Minutes of the Council Meeting held on the 20th January 2014

Minutes of the Council Meeting held on the 20th January 2014


Birdham Parish Council


Minutes of the

Meeting of the Parish Council

 held on Monday 20th January 2014

at 7pm in Birdham Village Hall


Present:                     Cllr Finch (Chairman), Cllr Grafham, Cllr Hamilton, Cllr Ayton, Cllr Churchill

 Apologies:                   Cllr Cobbold (Vice Chairman) and Cllr Barker


 In attendance:              The Clerk, Cllr Montyn (WSCC & CDC), Cllr Marshall (CDC) and 17 members of the public.

 94-13 Public Question time in accordance with Standing Orders 1d -1l:

              There were none.      

95-13 Declaration of Interests:

There were none. 

96-13 Approve and sign the Minutes of the meeting held on the 16th December 2013:

              It was resolved to adopt the minutes of the 16th December 2013 as a true and accurate record.

97-13 Matters arising from the minutes of the 19th November 2012:

Minute 89-12 - Land Bequest.The Clerk said that he had nothing to report. 

98-13 Clerks’ Report:

i) WSCC – There was nothing to report

ii)  CDC The Clerk reported that he had received notification from CDC that the previously permitted development rights that had existed within the Somerley Conservation area are now no longer permitted with effect from the 22nd January 2014 and are now subject to planning law found under Part lll of the Town and Country planning Act 1990 (as amended).

iii)Other related matters – There were none.

iv)  Reports from Members of WSCC/CDC – Cllr Montyn (WSCC) said that he was extremely concerned about the cumulative impact of development on the Manhood and in particular the impact on roads. He considered that more needed to be done on the traffic modelling by WSCC and particular he felt that greater use of Para 32 of the NPPF should be used when deciding planning applications. He was encouraging Parish Councils to write to the WSCC highways and CDC objecting to the 200 home development at Bracklesham citing Para 32 of the NPPF as one of the reasons for objection.

Cllr Montyn went on to say the residents may have seen reports of £32m to be spent on unclassified roads throughout the County. The roads are those not controlled by the Highways Agency ie non trunk roads. It has been decided that the money is to be spent on repairing the roads properly rather than just filling pot holes and carrying out patch repairs. The money will come from the reserves and will be an investment for the future.

He then said on the subject of flooding that he was trying very hard to get a meeting with Southern Water to determine what the current situation is regarding flooding in and on the Manhood and would feed back any information that he can get.

A Resident asked that if the pump at Court Barn Lane failed for whatever reason and untreated sewage gets into the Pool and Harbour are Southern Water duty bound to report it?

Cllr Montyn said that the answer was no, they only have to report on the plants at Apuldram and the Witterings.

There were no further questions for Cllr Montyn who apologised and left to attend another meeting. 

Cllr Marshall (CDC) said that he did not have a great deal to say other than everything seemed to be ok as far as the budget was concerned, and that it would be going before Council shortly.   

99-13 Finance and Corporate:

i)    To receive and approve the financial report.

The Clerk presented the financial report for the month (shown at annex a) which showed the following balances;


Balances held at Bank


Designated Funds


Available Funds

£  8463.43




£  2587.72



The Clerk offered to answer any questions that Councillors may have. 

It was resolved to adopt the Financial Report. 

100-13   To receive an update on the Neighbourhood Plan – Vin Brooks – Vice Chair of the NP Steering Group to report.

Her report can be found at annex b to these minutes. 

101-13Planning matters including applications and CDC delegated decisions:

i)     Planning Applications to be Decided 

BI/13/03954/ADV Longmeadow Main Road Birdham

Erection of 5no fascia signs and 4no flag poles.

It is now extremely inappropriate to continue to refer to the site as Longmeadow when the site is listed as Old Common Close and has been Old Common Close for some considerable time. In addition the advertising for more land on the sales hoardings is most inappropriate! 

Equally, as was pointed out in our objection comments to the original application, 12/03383/ADV, the signs and flags are in contravention of the Town & Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) Regulations 2007 and as amended 2012. Under Class 7 (Flag Advertisements) it states at 7B (1) that “No advertisement is permitted within an AONB”. Even if they were permitted, 7B(2)(a) states that only two flags should be allowed for 10-100 houses and 7B(3) states the flag staffs should be no more than 4.6m tall – whereas the present ones are 6m. 

Furthermore, under Class 3, it would also appear that the two large signs in particular do not meet the requirements under Conditions 3A and 3C. They exceed the permitted size, are within 10m of the highway and there should only be one board. In addition, illumination is not permitted. 

Birdham Parish Council objected to the original application for signs on this development as excessive and obtrusive. This application is no better and merely perpetuates an unsightly and unacceptable level of advertisement in this area of special advertising control over an unreasonably extended period of time. The appearance of this site is not improved by this inappropriate signage. The developers may find they have more success in selling the properties if they remove the signs and allow the charming, rural nature of this location to reassert itself. 

Birdham Parish Council therefore STRONGLY OBJECTS to this application for the reasons and observations stated. 

BI/13/04015/DOM Mr & Mrs Hendy 12 Walwyn Close Birdham

PVCu Orangery/Conservatory to rear and side of property. The Parish Council raised No Objection to this application. 

BI/13/04180/TPA - Case Officer: Henry Whitby - Mr Claughton 26 Walwyn Close Birdham

Reduce eastern sector by 2.5m, remove 1 no. limb at 5m on south-west sector (diameter of 20cm) and deadwood on 1 no. Oak tree (T6) subject to BI/97/00037/TPO.

The Parish Council are content to abide by the decision of the CDC Case Officer. 

BI/13/04080/DOM - Houseboat Living The Dream, Chichester Marina, Birdham

Extension to houseboat consisting of additional floor for the purpose of garden and gallery/studio.

(The drawings submitted for this application are named as Houseboat Tranquillity, as such we have assumed that a change of name/occupier has occurred.) The Parish Council considered that the application would have a considerable visual impact on its neighbours both on the Canal and to the landward side of the Canal and therefore wished TO OBJECT to this application.

BI/13/04165/DOM - Hundredsteddle Hundredsteddle Lane Birdham Chichester PO20 7BL

Demolish existing garage/workshop, construct car port, and kitchen extension. Minor internal alterations and some replacement windows. The Parish Council raised NO OBJECTION to this application.


BI/13/04164/LBC- Hundredsteddle Hundredsteddle Lane Birdham Chichester PO20 7BL

Demolish existing garage/workshop, construct car port, and kitchen extension. Minor internal alterations and some replacement windows. The Parish Council raised NO OBJECTION to this application. 

It was resolved to authorise the Clerk to forward the decisions of the Parish Council to DC Planning

ii)   Delegated Decisions to be noted

BI/13/03393/DOM Mr Henry Slack & Miss Pippa Nixon Hundredsteddle Hundredsteddle Lane

Demolish existing garage/workshop, construct double garage, kitchen and dining area, internal alterations and new windows. REFUSE 

BI/13/03394/LBC Mr Henry Slack & Miss Pippa Nixon Hundredsteddle Hundredsteddle Lane

Demolish existing garage/workshop, construct double garage, kitchen and dining area, internal alterations and new windows. REFUSE

BI/13/03742/DOM Mr M Holmes Belland House Main Road Birdham

Two storey side and rear extensions and rear sun room. PERMIT

 The delegated decisions were noted.

iii)           Community Right to Buy Scheme.

The Clerk briefly outlined the scheme and what was required and requested that residents offer up suggestions to him that may well be candidates that should be considered. It was suggested at the meeting that the Cricket Ground might fall into that category.

102-13 Correspondence – Not previously circulated:

            The Clerk reported that he had received an email from Mr James Fraser stating that he was the agent for the Birdham Pool Marina. Since the last application they have submitted a complete set of revised information. As a result they wished to make a presentation to Council. It was suggested that they may wish to make their presentation at the next meeting of the Council or hold an open day.

The Clerk was authorized to make contact with Mr Fraser and see what could be arranged. (Post meeting note – arranged for the meeting of the 17th February)

103-13 Reports:

i)      Play Area and Playing Field. – The Clerk reported that he had had a meeting with a company to determine the possibility and cost of draining the playing field. At the time of reporting he had not received any information or costings. The Clerk went on to say that the extension to the car park was taking much longer to complete than he had envisaged, he had chased it and was told that because of current problems elsewhere resources had been stretched to the limit.

ii)     Village Green and Pond – The Clerk had had a site meeting with a contractor to determine what could be done with the pond and was now awaiting a formal proposal. In the meantime Cllr Cobbold had received some information from the MWHG who had said that they had received some funding and they wished to do some work on the pond. Full information has not yet been received.

iii)    Condition of Village Ditch/Drain Network. – Mr Barrington reported that 3 walks of the village ditch and drain network had now been completed. The current weather situation had given the opportunity to see that not a lot of flooding had taken place. A small ditch culvert had been cleared a water was now flowing through it. A meeting had been held with local farmers of the land by Court Barn Lane who were being very helpful.

Sidlesham Lane had yet to be mapped. The group were now looking for contractors to obtain costings etc.

iv)   Police and Neighbourhood Watch – There was nothing to report.

v)    Communication Working Groups – The Chairman said she expected the next newsletter to be available from the beginning of March.

vi)   Other -

104-13 To receive a report from Cllr Ayton on speeding in and around the Village (Deferred from the 18th November meeting)

          Deferred for further information from PCSO Bainbridge

 105-13 Reports of meetings attended by Councillors;

          Cllr Ayton said that he and a number of residents had met with the Chairman of the Marina who did recognise that Birdham was a village. Stages 1 of the works are already in progress, stage 2 will see the landscaping work commence followed by the remaining stages over a longer period. The Chairman had spoken to the yacht club about the resurfacing of the road leading to the club.

          A resident asked if they were putting houseboats in the Marina.

          Cllr Ayton said that there are vacant berths and could be a possibility in the future.

 106-13 Items for inclusion on the next agenda:         

107-13 Date of Next Meeting:


17th February 2014 at 7pm in Birdham Village Hall


There being no further business to discuss the meeting was declared closed at 8.05pm






                        Signed ___________________________   Dated ____________________








Annex a

Birdham Parish Council

Financial Statement as at 20th January 2014


Bank Accounts as at 31st March 2013


Receipts to date


Expenditure to date




Represented by;

Current Account (Barclays Community A/c)


Deposit Account (Barclays Premium Business A/c)


National Savings





Reserve @ 50% of Precept


Loan Reserve for half year


Outstanding Cheque/s -





Available Funds



Clerk to the Council

20th January 2014

Payments to be considered

B Geary (Litter Picking)


Clerks Expenses (Telephone)


Birdham Village Hall Trust (Meeting Rooms for NP)


A Dover (Village Green/Bus Stops)


Access by design (Hosting and Media Link)


Expenses Cllr Barker (Tree Planting)


Southern Electric (Village Lighting)


AiRS (Neighbourhood Plan Final Payment)










Annex B






Allthefocusgroupshavebeenworkinghardontheir individualpolicies.Thesepoliciesarenowstarting totakeshape.OncethesepolicieshavebeenratifiedbytheSteeringGrouptheywillbeshowntoour NeighbourhoodPlanningconsultantstomakesuretheyaresolidpoliciesintermsofplanning rulesand regulations.


Another on-goingtaskfortheteamistosourceallthesupportingevidencedocumentsfor allaspectsof theNP.Thisisanessentialbuttime-'consumingaspectwhichisrequiredto ensure the final plan is robustenoughtowithstandanychallengeduringaplanningprocess.


Clive'sinputintotheteamhasbeenimmense.Hehasputpressureontheteamand motivatedusallto thesupplyhim withtheinformationtoincorporateintothe draftNPdocument.


OverthelastmonthClivehaswrittenagreatdealofthebackgroundtext.Hehasinsertedthedraft visionandobjectivestogether withsomeofthedraftpolicies.Therest of thepolicieswill beincludedin thedocument whentheyareapproved.WearehavingournextSGmeetingon5Februaryatwhichwe hopetohavethefirstcomplete draft availablefortheSGtoreview.Thenextstageforuswillbetoshow thedraftplanto our twoplanningconsultantsfor comment.


Itisstillverymuchworkinprogressbutwearemakinggoodheadway.Iwouldliketothankeveryone for their continuedinput in thisproject.


Agenda for the Parish Council Meeting of the 17th February 2014


Birdham Parish Council

28 Langdale Avenue, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 8JQ

Tel : 01243 790402

Email : clerk@birdhamparishcouncil.org.uk Website : www.birdham.org.uk


Clerk to the Council : David J Siggs




Members are hereby summoned to attend a Meeting of Birdham Parish Council to be held on at 7pm on Monday 17th February 2014 in the Main Hall at Birdham Village Hall, Birdham.

David J Siggs - Clerk to the Council



1. Public Question Time: (In accordance with Standing Orders 1d – 1l)

2. Declaration of interests and granting of dispensations if any:

3. Approve and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 20th January 2014

4. Matters Arising

            i) Land bequest to the Council

5. Clerks Report including:

            i) WSCC Reports, highways matters and correspondence

            ii) CDC Reports including correspondence

            iii) To receive reports from Division Members of WSCC and Ward Members of CDC as appropriate.

            iv) Other related matters

6. Finance and corporate:

            i) To receive and approve a financial report.

ii) To receive the Clerks report on the New Homes Bonus

7. To receive an update on the position of the Neighbourhood Plan

8. Planning matters including applications and CDC delegated decisions.

            i) Planning Applications to be decided.

BI/13/04211/FUL - Premier Marinas Limited Premier Marinas Limited Chichester Marina Birdham

Refurbishment of the external walls with small rear infill to improve the appearance of the existing building.

 BI/14/00036/DOM - Mr & Mrs R Phillips Hundred Steddles House Hundredsteddle Lane Birdham

Demolition of existing garden store/garage and erection of new garden store/garage.

BI/14/00099/DOM - Mr J McGregor Patches Crooked Lane Birdham Chichester

Extensions and alterations.

 BI/13/04137/DOM - Mr & Mrs D Armstrong Cowdry Barn Birdham Road Birdham

Convert single storey triple carport into annex extension with double garage secure extension to existing structure.

 BI/14/00123/DOM - Mr Lee Stephenson Glen Iris  Bell Lane Birdham

New side dormer to roof.

 BI/14/00044/DOM - Mr Edward Hutson Middle Cottage 2 The Barn Crooked Lane Birdham

Demolish existing single storey rear extension and erect new single storey rear extension with internal ground floor alterations.

 ii) Delegated Decisions to be noted.

BI/13/01357/DOM Mr J Ireland Dragonsfield Westlands Estate Birdham

Proposed double garage. PERMIT

 BI/13/03939/DOM Harriet Investments Ltd Bees Pescotts Close Birdham

New side extension to existing bungalow and new car port to front together with improvements to the appearance of the existing flat roof at rear. PERMIT

BI/13/03834/DOM Mr N Cottrell Ffolletts Thatch  Sidlesham Lane Birdham

Single storey side extension, front porch, re cladding of elevations and pitched roof over existing flat roof. PERMIT

 9. Correspondence - Not previously circulated to be noted.

10. Reports

            i) Play area and playing field

            ii) Village Green and pond –

            iii) Condition of Village Drain/Ditch Network

            iv) Police & Neighbourhood Watch

            v) Communication Working Group

            vi) Other

11. To receive a report from Cllr Ayton on speeding in and around the Village. (Deferred from the 18th November, the 16th December 2013 and the 20th January 2014 meetings)

12. Reports of meetings attended by Councillors

13. Items for inclusion on next agenda.

14. Date of Next Meeting 17th March 2014








Delegated decisons 13th February 2014


BI/13/03954/ADV Mr D Schofield Longmeadow Main Road Birdham

Retention of 3 x double sided free standing signs, 2 x free standing signs and 4 flagpoles.



BI/13/04015/DOM Mr & Mrs Hendy 12 Walwyn Close Birdham

PVCu orangery conservatory to rear/side of property.

