham

            Demolition of existing house, construction of a replacement dwelling and garage and associated landscaping. PERMIT

 BI/14/00408/DOM Mr And Mrs Oliver Moorings Westlands Estate Birdham

Replacement summerhouse. PERMIT

 BI/14/00598/FUL Premier Marinas Former Chandlery Building  Chichester Marina

Change of use of ground floor from retail (Use Class A1) and restaurant (Use Class A3) to create five self-contained two-bedroom residential units (Use Class C3).   Replacement of existing flat roof with pitched roof including dormer windows to create upper levels to the existing flats. WITHDRAWN

13. Correspondence - Not previously circulated to be noted

14. Reports:

            i) Play area and playing field

            ii) Village green and pond

iii) Condition of Village Drain/Ditch Network

            iv) Police & Neighbourhood Watch

            v) Communication Working Group

            vi) Other – To include a decision on the bus stop at the old Bird & Ham.

15. Reports of meetings attended by councillors

16. Date of next meeting 16th June 2014




Annex A


Birdham Parish Council

28 Langdale Avenue, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 8JQ

Tel : 01243 790402 

Email : Website :


Clerk to the Council : David J Siggs




                                                              Outside Body Appointments







Village Hall Trust

Cllr Finch

Cllr Barker

Cllr Churchill


Manhood Mobility Forum


Peninsula Forum



Cllr Barker


Membership of Committees/Working Groups



Play Park & Playing Field


Staffing Committee

Cllr Cobbold

Cllr Barker


Communications Working Group

Cllr Finch

Cllr Barker


Planning Committee

All Councillors

Resilience/Emergency Planning

Cllr Finch

Cllr Barker


Cllr Marshall (CDC)